
Chapter 98 - Vol. 4 – Episode 11

Chapter 98: Vol. 4 – Episode 11

It was an annihilation. An annihilation by a single blow. As soon as Kapitle showed his real power, Sungin’s team was annihilated.

The light came down from the sky to Kapitle, and the Valkyrie offered the nectar of gods to him. The conqueror’s glass eye shone with bright light. He looked like the reincarnation of Odin.

The audience lost their words and murmured, “That is...Gungnir...” It was the best of the Golden Wise King’s artifacts. It was the spear of God from Midgard Pantheon, who gave up his eye to get the ultimate wisdom. It was an artifact that contained the power of the king of gods.

Ereka and Rachel had legendary artifacts, but their difference in level made the power different.

The victory belonged to Kapitle.

Chapter 7

The people watching the battle stayed silent. Sungjin’s defeat in this battle didn’t mean just a simple defeat; it was the first time Sungjin had been defeated.

And it was such an impossible battle.

It was his defense battle with all his plans. But the absolute power of Kapitle cancelled all of Sungjin’s efforts. It wasn’t even a close battle. There was no chance of victory as long as the power of Kapitle overruled everything else. It wouldn’t matter how many times they tried.

There is no way that Sungjin will win. Is the continent going to be conquered by Kapitle? All the extras from Sungjin’s kingdom fell down on their knees in despair. Now the cruel tyranny of Kapitle was waiting for them. Their hope had been happiness under Sungjin’s rulership, but it was all just a dream.

Kapitle shouted to the people outside the battlefield. “Hahaha. That is your power you’ve been bragging about?” He was invincible.

Maybe Pederian, who had become a reincarnation of God, could be his worthy opponent, but now there was no one who could fight against Kapitle. “So people call you the conqueror from another world? But I think that name suits me better! Hahaha.”

He used his plan not because he didn’t have a strong power. He didn’t use his power only because it was possible that the Holy Pope Pedrian could use the power of God which could lead them both to the destruction. Kapitle was the strongest of all.

With his power, the name conqueror suited him well. “I will take everything you have from you!”

Zakiya sighed and looked at Sungjin. She thought that he didn’t look as spirited anymore. I thought Sungjin would be a worthy opponent against Kapitle, but if Kapitle has such a clear upper hand, maybe I should think again.

It was useless to think that he was someone whom she could give everything to. Maybe nobody could fight against Kapitle. So everything will follow the Golden Wise King’s will. If this was the limit of Sungjin, she couldn’t give everything to him.

Everyone around her doubted her intentions, but she was sincerely following Sungin’s command to see his potential, but the results were disappointing.

It wasn’t only Zakiya who felt disappointment—everyone watching the battle felt the same. Even Sungjin isn’t strong enough to defeat the Golden Wise King. Should we surrender to Kapitle now? Would he accept us if we try to join him now? Maybe it would be better than being a prisoner. Well, our life wasn’t amazing under him anyway.

Many heroes worried about their positions started to question if they had to change sides. The limit of Sungjin’s power depended on Sungjin’s charisma.

But then the voice of Valkyrie changed the mood in the waiting room.

[Chermunt battle. Team Sungjin won.]

[Agrea battle. Team Sungjin won.]

[Lintalgrid battle. Team Sungjin won.]

[Chasshire battle. Team Sungjin won.]

The Valkyrie announced the victory of Sungjin from multiple battlefields.

What is going on? The heroes stopped saying it was over for Sungjin or that his intelligence was useless before Kapitle’s level.

The Valkyrie kept announcing.

[The result of the battle was four victories and one defeat, so Chermunt, Agrea and Lintalgrid, three territories in total belong to Sungjin now.]

It was a sudden announcement of battle results from four battlefields. People were shocked as soon as they understood its meaning.

Then, a magic globe in front of Sungjin started to shine and show his army. Pangnilin, the great black priest, reported to Sugnjin. “The guardian of the saint and the ruler of Sevrantina. Master Sungjin, I followed your order to conquer Chermunt.”

“Good job.”

The great blue priest also showed himself. “I conquered Agrea as you ordered.”

“The Valkyrie told me. I will reward you as soon as you are back. Celebrate for now.”

“I’m happy to serve you during this holy war.”

The great white priest and the great red priest reported their victory to Sungjin.

Sungjin nodded slightly arrogantly and looked around. Everyone was overwhelmed by his look. The situation had changed what he looked like. People could see the halo of victory behind him.

It was obvious that the Golden Wise King had defeated Sungjin in the battle. But... was it a real victory? Sungjin was defeated in the battle that he had commanded. But... was it a real defeat?

Regardless, the value of the territory at stake for each battle was the same, so, although there were some differences in members in the battles, the total result of the battle was the most important thing. A victory was a victory. It didn’t matter who was fighting in the battle.

