
Chapter 125 - Vol. 5 – Episode 15

Chapter 125: Vol. 5 – Episode 15

The Valkyrie announced.

[The fight has begun.]

The battle field had camps on each end, and there were two paths connecting them. Between the two paths was a huge forest.

“There are three paths for our enemies to approach us while we are only two. What should we do?”

When Sooryun asked Sungjin this, he answered with a playful smile, “What would be the way from the book?”

“To fight against many, we should defeat them one-by-one. There are five of them, so they would divide their forces, putting two on each path and one in the forest. That means we should find the robot that will be alone to make this fight one against one rather than two against five.”

She was the leader of the resistance, and her plan was logical. It made Sungjin nod. “Yes, that is perfectly by the book.”

“So should we do that?”

“No. You go to the upper path, and I will go to the lower path. Let’s try to get items using the turret.”

“We can... earn some time... but would it be ok?”

“Of course. Trust me.”

But while we collect our items, they would also collect theirs. They would become even stronger, but Sooryun didn’t argue. She decided to go all in with Sungjin. There was no reason to argue with him but to trust him that he had an idea.

They both protected the turret from the robots.

A two-on-one fight was not easy, but Sooryun was holding on.


Everytime she played her lute a mud minion disappeared.

Ding ding.

“The Music of the Half Moon.” When she activated her strong skill, a half-moon shaped sound wave sliced-up the soldiers in its range.

Now I’ve earned a bit of a time.

And she was able to collect a little more crystals, but she became more and more anxious.

I can keep them out by killing the soldiers to stop the robots jumping into the turret but... how long will this last?

[Heat laser from the Sky.]

A robot started to shoot heat lasers with a heavy mechanical sound, and the soldiers from her side burned in a second.

She was collecting crystals, but the robots were collecting just as much.

After time, they would strengthen their armor or maybe activate an item to neutralize the turret.

Then what will we do? Although the scariest thing is something else: is Sungjin prepared for all those possibilities?

And then the time came. Two robots walked in to destroy the turret. AI system in the robot calculated that it was possible.

“The Music of the Half Moon.” She threw half-moon shaped sound waves to stop them.

[Laser Net Shield.]

An energy shield appeared above the robots, and her wave was neutralized by the shield. It was an equally strong power.

Ugh... my ultimate skill “the Heavenly Music of the Full Moon” would be the only thing that would work.

But she was not sure when she had to divide the power for two robots, if it would be possible to destroy them all by breaking the armor and the shield. If that would work, that would be great but if not, the robots would kill her.

I need to risk my life here.

But then, she heard Sungjin’s order.

Are you reaching your limit? Give up the turret and come back to the base camp.

She didn’t understand, because if she gave up the turret, that would make the situation worse, but Sooryun decided to follow Sungjin’s order. She didn’t have any other solutions.

Sungjin and Sooryun came back to the base camp. “Did you collect enough crystals?”

“Yes. I have enough to activate my Heavenly Yueqin. What about you?”

“I collected enough. Now it’s time to fight.”

“So we should fight against them all here.”

And she was right. Five robots walked in to the upper path all together. The robots were three meters tall and laser beams came from their chests while they held weapons in each hand. The armor looked strong, and it was covered in shields.

And there were five of them. This was the situation that Sooryun had been worried about. She was capable of fighting a one-on-one fight, but this was a five-on-two fight.

Maybe Sungjin could fight one or two but... what about the rest? She didn’t know what kind of hidden card Sungjin was trying to use.

It seemed that he was about to show her but it was a desperate situation that no plan could really work.

“Are you scared?”

“To be honest with you, yes I am.”

“Don’t worry. I have the key for the victory already.”

“Is that so?”

“I will show you.” Sungjin stretched out his right hand. The show was about to begin. “Come. Dawn Bringer.” He was using crystals to activate his artifact: The Holy Sword of Halt. It was a bringer of the dawn that he had gotten by defeating the Holy Pope Pedrian.

The legend showed its power beyond the time and space by appearing on his hand.

It was the strong weapon that helped him to unify the continent, but also, in the beginning, this was the sword of the light that the top angle had used to stop the chaos. It was able to stop abnormal phenomenon by touching it with its blade.

“Ha. It is a world made with the power from Valhalla, it could be a seperated world but it can’t be a different world from Valhalla,” said Sungjin with a grin.



“Let me use your power.” Sungjin reached out his left hand. “Stat Exchange.”


Sooryun’s outfit became a normal one while Sungjin’s outfit changed. A flow of energy moved from Sooryun to Sungjin and made Sungjin’s outfit change into blue armor. It was an armor of oriental warriors. It looked a bit dangerous because no part of it was protected by heavy metal plate, but that only seemed so when just looking at its appearance. It was knitted by strings that contained power so that Sungjin was able to move freely while augmenting his physical function to maximum capability.

