
Chapter 19 - 19

Chapter 19: Chapter 19

I can\'t take the silence for long though, even more knowing that I\'m the cause of it, and the oppressing aura leaving from her makes me try to start a conversation once more:

"What were those griffins talking about with mother?" I ask, genuinely curious, but as seconds drag without a reaction from her I\'m about to give up when she finally answers, however without even turning her back to look at me as she does, simply moving forward:

"Those are the protectors of these islands. You did not think we would not have some sort of defense around here did you?"

"I don\'t know, didn\'t think much of any of that."

"Humf, it that so..." Another moment of silence.


"So what?"

"Why do we need them defending these islands? And from who?"

"Humf, and this lady thought owls were supposed to be smart... use that brain of yours, how about it humf!"

I narrow my eyes ever so slightly, but calm down the next second, knowing that she may be right and asking everything won\'t lead me anywhere, I should try to figure things out on my own too.

Figure things out... that sounds interesting. What do I know so far about this place? It is actually quite the strange setting, with these seemly natural floating islands, and yet they not only have hot cores that keep than afloat, but the strange high magical energy in its soil, perhaps from the energy the cores themselves give out, or perhaps were like this from the beginning just like the legends say.

"It may be due to our lands and their high concentration of magic." I say out loud, making her look over her shoulder until, not too far from the bed of flowers and lake, we reach some wooden barrels that have a sweet odor drifting off from them.

"What is it?"

"Honey, specially made from the hands of the fairies, we give them off at the market, especially in winter or when the food is low."

"Give? Why not sell it?"

"Tsk, talk less and help more kitty."

In the end I have to carry two small round barrels on each side, cramping my wings under them, as Lily actually uses wind magic to carry three of them in an air bubble.

"Y-you!" I say before calming myself. "You can actually use magic?!"

"What, surprised? Thought I was a worthless little lady now?" She says, a scornful look in her eyes.

"No, of course not! Sorry if I gave you that impression, is only that it was quite... unexpected."

"...Well, at least you are quite honest."

"..." Who would have thought that other magic user lay so close by? And a wind user too at that!

"Can you teach me?"




Oh, ok, I think, lowering my tail and ears down as we resume our walk down the path.

"So, is that all?"

"What?" I ask, caught by surprise when she starts a conversation with me once more, especially after my lack of consideration.

"Is that all the reasons they would attack us that you could think off?"

"Well, I-"

"Humf, then let this lady enlighten you. Not only the soil, but these ancient lands have many rare special unique items that were born as such from the centuries of us being separated from the main continent, and not only that but the creatures that live here are unique as well, most developed wings or some sort of mobility like that to adapt to the environment we live in, and even the humanoids have it, which can be sold for quite the profit down below, in more ways than one."

"Also for fairies... we have, we have many magical attributes within us, and many strange potions require some parts of us you see..." I\'m left speechless at all what she is implying, and the quick image of her and the others put inside flasks to be cut to pieces little by little crossed my mind, sending shivers down my spine.

"Anyway, not only that but these islands have a very tactical importance, not only it can rest troops and attack the continent while being impenetrable and producing resources, but it can be a great hideout."

"Thankfully just because of that we are very hard to find, following the winds and rarely following the exact same route as before, only that some annoying demons manage to find us from time to time. Supposedly only the ones born here can find this place, sensing it in the cosmos, but there are not only traitors but... other types of annoying creatures out there."

I\'ve not thought of all those possibilities, and even if I think that, given me enough time, I would have come to the same conclusion, I\'m still impressed by her overview of the subject.

"Is the same idea that we fairies have from not selling our honey, because by giving it away and not having riches back home, we do not invite hostility and the greed of thieves, though nothing can be said about the other magical reasons."

I think I can understand their reasoning, though I disagree in regards to not seeling the honey since they themselves are already the target of greed, in the end. "I see, in the end you all just to live peacefully."

"Don\'t we all?"

I suppose it is... but that does not seem right for me, or wait, not enough, to disarm oneself to avoid conflict, isn\'t that just inviting a deadly blow?

I can only see one way of protecting myself and mother, and that is, to become stronger, to know better, to hit faster and harder.

I\'m not inviting a fight with others mind you, but I\'m not afraid of getting into one to defend myself when needed.

"You see to disagree with that." I say to Lily, who gives me a confused look.

"You said so yourself, you can defend us from any trouble, and you know magic too, that does not seem the ways of your sisters."

"..." She looks surprised for the first time, and with a fleeting smile on her small face turns around before saying.

"Indeed, this lady is quite special, and this lady has had her share of experience to know that being on that level of altruism is just... na?ve."

I did not think the conversation would turn this way, but it gets me curious to know what had made her change from what seems to be the natural way of the fairies to this mouthful of a lady, however I do not find the opportunity; nor the boldness; to ask her before we finally arrive at the outpost.

"Here we are, don\'t get too far from this lady otherwise I\'ll just leave you behind!" She says before flapping her small wings with strength and speeding up, and I obediently follow suit, too aware that she did not speak empty words and, if given the opportunity, she would truly leave me behind!

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