
Chapter 301 301 - Breaking News

Yue tightly gripped his hand and gave him a smile. "Don\'t frown. It\'s okay."

With a sad smile, Fan cupped his face.. "I\'m not okay," he mouthed slowly.

Yue threw himself into a hug. "do you feel good now? don\'t worry so much. It\'s just hearing. I can see and talk very well. Plus my powers make it easy for me to survive. I can easily copy someone with very powerful hearing ability,"

It worked for Hary. He lacked a leg and an arm but with his powers, he was able to form metallic limbs. Just like that he can copy someone\'s ability that is apt for hearing.

He was not sure if it will work but he really wanted to reassure Fan. His lover looked like he was on the verge of tears and he did not like it one bit.

His Fan Xui should not cry for something this simple. Seeing him in tears really broke his heart.

Yue kissed his lips softly.

"so, I\'ll tell my parents that I carelessly walked alone and got hurt..."

"No!" Fan mouthed.

"My dad will hate me if he found out you were with me. I would not want that. It\'s very simple. I\'ll just tell him that I was going out for a walk but some bad man hit the back of my head. Trexa healed me, but I lost my hearing,"

Fan shook his head with his lips pursed.

Tian came in front of his face. "I\'ll help you lie," she mouthed dramatically.

"See she agrees with me. It\'s for the best,"

They came to an agreement quickly.

As they were walking home Yue suddenly had a thought. "huh.. Where is Trexa?"

They both gave him a guilty look.

Tian held out her pillow to him.

"Not the pillow. Trexa. Where is she? Is she with dad?"

Tian shook her head once again and pointed to the pillow.

Yue did not understand what she meant at all. \'Why is she pointing at a pillow?....\'

Tian pulled up the pillowcase and showed a small pink thing inside.

He curiously looked in.

It was a baby rat.

"Oh my god! Where did you guys get a baby rat..." happily he pocked the baby out. "it\'s a she. She looks very healthy and well-fed.. Look at her belly," he slightly squeezed her balloon-like belly. Suddenly, he spotted the mark. "Wait... this mark."

"Trexa," Fan mouthed.

"No way. This is Trexa gran! Why.. how?"

They both shrugged.

Yue peered at the baby rat peculiarly.

He knew Trexa was special the moment he got her. in his past life he got her as a baby similar to this. he fed her with watered-down bread and anything edible. She grew up to be a healthy big baby.

In this life he found a rat who looks like her ancestor. That\'s why he named her Trexa gran.

But... he might be wrong entirely.

La Trexa and Trexa gran might be the same rat!

"fuck... I didn\'t even realize it. she\'s the same!"

They both nodded.

Yue kissed her small pink head. "How did she become like this...."

He distinctly remembered when Fan Xui came to his rescue. He was barely conscious then but he could still hear very well. Back then he felt a small warm blood splattered on his face and his sister was crying Trexa\'s name.

\'She got sick.... from power overuse.\'

Like any natural body, if we use something too much, there will be wear and tear. Just like that, there are nasty consequences if humans used their powers too much.

When he had speed ability if he ran for too long his muscles would tear and reconnect again and again. It was very painful.

Trexa must also be facing that backlash.

In just a span of four days, Trexa has healed over four people continuously. Her small body probably could not handle that overuse.

"Sorry, Trexa.... I\'m so sorry," he kissed her again.

The baby rat opened her mouth and licked his face gently

"You\'re still my cute baby girl.. ill raise you again. This time I will feed you so much nutritious food, so that you will be a fat little ball again."

Fan Xui gently caressed his cheeks.

With Trexa carefully held in one, he reached out and held Fan\'s hand. "Let\'s go home,"

They walked home I about ten minutes.

Yue braved himself and knocked softly.

There was a small sound of shuffling inside.

His dad opened the door slowly. "ah someone finally decides to show his face. I thought you would forever stay in Fan\'s house,"

His dad was saying something but he could not make out his words. His mouth was moving too fast.

Yue tensed up. He gripped Fan\'s hand tightly.

"Sorry uncle. We had a lot of work in the barracks so we have to stay back there," Fan answered for him.

Grumbling his dad opened the door.

Everyone walked in.

His mum was sitting on the couch with a basket of clothes. She was folding them neatly. "ah Tian, where did you rush off to yesterday? Only blackie came back hem last night," she whispered caressing the black cat close to her.

Tian gulped. "ah.. I.. I was with Yue... he needed me.."

Yue looked up at Fan Xui to muster a bit more courage. "mum dad... I have something to say,"

"If it\'s marriage talk, I\'m not allowing it. You\'re too young. Wait until you\'re twenty-five," his dad said sitting next to his wife.

Yue could only make out the word marriage. "um.. it\'s not about marriage... I.. I recently got into a bit of trouble..."

His parents diverted all their attention toward him.

"So.. I might or might not have... gotten wounded."

"What!" they both shot up and ran up to him. They checked his body completely.

His dad\'s frowning face was quite close to his own. "What are you hiding? Where did you get wounded?"

Yue chuckled dryly. "um.. that.. it\'s a bog story. I was taking a walk and some men noticed I had bread with me and thought I was a good target. They kind of slammed the back of my head very lightly. Very lightly."


He felt a hand touch the back of his head.

"and... I might have become deaf."

His parents both froze. His mum instantly fainted.

It was chaos after that.

Only a good thing Yue was not able to hear any of the chaos that was ensuing.

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