
Chapter 48 Crazy; Pricing

Chapter 48 Crazy; Pricing

" ... " The silence in Julia\'s office was palpable. Two women stood motionless, their gaze fixed on Elian\'s room, or rather in his direction, their eyes somehow penetrating the walls to witness his actions and hear his words.

They didn\'t even need to physically look into the room to observe Elian; they perceived him with uncanny clarity. Yet a few minutes ago, their eyes had found themselves drawn to the room, as if trying to decipher the events unfolding there.

The silence, once heavy with worry, was soon shattered.

"Perhaps you were right?" Sylv questioned in a voice laced with uncertainty. She had initially perceived Elian as possessing the same level of rationality as herself, confident in his ability to handle the situation calmly. However, a few minutes ago, Elian had inexplicably begun conversing in an unfamiliar tongue, his laughter echoing through the room as he doubled over on his knees. Sylv couldn\'t help but wonder if she had overestimated his resilience, if the strain of his predicament was slowly driving him to the brink of madness.

"Should I check on him?" Sylv inquired of the silent Julia, her curiosity piqued by the unusual sounds emanating from Elian\'s room. She longed to scan his brain to unravel the mysteries behind his actions.

"No, not yet," Julia replied, her voice breaking the tense silence that had hung heavy in the air for what seemed like an eternity. She turned to Sylv, her eyes filled with concern. "Do you understand what he\'s saying?"

Sylv shook her head, her brow furrowed in confusion. The language Elian spoke was completely alien to her, an anomaly in the spirit realm where any form of communication was readily understood. Yet, she couldn\'t decipher a single syllable of his current utterance. Perhaps he was merely spouting meaningless gibberish, but the fluency with which he spoke suggested otherwise. If that was indeed the case, it raised the intriguing question of why Sylv couldn\'t comprehend his words.

Despite her perplexity, Sylv couldn\'t help but smile at the thought of Elian\'s endless surprises. In less than a week, he had consistently challenged her perception of the world, forcing her to re-evaluate her understanding of reality. She yearned to engage in a meaningful conversation with him, to unravel the depths of his enigmatic nature.

However, her reverie was abruptly interrupted by a piercing glare from Julia, who could easily read the spirit\'s wandering thoughts. With a stern expression, Julia warned, "Control yourself, Sylvanara." Her words carried a weight of authority, a reminder of their delicate situation. "I won\'t repeat myself," she added, her glare intensifying as she fixed her gaze on Sylv.

Sylv flinched under Julia\'s stern gaze, her playful demeanor dissolving into a mix of apprehension and regret. The spirit\'s impulsive nature had once again landed her in trouble, and she could only bear the weight of Julia\'s disapproval until the storm passed.


As if a lifeline, the shrill ring of a phone pierced the tense silence, its source traced back to Elian\'s room. The unexpected sound snapped Julia\'s attention away from Sylv, her curiosity piqued by the unfamiliar ringtone. She couldn\'t recall the last time her son had received a call.

Julia watched from a distance as Elian picked up the phone, his expression a mix of curiosity and apprehension. She strained to catch fragments of the conversation, her ears perked up like a hunting dog\'s. Privacy? In her own house? The concept was foreign to her.

Technically, Elian was the heir, the rightful owner of the mansion, but did that alter her stance on privacy? Absolutely not. The house was her domain, her sanctuary, and she would not cede control over its every corner.

As Elian\'s conversation progressed, Julia couldn\'t help but mutter under her breath, "It\'s already that bad?" A wry smile crept onto her face, a hint of mischief dancing in her eyes. Perhaps this unexpected development would serve as a welcome distraction, diverting Elian\'s attention from the grief that gnawed at his heart.


Five minutes had passed before Elian found himself strolling down the hallways, deep in contemplation over the recent revelations concerning Ark\'s book, which was now in his possession. The sheer incredulity of what he\'d just absorbed lingered in his mind. Through his inquiries directed at the book-still unnamed-he had gleaned a wealth of information.

Repeated mentions of a "keeper" within the book undeniably pointed to Ark. It became apparent that Ark had played a pivotal role in the book\'s creation, but now, bound to Elian, it recognized him as its sole and ultimate Master. This understanding alleviated Elian\'s concerns about potential surveillance by Ark, at least not through the book itself. Yet, regardless of its form, Elian was aware of Ark\'s capacity to observe him, or almost anyone in the universe. Nevertheless, Ark had his own constraints; he couldn\'t meddle or communicate with anything or anyone within the universe.

At least, that was the case until he accepted Elian as his disciple. While Ark\'s ability to interfere with the universe remained restricted, he could now communicate with Elian, a privilege that came at a hefty price. This meant that Ark would likely sparingly exercise this ability, choosing his moments wisely.

However, the benefits of this discipleship extended beyond communication. Elian discovered that he could effectively purchase any knowledge possessed by anyone in the universe. This opened up a realm of possibilities, granting him access to any information he desired,

Want to know the color of the King\'s underwear? No problem!

Need to know if God exists? I can help with that!

Curious about the Planck epoch? I\'ve got you covered!

Want to know the secret recipe for Coca-Cola? That one might be a bit tricky, but I\'ll do my best!

However, each piece of knowledge comes with a unique price determined by hundreds of parameters. Among these, the primary factors that Elian grasped were,

Firstly, the number of individuals possessing that knowledge. For instance, basic math or most fundamental knowledge is nearly costless since it\'s widespread and known by nearly everyone. Hence, the more widely known a piece of information is, the more affordable it becomes.

The second factor that influences the cost of knowledge is the \'existence level\' of the individuals who possess it. Although Elian still lacks a complete understanding of this concept, he gathered that it represents a measure of an individual\'s significance within the universe. Consequently, knowledge shared among a select group of highly influential beings, such as Ark, commands a significantly higher price compared to the same knowledge shared by a vast population of ordinary individuals. The exorbitant cost associated with the book conception stems from the fact that they are solely known to Ark, an entity of unparalleled \'existence level.\'

The third and final factor influencing the cost of knowledge was Elian\'s own \'existence level.\' The strength and influence he held within the universe directly impacted the price he paid for the knowledge he sought. The weaker he was, the more expensive knowledge became.

Elian was acutely aware that there were additional factors at play, parameters that lay beyond his current understanding. He had further inquiries, questions that gnawed at his curiosity, but the impromptu visit had forced him to postpone his talk with the book.

That\'s why he found himself strolling toward the guest room, and at last, it appeared he had arrived.

Stepping inside, Elian\'s eyes fell upon two young men perched on separate couches within the room. Their fidgeting movements and furrowed brows hinted at their evident unease, legs bouncing restlessly as they cast occasional glances toward the door, clearly awaiting his arrival with palpable anxiety.


Edited by MoonsterDark

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