
Chapter 14 014: Revenant II

Using the adrenaline inhalers was similar to doping…. At least that\'s the perception that quite a few people have about it, but it could not be farther from the truth. But in the end it was for all intents and purposes a berserk potion.

Cole rushed forwards, instead of trying to look for an escape he took the fight to his enemies, jumping up to deliver a resounding drop kick to the face of an airborne revenant. He landed hard on his back, but was quickly back up with a kip up that ended with a head-butt.

But that was a bad idea as Cole took three steps backwards, his head ringing from smashing against metal. The revenant in question let out wild mocking chuckles, only to get a bullet to the skull for its troubles.

Cole concentrated a bit, he had seen the gravity skill utilized by other pro players in streams and events, all mastery skills were limited only by their ranks and the imagination of their users.

A small field of energy sprung up around his form as a blast from one of the revenant cannons splashed across it, their fiery flare of weak plasma spreading to the side like water on a concave shield.

Cole sheathed his dagger on his hip as he held his gun with both hands, using a trained stance as he pointed upwards, beginning to take shot after shot, keeping his focus sharp as he made sure to shoot at the exposed or human parts of the revenants. They fell in droves around him with most of them falling down into the massive wind turbine below and the onslaught of rushing water.

He took a step backwards evading a strike for his face before stepping into the guard of the revenant, giving it two quick shots, one to the skull and another to the neck. He ducked down, going low as he fired off a series of shots that took out the left knees of 4 revenants.

He ignored them as they fell to the ground turning in the other direction and calling on gravity as a trio of blaster shots came his way. The splash damage threw him on his back, but he rolled with it, and came up with three sets of double taps. One to the skull and another to the neck or the chest.

He turned around putting two each in rapid succession on the four on the ground, having to pause at 3 second intervals for a shot to recharge after emptying the gauge. Cole holstered the grunt and pulled out his Vibro blade again, holding it in reverse grip as he rushed forwards.

[Wild Charge]

In such a narrow location like the bridge that they were upon, it was quite obvious that Cole could cause a lot of damage with this skill, and he was proving that fact true with each second that passed. He moved to the side narrowly escaping a downward swing as he retaliated with a Vibro blade to the neck. He pulled it back and grabbed an outstretched hand taking too long to power his cannon. Cole smashed his head to the side of the railing, 0nce, twice, thrice, then a fourth time for good measure before burying the Vibro blade up to the hilt once he was done.

He turned around, looking left and right and throwing a cursory glance upwards, but there were no more revenants in sight. In fact he was able to see the last of them fleeing down a tunnel that had water rushing out of it. Cole did not stand on ceremony and quickly ran down the bridge and through the exit, heading ever deeper into the tunnels.

The moment he crossed the threshold a wave of weakness and dizziness hit him as he crashed to the ground, his breaths ragged and breathing labored. He tried not to curse as a system prompt popped up in front of him.

[<Adrenaline Inhaler Effect has Ran Out! +15 Minutes of Weakness>]

Cole didn\'t like where he was right now, he was still pretty much exposed. But lucky enough for him he noticed a hole in the wall, it was at knee height which meant it would have pretty much gone unnoticed by anyone who came through here.

He crawled his way there and placed a hand with his Vibro blade in, checking to see if there was a trap or some other creature down their attempting to kill him for nothing. But all he felt was emptiness before his hand met damp wall. It wasn\'t a tunnel, just some hole in the wall, however in his current situation, it was pretty much his saving grace.

Cole crawled his way in, grunting in annoyance at how heavy his body felt. He curled himself up in the hole and held both his blade and gun tightly as he waited for his debuff to run its course, however.

[<You Have To Answer The Call OF Nature….Stasis Pod Not Discovered, Currently Not In Active Combat, Crafting, Traveling Or Conversation. Force logging you out 3,2,1,0 LOG OUT>]

Cole opened his eyes to the ugly ceiling of his apartment, feeling a massive headache as he got himself back up to his feet. His back popped as his neck let out creaking sounds, from his posture of sitting in one place for far too long.

[Welcome Back Master Cole, how was your time gaming?] Morgan, Cole\'s personal AI butler asked him as he made his way to the bathroom.

"It was fine Morgan, I was just force logged out because I had to use the bathroom. Has there been any news while I was logged in, or any messages?" Cole asked as he ducked into his bathroom, still hearing Morgan fine through his Neural Dome.

[The Launch of the event has been a major success. I am connected to your streaming account and have been optimizing your gameplay experience so far for a 6 o\'clock premier on Zizax. You\'re among the top 100 thousand players that was put on a star watch list. I took it upon myself to handle the editing for you, unless you want the correspondent at Zizax to handle themselves?]

"No Morgan its fine if you handle it yourself. Anything else?" Cole asked as he left the bathroom, and made a beeline to the kitchen for a drink of water and a quick bite.

[The Matriarch called Master Cole…..she left a message.] Cole froze, his heart letting out an almost audible thump as gravity seemed to vanish for a moment as he almost fell.

"Wh-what did she say?" he asked as he stood there, head bowed.

[I\'m sorry Master Morgan, but apparently your elder brothers were ambushed yesterday by a rival organization….. Master Jake and Kennedy are no longer with us I\'m afraid….. It\'s all hands on deck for all members of the night family….. Including exiles. You have been summoned home…. I believe a hover-craft is already on its way….. She said to tell you...]

But Cole was no longer listening, because as he stood right there…. His world had just fallen apart.

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