
Chapter 53

Chapter 53: Vol. 2 – Episode 28

Eustasia shook her head listening to their conversation

I thought of that as well. But we can’t use Ereka’s method this time.


Seyzo II shouted with anger and rushed to their headquarters.

“How dare you! You tricked me!”

He finally realized that Sungjin tricked him and led him to the wrong place.

Seyzo II also realized that the other two kings were executed and decided to stop playing with him; he had to attack Sungjin’s military headquarters right away.

The first turret was on his way, but he broke through the turret even without a barrier of minions.

Strange-shaped monsters took the ray attack with their bodies.

The mad king’s march was a ruthless one of huge military force.

The march of the mad king made Eustasia nervous.

I can’t use the second method that I thought of here either.

Her second method was all three of them to go a side way to get rid of Seyzo II’s headquarters while Seyzo II was heading towards them. It was a rare case but destroying the opponent’s military headquarters was also a way to win.


Although my father is alone, he would be faster to destroy our military headquarters.

All her plans were impossible. There was only one thing left.

A head-to-head fight against Seyzo II.

But it was impossible to defeat him through a head-to-head fight.

He was too strong to be defeated.

Will Sungjin overcome my calculations?

It didn’t matter to Count Satirus.

I didn’t expect two kings to be useful anyway; now it’s time for them to see the fearful power of the forbidden evil.

Now the real game was about to start.

When the mad King Seyzo II wins, he will execute everyone to burn this land to the ground, so it would be mission accomplished. And if the extra wins...

That was exactly what he wanted. Seyzo II would be cornered and go crazy. All he had to do was to wait and watch. Either way, he was ready to run away at anytime.

Even with the strongest turret to protect their military headquarters, Seyzo II was three-faced.

Technically, it was a three-to-one fight, but in reality, it was a three-to-hundreds fight.

Countless monsters appeared in front of Seyzo II and started to attack them.

It was a grotesque but amazing scene to see more than ten thousand mouths showing their teeth, dripping corrosive saliva.

When the murky stream from the monsters swept, human beings disappeared without a trace.

Just like a tiny boat in the middle of a storm, three of them were seized and swept.

But then, a light came up.


Ereka activated her ultimate skill, and the bright golden shield protected Sungjin, Jenna, and the turret.

It was the power of God’s dignity, given to the human from the goddess of protection.

It wouldn’t let the ugly, evil monsters dare to approach.

But that noble shield had one fatal weakness:

The owner had to fight the danger by herself..

Aiming at the weakness, evil creatures moved, targeting Ereka.

But to react, Sungjin’s team also made their moves.

Sungjin started to slay evil creatures with his holy sword.

The spear and the sword married to create a strong gateway that didn’t let them pass.

But it was only a matter of time.

As soon as Aegis disappeared, they would be attacked.

Of course, they didn’t waste their time.

Jenna made magic square under her and cast Thor’s hammer.

The thunder roared, and lightening gathered.

The holy soldier, Mjolnir of the god of war, came down with white-burning light.

The gigantic hammer hit the ground covered with darkness.


The army of black evil creatures evaporated at once.

A perfect counterattack against a huge army, Jenna’s ultimate magic was a real joker of Sungjin’s team.

Did we win?

Their wishful thinking didn’t last long.

“How dare you!”

While most of the evil creatures disappeared, layers of dead bodies made a dense protection for Seyzo II.

They couldn’t get rid of the dense force around Seyzo II, and Seyzo II wasted no time resummoning.

Seyzo II’s summoning skill was beyond ordinary; he was able to resummon against the ultimate magic.

But Sungjin wasn’t going to give him the chance.

“Jenna, go!”


Jenna activated her second skill: A Thousand Breakthroughs. Jenna became an energy mass and rushed to Seyzo II. She burned the evil monsters around him and approached the shooting range to activate her third skill right:

“Light balls!”

Dozens of light balls exploded close range and blew up the resummoned monsters.

Finally, Seyzo II’s body was exposed.

Jenna didn’t miss the chance and held up her hammer. But...


Resummoned monsters coiled around her hammer and tied her arms and legs.


Jenna screamed; she had disgusting things crawling on her body, and Seyzo II started to laugh, triumphantly.

“You cocky thing. Die!”

But he was forgetting one thing:

Jenna wasn’t alone.

“Glorious Strike!”

Ereka had been there, waiting for the right time to attack.

Her sword headed toward him, cutting the air.

The sword spurted heroic power and was aimed at Seyzo II, no longer protected by his army.

It was a glorious blow.

There was no chance of winning a long, drawn-out war against Seyzo II as he had limitless skill to summon, so Ereka decided to finish him while unprotected with a final blow.

Her plan was reasonable.

The few creatures just summoned were all over Jenna, and there was nothing between Ereka and Seyzo II.

“Royal Decree: Guard!”

Seyzo II opened his hand to create a wall with letters to stop her spear.

The two powers collided and exploded between them.

Ereka looked down.


Everyone was distracted by the evil monsters summoned by the forbidden evil, but Seyzo II was a level seven caster.

Although he was not as strong as the King Leoric, Seyzo II had three regular skills and an ultimate skill.

He exchanged his ultimate skill with the forbidden evil, but he still had three skills left.

And during this fierce fight, the effects of those skills were tremendous.

Ereka didn’t stop. She attacked him with other skills without waiting.

“Golden Star Stream!”

Her spear attacked Seyzo II continuously.

The bright light of the spear attacked him eighteen times; Seyzo II didn’t stand there but fought back.

“Royal Decree: Exile.”

The shockwave pushed Ereka away.

Seyzo II’s spell pushed her, cancelling Ereka’s attack.

“Royal Decree: Shackle!”

Chains of letters and resummoned monsters tied her up.

