
Chapter 46

Chapter 46: Vol. 2 – Episode 21

“But Your Highness, that is a power that will result in continual consequences.”

“Those consequences are just the petty lives of extras. How dare you deny me my ring of protection!”

“Your Highness... It is only but my concern which speaks for your well-being. As for the enemy, I promise to stop them.”

“On what grounds can you claim as such when you have already suffered a defeat!”

“It is in the preventive measures I have given to you.”

“What power does a scrap of paper have!”

The king ripped the scroll to shreds.

“Your Highness...”

Eustasia paled.

She didn’t expect the king to rage so strongly compared to the submissive acceptance he had shown to her in the past. Was he that deeply entrenched in the Forbidden Evil? Or?

The mocking smile of Count Satirus flew her way.

Could it be... He?

Ha. It seems I’ve done well to have swayed the king’s mind beforehand.

While Eustasia was holed up, he had reported to the king that he had received a spy’s information that Eustasia was guaranteed a position with the enemy if she were to purposely fail in the next fight against Sungjin.

The king shook off the accusation saying he did not believe the report, yet...

“Your Highness. I am also saddened. But as your secret treasure will be his obstacle, as was mentioned in the secret pact, I am worried.”

“There would be no such thing. Stop.”

His report had simply ended as such, but the effects were setting in at that moment.

Ha ha ha. Even if he may not believe in such types of report, it does make one suspicious.

It was applicable especially for people who had persecutory delusions like Seyzo II. If he was advised to throw away his Forbidden Evil that he relied upon, his would be thrown into a rage.

It would have been better if he had ordered for her death, but I suppose his favor makes it difficult to go to such extremes.

The situation was unfortunate, but even this small amount of progress was fulfilling enough. If Seyzo II used his Forbidden Evil and got out of control, therefore destroying both himself and Sungjin, that would have granted his wish anyways.

Eustasia narrowed her eyes at the count and bit her lip.

This is his work.

She could see what he had laid out beforehand.

But what angered her... was that she could only back down into the trap he had set even though she knew of its existence.

This was her limit. It was her limit of advising the king.

At this point, where she had bought on the king’s anger, if she spoke any further, not only would the king’s stubbornness grow but she would also be hurt from it. And there was no one but her who cared for the well-being of this country.

She could only promise a later date and retreat. It would only be after the defeat of the enemy country that her position would be made clear.

“Your Highness. Please reconsider.”

But what came out of her mouth was a different story.

“Please get rid of the ring for the sake of your people.”

“What did you say? Are you prioritizing the extra’s lives above mine?”

“Your Highness may be the owner of this country, but it is only because of the people that taxes and slavery are possible.”

“I order you to be silent!”

The king threw his jug of wine at her face. Glass shattered and scattered all around.

“I’ve favored you for so long... It is an obvious fact of loyalty that the extras should sacrifice their lives for my crisis! How dare you turn your back on my life for them!”

“It is for you that I speak as such. There exists a line that not even kings may cross!”

Due to the circumstances, she knew she should retreat, but she could not do so.

If he were to use the people as sacrifices, he would remain a tyrant forever.

It wouldn’t end there. Even if he was to borrow that vile power and stop Sungjin’s path, he would keep relying on the power. In the end, he would rule as a tyrant until all the people had been sacrificed and therefore remain an evil king consumed by his own power.

She had to stop this.

She had to stop this no matter the cost.

This would be a situation where the king would attack the enemy’s ambush with but a few of his guards. A similar situation would have been where the king attacked an ambush with only a few accompanying guards. There would be no tomorrow. He would certainly die.

“Your Highness! Who will you be the king of if you throw away all of your people!? Please throw that ring away!”

“Silence! Leave! Drag her out!”

“Your Highness!” Eustasia called out in sorrow, but the guards dragged her out.

Seyzo II ignored her.

Your Highness...

Seeing her buy into the king’s wrath of her own violation, Count Satirus inwardly celebrated.

