
Chapter 2 I'm... A Chicken?!

Day 1

\'Ow… my head hurts like hell! I didn\'t imagine getting shot would be so damned painful. Damn, now I guess I\'m going to die.\'

\'… huh? It doesn\'t hurt anymore? What happened? Last thing I remember I was at the ice cream parlor with Ken and Maya. Yeah, some random dude just came in there and started shooting. Ah. That\'s right! I got shot, didn\'t I? Well that was anti-climactic. I always said I wanted to go out with a bang, I didn\'t mean it literally though.\'

It was a bit dark and cramped. I could see faint outlines of a person walking by. I seemed to be in some sort of curtain, which meant I probably wasn\'t dead. Just in some hospital. If I moved, maybe they would see me and come cater for me. With that plan set, I began to shift.

\'Super uncomfortable in here. Let me stretch out a bit.\'

My body felt heavy and weak. I was tired, but I wanted to leave this case as soon as possible. I felt like I was suspended in something. I know I wasn\'t breathing through my nose, so how was I ok? My stomach. I could feel air entering my body through my stomach. That was weird wasn\'t it? Still not the problem here. I couldn\'t move. The only part that could move was my neck, so I used my head to hit the case.

I kept on hitting the case surrounding me with this weird mask on my face. It was almost like a dog muzzle.

As I pushed for hours non-stop, I could hear something cracking, and accompanied by those cracking noises, a bright light invaded the case, nearly blinding me. Still, I pushed through and finally broke free from the darkness.

Success had never been so blinding before. Sā sā, couldn\'t the world have welcomed me in a nicer way? My eyes hurt like hell, compelling me to shut them and blink rapidly. I fell out of my case onto the cold floor, my body wet and heavy.

[Reincarnation Process… Successful]

[Congratulations. Target has completed hidden quest: Birth of the Golden Chick]

[To congratulate Target, some higher beings have decided to gift Target]

I could hear a weird automatic voice resonating in my head, so I decided to open my eyes, even though my ear drums were pinging. I felt a bit dizzy so I simply shook my head and blinked a few more times. In front of me were screens with weird things written on them.

\'What? A screen? What\'s happening right now? Re…in…carnation… pro…cess… successful? What is this?\'

[Target has been blessed with unique skill [Evolver]]

[The Ancient Goddess **** has blessed Target]

[Target has been blessed with the unique skill [God\'s Voice]]

[Target has been given the unique skill [Analyst]]

At this point, my brain was trying to process a lot of things at a go, which should have led to me breaking to be honest. There was the mysterious screen in front of me and the weird voice in my head spewing complete crap. I could actually deal with those, I guess. Then there was my eyes. They were on the sides of my face, allowing me to see everything around me. I was horrified no need say.

I could see wet yellow feathers with orange scaly feet. I tried to move my legs, but the scaly feet moved instead. Not wanting to believe what I saw, I tried moving my wet, heavy, weak arm, which resulted in the wing moving.

\'Huh?! No. What\'s going on? Why am I hearing a voice in my head? What are these weird screens? Why are my eyes on the sides of my face? Why do I have wings and scaly feet?\'

As I was thinking, trying to cope with what was happening, a massive shadow loomed over me. I looked up and was met by crimson red eyes. It wasn\'t a beast though. They belonged to a cute girl.

\'Sā sā, this is wack! Why am I looking at two massive red eyes? Why am I so small? Why the hell am I chicken!?\'

Several questions began to flood my head. Staring into those massive eyes, my reflection bounced off almost like they were mirrors. I could see my yellowish roundish figure, along with my orange beak, red beady eyes and a dull red cowlick on my head. It was more of an antenna though.

I was starting to hyperventilate, my heart rate quickening and my breathing turning haggard. I let out large breaths and suffered to get in more. My chest was hurting really bad and I was feeling dizzy. I had never had an asthma attack before. Was this how it felt? Maybe it wasn\'t, maybe it was. I couldn\'t care less. All I knew was that I was in pain.

Out of nowhere, a wave of calm hit me like this powerful gust of wind. I could feel my mind returning to normal and my breathing was stabilizing. I was able to organize my thoughts after.

\'Holy shit! So first things first, I did die. But then, I\'ve read of something called reincarnation, where you can be reborn as an animal or a person in your next life. So my next life was a chicken, huh? So disappointing. I want to cry right now!\'

I fell on my butt and let out a heavy sigh.

\'Still… the voice in my head. What is it? Some sort of sub conscience? Wait… can a sub conscience be active while I\'m conscious? No… it sounds too automatic. Then what the hell-\'

While I was thinking, a feminine voice came from the person bearing the two beautiful crimson red eyes. The owner of the voice was a girl who didn\'t look much older than fifteen. She had silver white hair which flowed wildly down to her mid back. She was looking in a different direction, making me look there as well. I saw the silhouette of a huge figure approaching us alongside this feeling that made me want to just run away.

A Stoic voice responded to her call in a weird way. This drew my attention to a large man in a white lab coat. He was a massive man that easily stood six foot five, with broad shoulders and dark skin. The man was bare chested, wearing only shorts and sandals. He was bald and wore glasses, with a nasty claw scar over his right eye. As he came more into the light, he looked more like a Mexican wrestler than a scientist in my honest opinion.