“Willful Defense.”

Ereka’s heroic power exploded, blowing up the chains and monsters simultaneously.

But her heroic power didn’t do much more than that.

Seyzo II’s three magic skills were too strong and cancelled Ereka’s continuous attack.

Jenna used all her skills.

Ereka used all her skills.

But Seyzo II was standing without any injury.

Their skills had destroyed his army, nothing more.

Seyzo II had endless power he could without cooling time, but Ereka and Jenna had to wait to reuse their skills. It was obvious Seyzo II would win in a long, drawn-out fight.

Ereka was able to stop it once, but the summoned black evil monsters started to cover her. She couldn’t get rid of them this time.

But then, another attack hit Seyzo II.

A bright light from the holy sword came in a clean and sharp course, aiming at Seyzo II’s neck.

It had not only been Ereka that jumped into the smoke from the explosion.

Sungjin had been there with Ereka when she was pouring everything on Seyzo II.

This was the one possible moment to attack Seyzo II.

Normally, Seyzo II’s skill would have stopped Sungjin’s attack, but in this moment, Sungjin was able to attack him.

They used every card to make this attack work.

This was their one shot to turn the battle around.

Sungjin’s sword cut the flesh, broke the bones, and splattered blood, but...

The sword hit Seyzo II’s left arm, not his neck.


Seyzo II felt outrage that a mere extra touched his body, but with his reflex of level seven, he covered his neck with his left arm.

And there was no next attack; resummoned black monsters covered Sungjin’s holy sword and tied his legs, so he couldn’t run away.

“Hahaha. Hahahaha!”

Seyzo II was sure of his victory and laughed with madness

All three of them were covered with dark, evil monsters

It seemed like that was the end of this fight. Dark despairs made bizarre sounds to celebrate their victory.

It was an orchestra from hell.

* * *

Now, people waiting outside of the temple understood who was winning.

Sungjin’s plan was great.

But Seyzo II’s power was even greater, and he made all of Sungjin’s plans useless.

Absolute power of Seyzo II was dominating everything

Maybe it was expected that Sungjin would take the upper hand despite their weak force, but this was an unexpected evolvement of the battle.

“Seyzo II...”


“This is the power of...the forbidden evil.”

It was a fearful power.

They all knew that it was a power of madness, and it wouldn’t have a happy ending.

But in this fight, it was clearly a strong power...or rather an absolute power.

“Hahaha. I knew that an extra couldn’t compete with our king!”

A person reading the situation started to praise Seyzo II.

“The king has won!”

“Long live the king!”

The heroes from each kingdom praised their own king.

This was how it went.

Eustasia bit her lower lip.

It was her king’s victory, but she could not celebrate it.

She worried how many lives Seyzo II would kill with that power.

I was hoping... that you ... would stop him...

Should I have stopped him?

But she knew she was not someone who could do that.

She was on the fence about whether she had to fight the king or serve the king; she couldn’t be a useful force from Sungjin’s side, not compared to Ereka or Jenna.

Now...people of this kingdom are doomed.

It was the fault of hers and her father’s.

But she also felt bad for Sungjin.

If Sungjin was a hero with a level, he would have won.

But the gods didn’t allow him to become a king of the four kingdoms because he was an extra, and he didn’t have enough power to achieve that.

While she was looking at the sky, she sighed, and the people behind her dropped their heads in despair.

Sungjin kept his promise that he would come to save them but failed to win.

An extra...couldn’t fight the heroes...

Building up a country for the people was just a dream.

[Blue team won.]

The Valkyrie announced the result.

It was not just an announcement of victory but also that the four kingdoms and the people belonging to them were doomed.

“Yeah, so the Blue Team won... wait.. Huh? Blue Team?”

One of the heroes realized something was wrong.

Blue Team was Sungjin’s team.

He doubted his memory and looked at the screen again. There were Sungjin, Ereka, and Jenna in the heavenly light.

“What... what happened?”

This happened when everyone was sure the madness won:

With his right arm and both legs tied by the evil monsters,Sungjin stretched his left arm out and grabbed Seyzo II’s wrist.


Seyzo II thought it was a joke.

A grab from a mere extra could not damage him like a knight or warrior.

Sungjin didn’t try to crush his wrist; instead, he held it up slightly.


A beam from the turret hit his finger.

More specifically, the beam hit his ring.


The ring was not broken by one blow.

But it distorted the contract and made the dark monsters fade.

The monsters didn’t belong to this world.

The ring and monsters summoned by the sacrifices were not allowed to be in this world. So, when the contract that brought them to this world was weakened, the monsters faded for a moment.


Seyzo II realized what had just happened and rushed back to wait for the recovery of the ring.

But the light of the holy sword pierced his heart first.


Sungjin attacked him as soon as his right arm was freed.


The bitter voice of Seyzo II was his last word before exiled from the battlefield.

The heavenly light lit up Sungjin, Ereka, and Jenna.

The Valkyrie came down in front of them.

[Blue Team won.]

The announcement echoed in the battlefield.

“We won!”

“We made it.”

“That was close.”

Sungjin smiled, looking at Ereka and Jenna.

He was on guard because he didn’t know the real power of the forbidden evil.

And since he had struggled to fight against the Blood Ruler, he was thoroughly prepared this time.

It was extremely strong.


It was not anything he couldn’t handle, although he had to use every card he had and more.

[Gods acknowledge your victory and grand this nectar...]

The Valkyrie granted nectar for the three of them.

“Hurray!! Leveling up!”

“Thank you for letting me join you for the victory.”

“We all fought together. You deserve this,” Sungjin answered with a grin.

And he got the biggest booty from this fight: Although he wouldn’t get a level, all the new conquered lands were now Sungjin’s.

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