Ha ha ha. This is a grand success. To think that that wretch would force herself out. This is beyond expectations.

After being dragged out of the castle grounds, Eustasia sighed continuously at the sight of the people crying in despair within the large pit in the ground.

Your Highness... has your sense of judgment blurred to the point where you cannot judge even this?

Where did this all go wrong?

Even if she were to speak softly, it would be impossible to change the king’s mind. The way to reassure the king and convince him was blocked. She could only admit that she had been brought to the brink of failure by Count Satirus.


The soldiers were not happy at all when carting the caged people. They were carrying out orders in order to live themselves, but no one could tell whether that would be their awaiting future.

To think that people would be massacred and fed to a monster.

“Die, you worthless king!”

“We’ve already given you our harvest of blood, sweat and tears; how dare you order us to be fed to this monster! Just die by the hands of the neighboring king, you madman!”

The people screamed enraged and now uncaring of their fate.

“Watch your words. Be quiet!”

The soldier beat the people in fear of being overheard. He did not want to, but if they did not, he did not know how the supervisors above him would react.

“Let them go.”

“What stupid being dares to... Huh?”

The glaring soldier shut his mouth at the natural gleam of silver in front of him. The offender’s clothes were colorless and old, but her threatening presence had not changed.

“Grand Commander? But this...”

“There is no need for words. Let them all go.”

The sword left Eustasia’s hand willingly and cleaved the cart. The people, albeit momentarily confused, cheered.

“We... we’re saved!”

“My lord! Have you come to save us!”

“Flee, all of you. I will report to the king myself.”

As soon as she had finished her words, Eustasia kneeled.

“Your Highness. I plead to you with my life on the line. There is no country without its people. To kill them would mean that you, Your Highness will be killing yourself. Take my life instead.”

Her voice, amplified by her Heroic Power, carried throughout the kingdom. The soldiers hesitated before leaving to report to their higher-ups.

Soon after, Seyzo II appeared before her with a sick complexion.

“What do you, a Grand Commander, think you are doing!?”

“Your Majesty. I plead to you knowing that I have bought on your wrath. The owner of this country may be Your Majesty, but a country only exists due to its people. Please acknowledge that.”

She pled with her head pressed into the ground.

It was the type of respectful gesture that a Grand Commander would not have shown towards a king.

“Are you seriously intending to rebel? Why do you keep advising me to abandon this sacred object that will protect me! What do you plan to do after I throw it away!?”

“I will protect your life until my end. I have never spent another thought after swearing myself to you.”

“Silence! If you truly cared about me, you would think of how to draw out the full extent of its power!”

“Your Highness. This is a power that should not be used.”

“I do not want to hear you any longer! Leave!”

“I cannot leave. If you truly wish to throw the people inside that pit, please throw me in there first.”


She shed tears before the king, who was throwing a tantrum.

Her plan was weak, as it was only to change someone’s decision by sacrificing her own life.

She knew it would be hard to change his mind with truthful and straightforward advice, and that instead, it would send him further into a rage.


Only this time, she could not move back for the sake of tomorrow.

Even if it was the smallest opportunity she had to take action in order to change the king’s mind.

This was a line that the king could not cross.

“Shut up! Simply leave immediately!”

“Unless you throw away that evil ring I cannot move a step from here.”

She had no choice but to force the king to choose between the ring and her life.

It was the last act of loyalty she could show.

“If you do not move away, I will charge you with treason!”

Treason meant execution.

“Do so. I will show my honesty through death.”

Unresisting to death, she would prove that she had no secret pact with Sungjin. That would show that she was serious about her advice. She would therefore die then and there to sway the king’s mind.

“Three days! If you do not move within three days, I will execute you!” Seyzo II proclaimed to the entire people and turned away.

However, Eustasia herself had no intention of turning back even if she were given 300 days.

* * *

The next day, rain poured. Cold rain thrashed her body thoroughly. The rags she wore to show her inadequacy in righting her king’s mind beforehand gave no warmth.

There was no reply from the king. She, too, did not move.