\'Did he fight a lion or something?! And what\'s with this feeling of powerlessness he gives off? I feel like I\'m going to get squashed just being in the same room with him.\'

"Da ghuo ikril des itde."

The girl said, pointing her finger at me. At this point I was convince they were speaking gibberish.

\'What? What the hell kind of language is that?\'

She then begun poking my chest. It was really ticklish and I couldn\'t help but laugh. She had a serene smile has she looked at me. I could feel the man\'s gaze on me and I dared to leer back. I instantly regretted. His lifeless leafy green eyes were observing me with an expressionless face and I gulped. They seemed to glow faintly at me.

[Due the unique skill [Evolver] you have acquired the ability [Fear Resistance]]

\'Eh? What just happened?\'

"Ki? Ser? Vers way."

The massive man walked over to where I and the girl were. He crouched, then looked at me. He then put his hand to his chin, observing me like he had been doing. Now that I looked at him, he had grey hair growing on his face, like he had shaved.

[Would you like to use [Analyst] on the target]

A screen showed up in front of me.

\'[Analyst]? What Is that?\'

<<Answer. The unique skill [Analyst]: A skill which allows its user to scan the details of things it sees. These things aren\'t limited and can go as far as people, magic, skills, items, and much more.>>

\'Eh? I-Is that so? So I basically got \'Appraisal\' as my cheat skill in this world, huh? Also who said that?\'

<<Answer. The unique skill [God\'s Voice]. Would you like an explanation of the skill? >>


<<Answer. The unique skill [God\'s Voice]: A skill which gives the user access to the information of one of the agents of the Ancient Goddess *****>>

\'Agents of the Ancient Goddess wa- ra- ka – ah whatever! What are these agents?\'

<<Answer. Direct subordinates of the Ancient Goddess *****>>

\'… I see. I\'m guessing this goddess must be some super powerful being, huh? In that case that must mean that you are an agent.\'

<<Answer. The Data of one>>

\'I see. So you are also one of my cheat skills then. Like a companion in this weird world. In that case, activate the unique skill [Analyst].\'

The screen disappeared and then it was replaced with a more massive screen.

[Name: Sotomura Senku

[Species: Human

[Class: -

[Status: Tired

[Age: 54 years

[Blessings: [-

[Titles: [-

[Level: -

[Health: - Stamina: - Mana: - Strength: - Speed: - Defense: - Dexterity: - Intelligence: 2150 Luck: -

[Skills: -

Suddenly, the screen closed on me and a new one appeared, almost giving me a heart attack.

[The skill [Analyst] has been blocked]

\'W-What the hell!? T-this old man… how can you even block my cheat skill?\'

I looked at him and he was glaring at me. He had this confused look on his face as he looked at me.

"Jukyl ryolu kan."

A new voice entered, and the old man\'s eyes shifted towards its source, his head still facing me. I didn\'t move because I had this feeling that if I shifted even a single centimeter I would die. The new voice continued talking and the old man responded. The two kept on talking for a while and the girl would jump in sometimes, until the old man sighed.

"Hmm… Fer Descisnr, gawr huk val ytio."

His expression seemed a bit… saddened. I could tell that he wasn\'t saying something that would make either the girl or I happy.

"Der yit? Guk si rek ti meh sers vish tuk."

I was beginning to get a headache following their conversation.

Shut the hell up, is what I wanted to say, but chirps escaped my mouth.

The man stood up and looked at the girl.

"Si, vi gow vro ne des. Kue ahm nema gaba dor vi.", he began walking to where he originally came from, "Sor vem falor fi Carnire dae ru dev on. Du vron vi sae tak Carnire Scylus."

"Carnire qua ruv duk som men?"

She came over to me and started poking my belly. I wanted her to cut it out. But alas, I could only chirp. The man came back, holding a purple container. The man opened up the container, and inside was a tiny black lizard, about my size. With... Wings?

\'Sā sā! Since when did Lizards have wings?\'

The girl tilted her head, as if she were thinking. The man set the container on the floor and lifted the black lizard in his palms while stroking its back. He then brought it to her face.

The girl grabbed me in her palms then lifted me up. As she lifted me up, I got a good view of the place. I was in a laboratory of sorts. The whole place was colored white, with several monitors and shelves. On the shelves there were eggs of different colors and designs, sitting on nests. And next to those eggs were tags of sorts. I couldn\'t read whatever the hell was written on them.

The man sighed again. He looked very exhausted. The girl pouted, showing her displeasure. She said something which made the man sigh, as if he had just admitted defeat. The girl grinned at the man then took the freak of nature next to me. She then looked at both of us with curious eyes.

"Seruti gerh mans du." She said. "Vi sheck du hior… Hinotori. Ne, Tori-chan ged hursh!"

\'Ah… well, I\'m totally confused. Here I was thinking latin made no sense. Wait… is this latin?\'

"Dis du, Vi el du Karma!"

The baby dragon to my side let out a yawn, and I, a sigh. It would seem that I had reincarnated as a chicken in some sort of weird laboratory, possibly in another world with weird people all around.

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