
Chapter 286 286 - Eating Rocks

Walking in, he saw his dad sleeping on the couch. "He\'s still sleeping?"

"Yeah, don\'t know why, he is sleeping more and more these days," his mum gently shook his shoulders. "Honey, Yue and Fan are home..."

His dad snapped up, wiping his eyes. "Yue... oh you\'re home.. Where did you go last night, brat? I was waiting for you all day and night. Come here,"

Yue sat next to him and hugged him tightly. "Sorry I had a lot of work in the barrack so I slept over."

Of course, he did not tell his parents that he was kidnapped and rescued. If so, they will start worrying too much.

"Yue." Tian smiled at him dazzlingly.

"oh, Tian." He hugged her as well. "How are Juda and Lui? Are they doing well?"

"Yeah, both are good. Just very tired and sleepy all the time," she led them to his parent\'s room which was now a patient room for Juda.

Poor Juda was sleeping so peacefully.

Yue gently held her hand. "Did she eat?"

"I\'m spoon-feeding her for a while. She\'s eating a bit...." Tian gently kissed her face forehead. "I hope she will get better soon."

"I know she will. You can believe Trexa\'s powers. By the way, where is Trexa..."

Tian pointed to the small cat bed close by. Trexa was sprawled with her tummy exposed.

She too, was sleeping very peacefully.

He gently caressed her soft fur. "Baby, baba is home....."

Trexa immediately sat up. "Squeak~" she happily jumped into his lap and licked his fingertips.

"Aw, my baby is always the cutest. Look at you, your fur is shinning. You\'re eating well? Don\'t only eat nuts; you have to eat your veggies too,"

Yue kissed her small head. Suddenly, he noticed something. One of Trexa\'s eyes was slightly red.

"What\'s wrong with your eye? Did you rub it.." he peered at it carefully. It did not look like the little rat rubbed it. Instead, her whole pupil was changing red. "w-what.. What is this? Tian, did you notice her eyes?"

"No, what\'s wrong?"

"They are red! Trexa baby, do you feel any different?" he gently looked all over her body. She did not have any open wounds or any sorts of lesions. "How is her appetite?"

"She has been eating well." Tian worriedly frowned. "I\'ll ask mum if she gave her anything," she ran out of the room.

Yue anxiously looked at his cute baby. Seriously, her eyes looked like they were infected... it was not a good thing.

"What is it, Yue? Is Trexa okay? Tian said her eyes are red..." she sat down next to him.

"see... her eyes are completely shifting color..." Yue worriedly looked at his mum. "Did she eat anything different? Do anything different?"

"She has been spending a lot of time near willow.. But the tree does not let her close...."

Yue froze... he knew what was happening. "fuck." He ran to the willow tree and glanced at its roots. The meteorite rock was halved in size.

"Trexa, did you eat this?"

Little Trexa did not look up at him.

"Baby, I need you to answer me. Did you eat this?"

She glanced up with her guilty-looking eyes and nodded. "Squeak squeak.. squeak..."

"Oh god, Trexa! You can\'t eat this! It\'s full of zombie virus! It\'s a bad rock. It\'s not good to eat!" he squeezed her tummy. There were a few hard bits inside her squishy belly. "When did you eat it? You have to puke it out."

"Squeak!" Trexa jumped out of his hands and onto the ground. She stood there on her hind limbs like a stubborn child. "Squeak squawk.. squeak squeak..."

"I don\'t understand. Baby, you can\'t eat that. It\'s an Ouchi. It\'s a bad thing. Eating it will kill you,"

Trexa\'s expression changed. She squeaked and pointed at the rock.

The willow trees shrunk its roots, hiding the rock.

Trexa ran to it and scratched the roots.

The poor tree was bullied into opening up. She squeezed in and came out with a small shard of the rock. "Squeak squeak..."

"Oh no, no, no. you are not eating that young lady! Drop it!"

Right before his eyes, she swallowed it.

"Trexa! Seriously. Spit it out!" he put his hands inside trying to make her puke.

Trexa wiggled out of his grip and sat there happily, chewing on the rock.

"Baby, stop it! Mum! do something! Being me a pair of tweezers!.. I don\'t know we have to make her puke it out..."

A hand gently held his shoulders.

Yue glanced back with tears in his eyes. His lover was sitting behind him, half hugging his trembling body.

"shh... calm down. Don\'t panic. Trexa is an intelligent creature. She won\'t do this without any reason."

"No Fan, she is just a rat. She just eats whatever she can. I\'ve seen her eat plastic for god\'s sake. She is stupid that way."

Trexa angrily squeaked with her tiny paws on her hips.

"Sorry baby, you are not stupid... but you made a mistake. You can\'t eat that... look at your eyes, they are changing into an Ouchi."

Trexa touched her face. With her small ball-like form she ran over to the edge of the pond and glanced at her reflection.

"your eyes..."

Trexa nodded. With a happy chirp, she jumped to him.

"Yue, she\'s okay.." Fan grabbed her gently and examined her. "Her body looks good. Only her eyes have changed. Maybe she is like that Fan Xui. His eyes are also blue,"

Only after hearing that, did Yue calm down. "Y-yes... he has blue eyes.. Maybe this is a power. But just in case, let\'s get her tested."

Trexa stiffed up in his arms.

Fan Xui looked at her weirdly. "Let\'s have Qian test her,"

"Squeak!!!" Trexa jumped out of his hands and ran away into the house.

"Trexa!" Yue ran after her. The little rat hid in the bathroom rack with her small body shivering. "Baby, they won\'t hurt you. You just need to show your face. Maybe give a little.. little blood... everything will be okay..."

Fan Xui stood by the bathroom door looking at his lover interact with the rat.

[\'it\'s.. it\'s that rat....\']

\'You know Yue\'s pet? I thought you said you never met him personally,\'

[\'Fan.. that rat is the key to the cure.\']

Fan Xui\'s heart started to pound loudly. \'Cure... you mean.. a cure for zombie virus...\'

[\'Yes. That rat is the cure. In my last life, a cure was synthesized with this rat\'s blood and tears. Go tell Qian, he can do something.\']

"Fan?" Yue stood before him, waiting for him to give way.

Fan Xui held his shoulders. "Let\'s not take her there. I bet she is good. And it\'s stressing her out,"

Yue\'s eyes teared up. "yes.. she does hate doctors... my poor Trexa was a test subject you see... my baby was tested by those cruel men.. Poked and prodded. No wonder she hates them,"

"Squeak...." Trexa nuzzled into his hand.

"No doctors.. But you have to quarantine yourself Trexa. Five days. You have to stay in your cage for five days. Don\'t come in contact with anyone, got it?"

Trexa happily licked his fingers. "squeak~"

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