Sunjing lost the battle but won the war.

“How dare you...” Kapitle could no longer be arrogant. He started to shiver with anger.

Sungjin smiled at him provocatively. “Are you confused? I’m sure you knew there were many battles.” When Kapitle had declared war, Sungjin had also declared war against him. When he had been summoned to Valhalla, Ereka, Jenna and Rittier were the only heroes he had, but now he was playing a different game. He was able to fight with his first, second, third, fourth and fifth teams, and of course he had let his first team, his closest girls, fight against Kapitle.

Well, I was hoping we would win on all the battlefields. The power of Kapitle had been beyond Sungjin’s calculations. The Holy Order of God King, Gungnir, was strong enough to give him one victory, but Sungjin was still the winner.

“You didn’t expect to lose on all the other battlefields, is that it?” Sungjin smiled at Kapitle and his miscalculation that he would win at least half of them. Sungjin was the one defeated, but he was calm and full of spirit while Kapitle, the winner, looked miserable.

“I admit that you are the strongest on this continent with one man power.” Sungjin showed a winner’s attitude by accepting the strength of his opponent. Although it could sound like a mockery to you. Knowing that his praise could provoke Kapitle, he didn’t stop. He had to look strong to keep his heroes together, and it would work for his advantage if Kapitle was provoked and made a mistake in anger. “I allowed you to have a victory on the battlefield here. You fought hard,” said Sungjin arrogantly, as if he were granting a victory to Kapitle. “But your army lost all the other battles.” His victory became his halo and added charisma on Sungjin’s verdict. “You could win the battle over and over again but you will still lose the war.”

Kapitle was invincible on a battlefield, but it was only applicable on one battlefield, whereas Sungjin’s plan didn’t require him to be on every single battlefield. That was why some of the greatest warriors who were invincible couldn’t win the war even if they were winning battles. That was the difference between an invincible person and a tactician, who had the bigger picture.

Sungjin stretched his fist toward Kapitle. “I tell you, if you keep going like this, you will have to fight on your final territory that is left for you. You’d better show your power before that happens.” That was not a bluff but a truth backed by evidence.

Although he lost the battle of the selected force, but it was only the problem for Sungjin’s ego. The real winner was Sungin.

“Hahaha. Hahaha...” Kapitle laughed joyfully instead of going crazy with anger. “Yes, if it is heaven’s will that you are going to be the ruler of the continent, you don’t want it to be boring without a strong opponent. So you want to replace Pedestrian with your power?” It was a painful defeat, but Kapitle was sure that he would be the final winner of the war. “Good. I will take your resistance. Soon, you will find out about my other secret treasure,” said Kapitle, and he marched back to his castle. It didn’t look like a march of a defeated general. He was still full of confidence and power, and nobody doubted that he still had a hidden card that he hadn’t used yet.

And Sungjin’s answer to Kapitle’s arrogance was his own. “Ha. You have something left? Yeah, that would make it more interesting. Try to show me your power.”

And people felt that Kapitle might be hiding a card but Sungjin didn’t show all his power.

It was a war to define the ruler of the continent. This was only a reconnaissance. The real battle was about to begin, and nobody knew who would be the winner. All they knew was that Sungjin looked glorious from winning the reconnaissance engagement.

Zakiya shivered with excitement. He could be the one to defeat Kapitle. For a moment she doubted his ability but she rushed to the conclusion. Oh... maybe he is the guy... She thought maybe he was the guy who could make her secret wish come true. Maybe he was the one who was worth giving her everything to.

She scanned Sungjin’s body from head to toe. His strong and fit body was sexy and seductive. He looked like a glorious and powerful young lion that ruled the jungle.

Should I?

Maybe he is the one.

That night people celebrated Sungjin’s victory in his castle. Everyone was excited that Sungjin had defeated the strong power that was the only obstacle to unifying the continent.

There were great drinks, and chefs presented their best on plates, and heroes started to praise Sungjin’s greatness as if they were competing—at least, that was what they tried to show everyone else.

“Haha. It was a great plan of the great Master Sungjin.”

“You are right. Although Kapitle is invincible, the war is more than just winning one battle.”

“Of course. Sungjin is the one who will conquer the continent.”

They talked as if they wanted Sungjin to hear them.

There was nobody who would dare say that it was the end of the world that an extra was about to conquer the continent or anything close to that, although they were thinking different things inside.

Sigh... if that extra keeps ruling us...

Our good old days are gone.

Ugh, he took all my lands and now I need to survive on a low wage...

They couldn’t even dare take money from the extras, because that would only lead to their destruction.

For the heroes, the era of Sungjin was the most exciting era for them, but they didn’t have much choice.

We should adopt ourselves to the reality.

Sigh... We should survive.

Wanting it or not, they cheered for Sungjin to let people hear them.

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