
Chapter 359 359: The World Council IV

Chapter 359  359: The World Council IV

Of course that location happens to be my own territory, and the dungeon is calibrated to our reality\'s own interpretation of the system. As I\'m sure many other aspirants would have found out by now, once you get to level 100 or the integration is complete the system will change. It would adopt a format that is unique to our universe, but would at least share some similarities with the rest of the wider universe.

In retrospect, you send your soldiers to me, and my dungeon would not just give them access to the system, turning them to aspirants, but would also train whatever skill they develop or already have. I\'m still hashing out the details but ultimately, I\'m not too willing to put my life on the line all of the time, but I can train your soldiers and give you all a chance to fight back now that your enemies think you are weak." Cole said to them as he smiled.

"And what would you be asking for in return?" someone among the world council asked him. Cole shrugged.

"I honestly don\'t know yet, I could ask for anything. What I can ask you guys for is quite limited if I should be honest, the world is changing and anything you have would soon not be of worth once the system finally arrives. In the end I guess I have no choice but to settle for money, at least I can exchange that for coins and put it to good use...the dollar would be losing it\'s value soon enough."

And that\'s when it hit Cole, the other universe was already established but its defining form for money/currency were bronze, silver and Gold. Cole was already a very rich man, and when the system gets here, he got the feeling that he would be even more wealthy than he already is.

He might not be done yet, but he had a stable foundation, as long as the system doesn\'t thrown end game challenges their way once they were done with integration then his foundation would remain stable and unshaken. But it boils down to money in the end. With funds you can gain resources, and so far he has noticed that resources were what was most important in the universe.

"I need mines, gold mines, deuterium mines and not that you can do anything to me if decide not to pay it, but exemption from all taxes for me and my people for 200 years! And full autonomy from the world council. In return you have mine and my Raens undivided attention and help in dealing with any problems that come your way...well not all problems. We reserve the right to abstain from any form of political or cooperate warfare/espionage. We will be loyal to no one but the very universe itself, we police ourselves and answer to ourselves, but will make ourselves available to the council to be held accountable for any untoward action.

I can promise you guys would be able to do anything, but we will help you maintain your power, and we will help you police any Aspirant that wouldn\'t get in line. In short in return for training your people, access to mines and full autonomy. You will gain a highly trained, deadly and efficient unit of Aspirants across the cosmos ready to deal with any issue that crops up. But ultimately we reserve the right to decide to take any job you offer us. I think that should be all?" Cole turned to Tehila in a questioning manner, as she took center stage.

"The Council is allowed a Veto vote in regards to jobs we do, but that veto can only happen once a year. So once a year you can make us do something we don\'t want to. But we will still refuse if it endangers the earth or puts it peace in jeopardy. And for jobs like this you will be required to pay a relevant amount of compensation.

Our offer goes to beyond the governments. After this meeting we will send out a missive to all aspirants in the cosmos. If they do not belong yet, or if what they have is not enough for them. They are welcome to join us, The Raens are first and foremost beings of Chaos, we thrive in it, but we will use that to protect our universe.

If you need training, or you need certain help, with certain jobs. You can get in touch with our liaison. Basically I guess you could say we\'re mercenaries and bounty hunters. Anything you need done, as long as the job and the pay is worth it, the Raens will take care of it for you. All governments, glades, and aspirants are welcome to trade with us for resources. You can use the system market interface on the third floor, or just meet with our correspondents in any of our controlled territories.

Now we understand that this offer has much that you have to think about. So we will give you all some time to think about it and get back to us. But don\'t take too much time, however know this....no matter the counter offers you make, we wont budge on our stances. What we\'ve asked for, is what you will deliver. Or after dealing with this first wave of dungeons, you will be left to deal with the next yourself, or at least without our help.

Aspirants are welcome to join us, you don\'t have to change your race. We have resources and the growing force to be a major power in the world that is to come. You are welcome to join us and pool your resources together so that we can face what is coming. Have a nice day." Tehila turned to Cole and Eze and nodded. As one all three of them disconnected from the Aug-server, finding reality bleeding back into itself as the returned to the conference room.

Cole opened his eyes to find his aunt pointing a gun at him. He looked at the barrel of the gun and back at her, then he moved his head to the side. Relying on his limited telekinesis to start bending the gun\'s barrel. It held, but the creaking and the how hard it was shaking in his aunt\'s hand was a testament to Cole\'s power.

What he didn\'t know was that the gun was a weapon similar to his, a growth weapon. Such weapons were hard to destroy, even by someone two ranks above the weapon\'s rank.she squeezed the trigger, but nothing came out as only a muffled thud was heard. Cole was holding the gun in the barrel by directly using [Gravity] to hold it in place.

"Are you really trying to kill me here and now? How do you think that will work out for you?" Cole asked as Eze stood up, his skin beginning to glow, as he cracked his neck from side to side.

"Say the word boss, and I\'ll leave a charred corpse behind." Eze growled out as the shape of the sun began to form behind him, the edges of the blazing sun tinged with the reddish black energy of Chaos, it seems all Raens are inherently able to use the damn thing.

"No don\'t worry, neither you nor I are going to be the ones to kill her, and it wont be today. This is now a fight between women, or am I wrong baby."

"No you\'re not, and just killing this bitch would not be enough for me. I can say we can give the rest of the family a pass, and maybe a little bit for her too…..she\'s your aunt you know. But I can settle for having her crippled...permanently. And I know just how to do it, when to do it, and who will do it." she said as she turned to look at Kaito, who looked bored of the whole thing. He raised an eyebrow as Tehila looked at him.

"Are you talking to me Wheels, you just might end up adding, deaf, blind and dumb to the list of defects you have. don\'t test me bitch, the only reason I\'m not at the top of the leaderboard is because I am training. Once I\'m done your so called fucking Paragon will be nothing in front of me." he growled out as Cole stood up with a tired look on his face.

By this point everyone else in the room had returned from the meeting. Cole patted the jacket he had on and pointed at his brother. "Let\'s do thins the old fashioned way then, I don\'t want to deal with family business in public and not here cause if I touch anyone of you I\'m not sure I can stop myself....I don\'t want to be you and have my brother\'s blood on my hands." Cole said to him as his aunt scoffed.

"It wouldn\'t be the first time you got your own Family\'s blood on your hands."

"And who\'s fault is that! The same blood on his hands is the same blood on yours, and the same blood on my hands is the same blood on both your hands. Why? WHY? You bastards should never have killed my fucking favorite family member! My brother….our brother! Kaito! Our brother who change your diapers as a five year old. Our brother who never let a single person bully you, our brother who has undergone countless punishment on your behalf.

Our brother who took a bullet for you and almost died in your first ever deal after you got angry at the opps and almost started a fucking gang war! I\'m not innocent but don\'t you fucking dare claim any sort of moral high ground. We\'re all monsters here, so lets go deal with this shit…..like the monster we are!"

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