
Chapter 390 As Long As He Dares to Come!

Chapter 390 As Long As He Dares to Come!

Tang Duo tentatively mentions An’an’s situation to Bai Susu. Bai Susu doesn’t approve it and says that it is nonsense. An’an is so young. How can he have so many ideas?

Tang Duo is speechless.

In March, Gungun is one year older, and Wuyou is going to be over twelve. Tang Duo intends to make it a bigger occasion. They have always told others that Wuyou is their biological daughter. However, someone with high aspirations and determination can check it out if they want to. In order to prevent Wuyou from being gesticulated when she grows up, Tang Duo must let everyone know that whether Wuyou is their biological daughter actually or not, she is regarded as their biological daughter in Tang Family!

“When she runs the company in the future, no one will dare to gossip anything about her.” Lang Ruoxian doesn’t want Tang Duo to worry about these things and tells her, “Besides, she will protect herself.”

“Those people won’t say it in person, but they will still gossip privately.” Tang Duo knows too much about the so-called debutantes, so she won’t give them the chance to look down upon Wuyou.

Lang Ruoxian sees her so interested and lets her just do it. Tang Duo and Bai Susu personally operate a particularly grand birthday party for Wuyou. Many people meet the eldest daughter of Tang Family on that day. Those who don’t understand the situation think that the child’s gene is not good.

Because she does not inherit the beauty of her parents, but is only a comely little girl at best. And she doesn’t like to talk or laugh.

“When Wuyou is eighteen years old, I will let her go to take part in the Le Bal des débutantes de Paris.” Tang Duo says happily after the birthday party.

Le Bal des débutantes de Paris is the most prestigious adult ball in the world. Not that you have money or power and you will be invited. The organizer will consider the charm of the debutante herself and her influence.

“I took part in it at that year!” Tang Duo shows the children photos.

Bai Susu laughs, “She was just observing the lions in Africa at that time. When the organizer went to send the invitation letter, Tang Duo was almost thought to be pseudo.”

“There are photos here.” Tang Duo turns a few pages. In the photo, she was wearing blue overalls. Her face was black, and two lions stood behind her.

Gungun screams, “Mom is so handsome!”

“Very handsome.” Wuyou’s eyes move.

“Let’s go to Africa to play, too?” Gungun asks her, and Wuyou nods, “We shall go there on summer vacation.”

At Bai Susu’s request, the renovated villa of Lang Qi has been aired for another two months, and the whole family move in after May 1st. On the day of the moving, Lulu bites its own rice bowl early in the morning without leaving Gungun one step, for fear of being left behind.

“Lulu, stay!” Chang Pei’e touches the dog’s head to tease it, “You won’t be walked in the morning if you move there.”

Lulu purrs for several times, and Gungun says immediately, “Grandma, I’ll walk Lulu in the morning, and then I’ll send it to accompany you!”

“Okay!” Chang Pei’e laughs, “Then you have to remember it. Otherwise Lulu will hold urinating and will be sick by then.”

Gungun reassures her, and leads Lulu out.

The original villa is said to be opposite, but has to be bypassed an artificial lake. It is unknown how Tang Yao told the property management center. They agreed to build a bridge over the lake. Of course the cost will be paid by Tang Family.

“It hasn’t been repaired yet. When it’s repaired, you can just come over directly!” Tang Yao says proudly, “And the bridge is probably only used by our family!”

Lang Qi lavishes praise on him, “Brother, you are so thoughtful! Why didn’t I think of it?”

“Ah, I believe you will look for convenience yourself after you stay for a while. I just have a little more life experience than you! Ha ha ha!”

Tang Duo is speechless.

She didn’t tell her dad that Lang Qi told her from the beginning to build a bridge. However, later when they found that Tang Yao was actively doing this, Lang Qi specifically asked Tang Duo to forget it just as he hadn’t mentioned it.

“Yes, I think so too. I will play more with Hua and children in the future, and gradually I will understand life.” Lang Qi nods.

Tang Yao thinks that there is something wrong with this sentence, but he doesn’t know what’s wrong. And then he hears Lang Qi say, “Not only play with the children, but also play with you, brother! Remember to take me out for fishing and drinking tea in the future.”

“Rest assured! I shall introduce my friends to you. In the circle, I am...”

Tang Duo and Lang Ruoxian walk behind, whispering, “My dad is so stupid that he won’t know if he is sold by your dad.”

“He’s our dad.” Lang Ruoxian corrects her, “Rest assured. He won’t. Maybe he can give Dad some good suggestions.”

Lang Ruoxian’s words come true very quickly. Tang Yao comes back angrily one day, and Lang Qi follows behind him.

“What’s wrong?” Bai Susu and Tang Duo are looking at the jewelry for the new season in the magazine.

Tang Yao sits down on the sofa, “Hum, I am pissed by Mr. Ma! It turns out that he stands behind me every time not because he has a good relationship with me, but because he wants to tell Mr. Xu about my cards!”

Tang Duo is speechless. Actually she wants to laugh, but she has to hold back.

“How long has this been going on? How did you find it out today?” Bai Susu wonders. Then when she sees helpless Lang Qi, she understands, “You told him, didn’t you?”

Lang Qi sighs, “I thought he knew it, so I mentioned it.”

“You did it right!” Tang Yao says indignantly, “If it weren’t for you and I would be still in the dark. We won’t play with them later!”

Bai Susu rolls her eyes, “Don’t you always say that Mr. Ma is your best friend?”

