
Chapter 75

Chapter 75: Vol. 3 – Episode 18

Chapter 10

The Ermeth Archipelago was a mystical place with six islands that few had visited. It was fortunate the archipelago was known in this world where maritime trade had not yet been developed.

The six small islands were much more beautiful than imagined. Trees were full and lush, and wild birds of unknown species flew about. But that was not all Sungjin and his crew were looking for.

“The seventh island should appear soon.”

“It will appear. It is the goddess’ words,” Kuga ascertained, and he was right.

It began with a whirlpool. The water swirled as if the dragon of the sea was dancing. The pool ignored the laws of nature and curled upwards. It split once again and a face of dry earth appeared. One half was completely black and the other half completely white. It reminded one of basalt and marble, but the island was composed of two completely different materials of rocks, which made it seem more like a piece of art.

“It’s amazing!”



While the girls shouted, Sungjin silently enjoyed the spectacular sight.

There are no words for it. This magical island is truly another world.

To think that he would see something in real life that he had only seen portrayed in movies. On Earth, these kinds of changes happened at a much slower pace.

It seems appropriate that God’s fruit would be on this island.

It was also unpredictable what would happen if God’s fruit, blossoming only every thousand years, ended up in the hands of the High Priest.

Factoring in the eight grand temples, God’s child, God’s fruit, Sungjin didn’t know what the end result would be, but he knew it was something that should be prevented.

If I gain the fruit first and use it to release Rachel from her curse, it would be hitting two birds with one stone.

If Kuga was right that he could gain a level too it would be akin to killing three birds with one stone.

“Good. Let’s put down the anchor here and approach on a smaller vessel.”

At Sungjin’s orders, everyone moved.

The island exuded a somewhat mystical atmosphere. Although the overall appearance was of an equilateral triangle, one side was the shore and another a cliff. At the end of that cliff, where black and white met in a single border, was one sole tree, leafless, with a single fruit about the size of Sungjin’s fist.

“Are you sure there’s nothing I need to know before grabbing the fruit?”

Kuga confirmed once more:

“None. If there was, the goddess would have given additional information.”

“Fine, l trust your words.”

“But remember, the moment you get the fruit the island will begin to sink.”

“Got it. Let’s all move.”


Meanwhile, the Holy Nation had turned into a bloodthirsty atmosphere.

All the great priests kneeled before the High Priest Pedrian begging for their deaths.

“Your Excellency.”

“All the boats burned leaving no way to set sail?”

“We are truly sorry.”

“You’ve let down your guard once more.”

“We did not think that he would use such tricks.” The High Priests bowed down; there was no need for explanation.

Now Sungjin would be able to capture the fruit without opposition, but the High Priest wasn’t angered.

“Let’s not worry too much. A human’s plans cannot overstep the plans of God.”

“But what should we do? We can’t set sail.”

“We’ll head towards the sea.”

“But...but we don’t have a boat. We have ordered the boat docked at Port Eser to come immediately, but we must still wait three days for it to get here.”

“Why is there no boat? There’s one there.” The High Priest pointed his walking stick with a soft smile.

At the place the High Priest had pointed was a very small boat that looked like it could barely hold five people. It was a boat the fishermen used. It had no sails and was made to move with oars. It had survived the fire because it had been docked in the corner.

“Look, there is the ship God has left for us.”

The great priests quickly tried to hold back the High Priest.

“Your Excellency that small fishing boat will not work. The sea near the island is too rough.”

“Yes, a new boat will come.”

“Where would you place the supplies needed for the voyage?”

“And if we all board, there will be no space for Your Excellency’s sleep.”

“Not only that, the boat will move slower; even if we leave early, it would take an eternity to get there.”


The High Priest raised his stick and lightly tapped the heads of the great priests. It was a light hit, like the flick of a finger, but the great priests fell silent immediately.

“How could there be so little faith in those who call themselves great priests?”

He walked towards the small rowboat without hesitation. The great priests followed him not knowing what to do.

“With God’s protection, even with a rowboat, we’ll be safe from even the most vicious storm.”

It was absurd, but as the High Priest has said so it was advocated as truth.

“If God abandoned us, we could take a hundred sailing ships, and they would all be destroyed.”

He boarded the rowboat.

“Now, everyone get on. We must recover the sacrifice for God.”

The great priests were troubled. The small boat was definitely not equipped to take them all safely, or quickly, through the deep seas, and there was also no room for food or supplies to make the journey. Even if they made the treacherous trip to the imaginary island, they would starve to death.

The only reasonable thing to do would be to wait until the sailing boat arrived; Sungjin’s strategy appeared to have proved successful. But the High Priest’s full strength was unknown to the group and the world. There was only one answer.

“Yes, Your Excellency.” They followed after him.

The High Priest and the four great priests, the central power of Rupellion, began to board the small boat. It would be a long voyage, and there was not even a bed to sleep on. But the High Priest was not shaken in his determination. Instead, he stood on the end of the boat and prayed.

“God, guide us.”

He worshipped a powerless, mad god. Normally, he would have been laughed at.



With a resounding pitch, the water propelled the rowboat to move at a speed that was beyond its normal limits.

“With...with God’s guidance.” The great priests kneeled.