The adjutant general approached her.

“Please cease. Any more, and you will be executed.”

“I believe in My Highness.”

“Even after witnessing that scene?”

The adjutant general pointed towards the pit. There were already decomposing bodies and maggots crawled about.

She could not reply.

“The king has already gone mad.”

“Yes... he’s not normal... but... I still wish to wager on the fact that there is righteousness somewhere within the depths of his mind.”

That was not a belief but a wish. Even if she felt despair within her heart, it was still a prayer for the one she cared about.

Perhaps it was a mother’s heart that could not give up hope on a disappointing child.

The adjutant general shook his head.

“Why do you do so? Loyalty is only given if the other deserves it.”

“I swore to him. By that, he deserves my loyalty.”

“That has a limit. You’ve already done ten times more than what he could have possibly offered you. Even now, you’re trying so hard for him, yet he has thrown you away.”

“Stop your nonsense.”

“Instead... instead... pledge allegiance to Master Sungjin.”

“He is our motherland’s main enemy. Do not speak rashly.”

“No. He will receive you gladly.”

“With what evidence do you speak such rash words?” Eustasia shouted in anger.

“Because what he sent you was not treasures or gold, but a cake with his sincerity.”

“Wha... what... what do you...”

At that unexpected fact, she stammered.

“It was not a present of bribery but a present of sincerity. He is not simply ambitious, and I heard he has the same political views as you. Because you both share the same will, I am sure he will not treat you poorly.”

“Sha... Shame on you!”

“Did I say anything wrong?”

Unlike her usual self where she would have demanded silence, Eustasia could not refute.

The adjutant general’s words were true.

He was more observant than she had thought after having served her closely for long.

Yes... I remember... he offered for us to work together several times.

If she could not handle the overstepping of the king today and asked to work alongside her, Sungjin was sure to greet her warmly.

“Let’s work together, not for the king but for the people.”

Those words were honest.

And if she were under his rule, she was sure she could achieve her goals.

He was someone who aimed for the level of an Arc Master while spreading the large ideal of a country for the people. Compared to the current king, he was bound to hold better politics.


How many times did she wish for her king to hold at least one-tenth of Sungjin’s likeness? And at the same time, she could have achieved so much more in her life under Sungjin’s command.

Was that not the ideal life she wished for as she swore in as Seyzo’s knight?

The path the current king had given up on was open before her.

Eustasia closed her eyes.

“Yes. He is truly a wonderful king. I understand why people would want him. Still... I will die as His Highness’ servant.”

At that time...

Before Seyzo was a mad king, the day she was sworn in as a knight, the light that shone through the colored glass spilled across her shoulders.

The pipe organs were solemn and majestic.

It was a magical realm so different from the Pantheon’s reality.

The gods were watching through the light.

She went forth and kneeled before the king.

She swore before him.

“I swear to serve you as my king.

May my fate reside in your Kingdom.

To you, I give my glory.

May all troubles be mine.

May the last drop of my blood be for your undertakings.

I, as your sword, as your knight, swear to destroy all evil which stands before our kingdom.”

She had spoken in honesty. Even as she watched the king become twisted, her mind did not waver. Even if the king wavered, no, because he became unstable, she decided she would still stand firm.

Loyalty was not something given when convenient and thrown away when inconvenient.

To serve more fiercely when the times were harder—that was loyalty.

She gave her all, not because the person being served was amazing, or smart, or gave her many things, but simply because she swore to serve them.

She gave her all even while covering up all the negative parts of that person.

Just like that poem which likened the loyalty to a king to a heartfelt crush, she was to step in for all the parts that the king lacked.

Did she not swear so, after all?

She would give every part of her mind just like the words she spoke when sworn.

Her eyes shone more firmly within the downpour.

“Do you think that mad king will recognize you for this?!”

“I can only hope.”

“Commander... how could someone so smart be so stupidly stubborn!”

The adjutant general kicked the ground as he ran from the place. Eustasia slowly hung her head.

I’m sorry.

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