
Chapter 1138

Although he looked very polite, he was indifferent. No matter what happened in the factory, he was only responsible for reporting, and then pretended to be innocent. There was no solution.

Either he knows nothing, or he really doesn\'t care and doesn\'t want to care.

Moreover, if no one tells about the supplier\'s breach of contract, how can the workers know.

Even if you see that the raw materials are not enough, you can at most think that the raw materials will arrive in a little time. It\'s just a temporary rest. Where will you think so much unless someone stirs up a fire in it.

And this man

Clarence looked at innocent Tommy with deep eyes.

Being looked at like this, Tommy felt guilty and asked subconsciously, "president, why are you looking at me like this?"

Clarence looked back and said faintly, "nothing. Let\'s go and go to the workshop with me."

They went to the workshop together. The workers were excited when they saw the president and the factory director coming.

No matter those who had made a lot of trouble before or those who had been sticking to their posts regardless of these things, they stopped their work and became excited when they saw them coming.

Clarence, seeing this, simply said:

"Now that we\'ve stopped work, let\'s call everyone together for an employee meeting."

"All the employees?" Tommy hesitated.

Clarence nodded, "well, all."

Tommy said subconsciously, "that\'s more than 7000 people. We don\'t have a big enough conference room."

"Then just line up in the factory and stand for a meeting," Clarence said, looking at Tommy and saying strangely:

"Mr. Tommy, as the general manager of the factory, you have never held an employee meeting for the employees?"

Tommy felt the cold sweat on his head and said, "it\'s been driven."

"Just what you used to be and what you\'re like this time," Clarence said faintly, not believing Tommy\'s words.

This is obviously a manager who often sits in the office and rarely comes to the workshop. He doesn\'t look like a person who has held an employee meeting.

Tommy was silent for a moment and said:

"In fact, we can call the main leaders together for a meeting..."

As he was talking, Clarence looked at him coldly and dared not speak. He hurried to summon the people to come to the meeting, but he sneered in his heart.

More than 7000 people were called together for a meeting. If these people were dissatisfied and really made trouble, it would be a disaster.

But that\'s good. Then he\'ll let someone lead a little, and the scene must be very good.

The employees in the factory are waiting for an explanation. The leaders convened a meeting, and these people came here very actively.

They have also worked in the factory for a long time. It is the first time that such a big leader has held a meeting for them in person. Some people are still very excited.

Everyone lined up and waited. Clarence was going to have a meeting to appease these people. Suddenly, he saw a group of people coming at the door. It was his boss Gu qiaoyue, Miao Xiaoyu and several bodyguards.

Seeing Gu qiaoyue coming, Clarence quickly said to Tommy, "here, please calm the people first. I\'ll come right away."

Then he hurried to see Gu qiaoyue, but Tommy sneered and asked him to have a meeting. At the right time, he came forward, picked up the microphone, cleared his throat and said:

"Everyone must be upset because the raw materials are suddenly broken this time. Indeed, such a thing has never happened since the establishment of our factory. This time, our supplier\'s sudden breach of contract led to the shortage of goods in our factory. We still have a lot of orders, but because of this shortage, these orders are likely to fail to be delivered, which is the loss of the factory, But it\'s also the loss of our workers. We all calculate our wages according to performance. This time, the goods are suddenly out of stock, and our wages will inevitably be affected... "

Clarence, who had just left a few steps, frowned and looked back at him coldly.

This is not appeasement. It is clearly provoking these people to make trouble.

Sure enough, as soon as he said this, many people were not calm, and someone immediately asked loudly:

"Yes, our factory has never cut off supply. What\'s going on this time? Can you tell us all about it and make us feel at ease?"

"I\'ve been working since the establishment of the factory. I\'ve been an old worker for decades, and I met a sudden breach of contract by the supplier for the first time. Who did our boss offend? Can our factory continue?"

"And how do we calculate our wages? We calculate our wages according to performance. One day\'s suspension means that our wages are much less. It seems that we need to stop work for more than one day. How do we calculate our wages?"


One sentence was "who did the boss offend" and the other was "how to calculate the salary". The following employees discussed more vigorously and felt uneasy.

What are employees most worried about? It is undoubtedly related to their own vital interests.

If the boss offends others, it is still unknown whether the factory can continue to operate. If not, let alone performance, whether the salary can be paid is still unknown.

"I quit. I have worked in the factory for 28 years, and there are a lot of compensation. Calculate the compensation for me, and I want the compensation."

"I quit, too. I want compensation!"

"It\'s boring to work in such an unstable factory, and I quit."


For a time, many people shouted that they should not do it and ask for compensation.

Tommy was proud and frightened. He stood at a loss with the microphone and didn\'t say a word.

Clarence was going to meet Gu qiaoyue, but now she can\'t attend to it. She glared at Tommy and grabbed the microphone:

"Be quiet, everyone is quiet. Xiangyue is a big company that stresses credibility. If someone quit, we will definitely pay compensation to you according to the contract and the labor law. However, I want to say that Xiangyue has never had the crisis you think. The so-called shortage of goods is nonsense. Someone is deliberately spreading rumors in order to cause your panic ……”

"As you all know, you calculate your salary according to performance. Have you calculated how much salary you lost when you stopped work for such a long time and said that you cut off raw materials? Can you see that there are still raw materials in the raw material area. Even if these raw materials can only be produced for two hours, how do you know that our raw materials will not be produced after two hours In place? "

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