Sooryun’s class was the warrior.

Chapter 6

The warrior class had the highest physical abilities among the six classes. The warrior didn’t have high resistance power like the knight, but its physical power was the top and the best class for the balanced physical fight.

Sungjin took her power and stepped forward with light steps, but with his steps the ground shook.

“Now, come. But you should do your best.” Sungjin looked confident in front of five monsterous robots, and even provoked them. Although they were just machines that could not be provoked, the robots ran toward him as programmed.


“Hide yourself in a safe place,” said Sungjin, and he ran toward the robots.

He ran toward the robots that were five times bigger than him with just a sword. Is he being reckless?

But Sungjin didn’t look like he was overcoming fear and stepping forward.

He rather looks like...

Sooryun looked at him from behind.

What she felt from Sungjin wasn’t courage. It was... It was rather... Spirit. He looked like a lion running toward five sheep.

But how? Although he had her power, it was a five-on-one fight. Is this an easy one for him?

The first robot clashed with Sungjin, and for a brief amount of time, it was a one-on-one fight. Sungjin read that the heat laser would come from the robot’s chest, and stepped aside to avoid it.

The robot turned around to follow him, but Sungjin had already calculated that, so he lowered his body to get into the robot.

To stop Sungjin, the robot’s two hands stabbed Sungjin one by one: a spear in one hand and a sword in the other. Sungjin’s sword stopped the spear first and then twisted the course of power to stop robot’s sword with it at the same time. And at the blink of an eye when robot’s sword and spear stopped together, Sungjin’s sword stabbed the engine of the robot, but there was an energy shield to protect the engine. However, it was meaningless before the Holy Sword of Halt. Sungjin pierced the robot’s armor and its engine.

Zing, zing.

The first robot lost its power.

You are amazing. Sooryun, impressed, looked at the scene.

Piercing armor with a single blow wasn’t a “skill,” but it almost looked like one. He used the power from his body’s acceleration and used the spin of his arm to make it stronger. Finally, he used the attacking power from the robot to maximize his own attack power.

That is not what we call skill in our world but... She was a warrior, so she understood the difference between “skill” and pure martial arts, so she was deeply impressed.

In the meantime, the remaining four robots surrounded Sungjin and started to attack him. The two on the left and right started their attack first with their spears. Then, two swords started to attack him horizontally.

But... “Pff.” Everything was as he calculated. He moved fast to stop suddenly and moved shapely to suddenly show a smooth movement.

Sungjin’s movement was free as the wind and looked like the movement of water, but it was as fierce as lightning and strong as rock.

He didn’t stay with one kind of movement. His movement didn’t have a predictable rhythm: it was free movement of a sword.

A sharp spear cut the air to attack him, but Sungjin was already out of its way, having read its movement in advance.

Sungjin used the robot’s attack for his counterattack with his sword. The speed of his physical movement was added to the speed of the sword to create a destructive power that was two times bigger than what he could make with his own muscles.

He easily destroyed the engine, and pulled out his sword and turned around. Another spear was attacking him Very predictable. He smiled at the huge robot that was attacking him.

“It is stronger and faster than a human, but its movement has the clear pattern of AI.” It wasn’t difficult to react to such predictable movements when he knew how to read them and how to counter them.

Sungjin’s sword danced, sometimes beautifully but sometimes sharply. He made minimum movements, but his every move was an art.

Broken robots started to pile up.

Humans would have run away at the sight of such a dreadful opponent, but the robots were simply following a program.

Four robots were dismantled and fell down on the ground. There was only one left. It seemed like the fight was over; he had defeated a joint attack of five machines, and now there was only one left.

Sungjin ran to the last robot. The robot aimed at Sungjin to shoot its laser.

Sungjin planned to avoid it by approaching it at a slightly different angle, but the next moment, Sungjin realized something wasn’t right.

It is different.

The way it was aiming was slightly different, and Sungjin was able to see that, so he threw his body out of the way, and that was the right choice.


The laser tore up the ground. “Lucky bastard.” The head of the robot opened to show a familiar face.

It was Dungpyong.

Through the open gap, Sungjin could see the lower body of Dungpyong.

He had become half-cyborg. His body was connected to machines that linked to the robot’s control system.

Sungjin stood up quickly with a stable pose. “Pff. Good to see you again. You look quite different now.”

Sungjin had already heard that this world was a closed world where a dead soul would be resurrected, but he didn’t expect Dungpyong to mutilate his body in order to come back as half-robot.

“I did it all to defeat you.”

“I like your spirit, but I don’t think I like your methods.”

“If I can kill you, everything else doesn’t matter!”

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