As the boat gained speed, the movements evened out. It was such smooth sailing that if they closed their eyes, they could imagine they were on land.

What else could this be called other than a miracle?

As expected...of His Excellency, the High Priest.

They also used the powers borrowed by a god, but it was of a different cut.

But what about food and water? There was nothing on the rowboat. Even with record speed, it would be a long journey back and forth from the island. The great priests pushed this out of their minds. If the High Priest prays, any problem would be solved. Their faith would provide for them.

“God, please have your children be not thirsty nor starved.”

After he shouted, the light that poured from the High Priest wound around the great priests. Although they had not eaten, nor drank, nor slept, they were full of vitality.

“God,” the great priests prayed while kneeling.

As expected, the High Priest was with God. It was the strength of a different dimension and made their powers appear miniscule in comparison. He lived with God and acted with God. They were only to follow.

They arrived on the imaginary island in one piece, and the sailboat that Sungjin had docked came into view.

“Your Excellency, on the island... there is already a docked boat. I think we’re too late.”

When the blue great priest began to panic, Pedrian scolded him.

“Calm down. To see a boat means the heretics have yet to run away with the stolen fruit.”

“You’re correct.”

“You would have realized this if you would just stop and think; you’ve all become timid after too many defeats.”

“We apologize.”

“Perhaps this is an opportunity. We may be able to demolish them all today. First, let’s sink the boat of the heretics.”

With a voice full of love, the High Priest nonchalantly ordered their deaths.

“Those who have lusted after God’s sacrifice, you shall repent at the bottom of the sea.”

Under the benevolent voice was a cold anger reserved for Sungjin. It was the rage of the owner of a herd of sheep that had just ordered the death of the wolf that had stolen his sacrifice for God.

“It will be as you have ordered.”

The great priests aimed their forces towards Sungjin’s boat. The one lone boat was scrapped in the blink of an eye. With this, Sungjin and his team had no way of returning home. Of course, the rowboat Pedrian had used to get there was left, but it was only possible for the High Priest to travel the ocean in such a small boat safely.

Huh, I suppose the great emperor of the south will die a meaningless death.

The black great priest, Pangnilin, thought this as he watched the last remains of the boat disappear.

If, by the smallest chance, Sungjin won over themselves and the High Priest, he still wouldn’t be able to leave the island. What remained for him was to sink along with the rest of the island.

If he had not attacked in the night he could have at least saved his own life.

If that had happened, they would have taken the fruit and left early. Sungjin’s group would have found nothing and returned with bare hands, though they would still have had a way home. But would that not also be God’s plans?

Afterwards, they went up the narrow path. They spotted Sungjin about to pick the fruit. It was according to the High Priest’s predictions. They had arrived just a moment too late.

Pedrian and Sungjin’s eyes met.

Pedrian simply smiled a benevolent smile towards Sungjin who exuded a frigid air. No one could read his emotions under his closed eyes.

“Now that you have touched the fruit God has given us, what punishment should we administer for you to repent? No ordinary punishment will do.”

With minor crimes being punished with repetitive torture and healing, the priests couldn’t imagine what punishment would befall Sungjin.

“You’re the head of that crazy faith?” Sungjin provoked him further.

“Hahahaha. There is much sin and corruption in your mouth, you and your pitiful existence. I should generously give you a chance to repent.”

For Sungjin, it appeared to be too late to escape the fate that awaited him from the High Priest and the 4 great priests. Each and every one could overpower Sungjin, who was only level zero. It was enough to be wary of one person who could perform swordsmanship of perfect calculations but five to one, including the High Priest, was simply devastating.

“Oh? But I won’t give you a chance,” Sungjin replied.

With the fruit in his hands, he jumped off the cliff.

Pangnilin was shocked; jumping from that height was suicide. From the cliff to the waters was 100 meters. It was a distance a level zero was certain to die of at that speed. Sungjin didn’t seem like the type of man who would commit suicide or was it that he could not hand over the fruit?


Sungjin was alive. His sword had slowed his speed with suspension as he fell. He leisurely glided through the air and landed safely in the sea.

Kuk. Was that it?!

Pangnilin finally understood. He recognized the black light in Sungjin’s hands. The famous holy sword of heaven’s will, Durandal. As Eustasia’s could use long-ranged sword attacks freely, Sungjin used it as a flight tool; it was enough to avoid death by falling.

To think he would use it in such a manner.

But where was Eustasia who controlled the sword?

The riddle was solved quickly.

The sea split, and a large turtle emerged. The width of its back was enough to carry five people and a beast with space to spare. It was Rachel’s second ability: to be loved by nature. Her songs and prayers moved plants and animals, even sea creatures.

On its back were his other four teammates. Landing in a suitable spot, Sungjin returned the sword.

“Now, Eustasia. It’s time.”

At his order, she responded immediately.

“The Sword of Heaven’s Will, Durandal!”

The pure aura of the sword reached the heavens and displayed a sparkling light that then fell down. The speed of the sword was like a starfall. The twelve beautiful connected stars were judges of the sky, and the stars landed on the docked wooden boat.


The boat was destroyed before the priests had a chance to panic. It was a swift attack, and they had no words.

“You all can die.” Sungjin leisurely announced while drifting away from the island on the sea turtle.

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