“What best friend? Sh*t!” Tang Yao bangs the table, “I shall ask Ruoxian to buy his company later!”

After speaking it, he also reacts, “Yeah! Where is Ruoxian? I want to call him.”

“Don’t make a fool of yourself.” Bai Susu snatches his mobile phone, “Suddenly buying other people’s company? Do you think it to be like to buy Chinese cabbage in a vegetable market?”

Tang Yao looks at her with a wronged look. When he sees Bai Susu’s relentless face, he turns to look at Lang Qi again.

Lang Qi smiles, “You don’t have to buy a company to get revenge! It takes time to buy a company, and we have a faster way.”

“In what way?”

The two old fathers mumble aside. Tang Duo sees Bai Susu staring at them, and whispers, “Mom, don’t worry. My father-in-law has a sense of propriety.”

“I know that your father-in-law knows how far to go and when to stop. I mean that your father doesn’t have a sense of propriety.” Bai Susu snorts, “I’m more at ease if your father-in-law is with him.”

Lang Qi, like Lang Ruoxian, is a close relative of the devil.

Soon the people of Tang Yao’s circle suffer losses. Especially Mr. Ma, loses a house directly to Tang Yao, which makes Tang Yao happily tells everyone he meets. No one dares to fool him anymore. And more than that, everyone knows that he is with Lang Ruoxian’s father.

There have been many stories about Lang Ruoxian in Yanjing in a short time. Everybody knows that he is sharp-eyed and nimble in the market. Unexpectedly, his father is the same as him. No wonder they are the father and son. Their marketing talents are genetic.

“Boss.” Just as Lang Qi follows Tang Yao to go around to play every day, K calls at the house on the day.

Lang Qi is about to go fishing, and asks when packing up, “My son doesn’t exploit workforce from you today?”

“...Young Master should have known that I’m coming for you.” K is anxious, “Boss, Anselm Family’s stock has shrunk by a quarter within just half a month. If it continues, your decades of painstaking efforts will be all finished!”

Lang Qi pauses his hand, “Don’t I keep you out of Anselm Family’s affairs? Where did you get the news?”

“Yeah... Shu Sheng told me that.” K whispers, “It turns out that Young Master Ruoxian has always arranged someone to keep their eyes there.”

“Um... It is faster than what I expected.” Lang Qi puts down the fishing rod, “It seems that I have overestimated Brown. I thought that he could have been at least as half good as Ruoxian. Now... He isn’t even as half good as Ruoxian.”

K nods, “Young Master Brown has been deeply troubled. It is said that he goes so far as to want to sell several wineries.”

“The wineries are my own, not in the hands of Anselm Family. He can only dream it!”

“Then... Would you like to go back?” K asks carefully.

Lang Qi glances at him, “Go back? Believe me or not, now if I say to go back, Lang Ruoxian will have me locked up.”

“You are his father!” K is stunned, “Young Master won’t do that. What’s more, you will come back. You just... Just go back and solve the problems of Anselm Family.”

Seeing that Lang Qi doesn’t say a word, K thinks more, and is a little bit frightened to ask, “Does it mean... Does Young Master Ruoxian want Anselm Family?”

“You think him to be too hard working.” Lang Qi laughs, “He is too lazy to want that. He wants Brown to come to Hua Country to find me.”

Lang Ruoxian puts down the file, “Did K go to my dad?”

“Yes, he did.” Shu Sheng smiles, “When he heard that Anselm Family had a problem, he was more anxious than anyone else. He was loyal to Master and thought that Anselm Family should belong to Master.”

Lang Ruoxian nods. K was raised by his dad, so K naturally was on the side of Lang Qi. However, Lang Qi obviously didn’t know how to raise children. Although K is very capable, he is soft-hearted. That Brown is even more stupid. It is unknown if Laura would regret having chosen the stupidest one of the four children if she were still alive...

“Will that Brown come?” Shu Sheng thinks for a while and says, “Master shouldn’t leave, should he?”

“Leave?” Lang Ruoxian snorts, “If he dares to leave and I dare to lock him up.”

Shu Sheng is speechless.

Lang Ruoxian knows that Lang Qi will not leave. Since he followed Lang Ruoxian back to Hua Country, Lang Ruoxian should have understood that he was intentional. As long as Lang Qi leaves Anselm Family, Brown the fool will mess up and Lang Qi will have to put out fires then.

“Brown wants my dad to go back and help him, so he has to come to Hua Country obediently.” Lang Ruoxian laughs, “As long as he sets foot on the land of Hua Country, his aristocratic identity is a vanity, and we can invite him to be our guest and have a drink, OK?”

Brown drops another cell phone, jumps up and shoves everything on the table down to the ground, “Why? When Father was there, they all kept their noses clean. How long have I just taken it over? Are they going to rebel one by one?”

The two underlings aside draw back their necks and don’t dare to say a word. Because Anselm Family’s business was snatched by other families, and Brown’s temper has become worse and worse. Yesterday he almost threw a mistress under the car to run over her. They don’t dare to have a stroke of bad luck to make him angry.

“Are you deaf or dead?” Unfortunately, Brown doesn’t give them the opportunity, and slaps the document on their faces, “If this continues, half of the family’s business will be gone.”

“How about those wineries?”

His man trembles and says in shock, “Those... Those wineries are the property of Master Lang Qi, and we have no right to auction.”

“My father has private property? Are you kidding! He married into and lived with Anselm Family. How can he have any private property?”

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