
Chapter 139 - Owner By Right

Chapter 139 - Owner By Right

Mikhail was terrified. He doesn\'t like it when people mix up relationships for fun.

If he is your lover, call him that. There are a lot of other words to describe that relationship. Just don\'t call him daddy if you\'re sleeping with him!

Is that too much to ask of people these days?

And of all people, Jeremy\'s wife is falling for this trend? I see they have a big age gap, but still...

He is not your daddy if you\'re married to him!

"She\'s high... Wisdom teeth extraction... And I am very tired, let me in," Jeremy said with a sigh.

He could see terror dancing in Mikhail\'s face.

"Oh..." Mikhail let them in and closed the door. "Oh?"

It still doesn\'t make sense! Ugh, whatever!

Mikhail decided to let go seeing Jeremy being really tired.

"Daddy, is he your friend?" Jerlina whispered in his ears once more as they were seated on the couch.

"Yes," Jeremy nodded patting her head.

"Oh," she said, and then she was on her best behavior. Sitting with her knees together and her hands on her lap, she looked like a lady. She even stopped bothering him about her ice cream.

Is it because there is another one here she stopped bothering me?

"Let\'s order an ice cream," he said and watched her face brighten. "What flavor do you want?" he asked.

"Chocolate chip," she smiled. "You promised me a long time ago... but then Gina came and you forgot..." her face turned sad.

Jeremy\'s heart skipped a beat. He now had an idea why she is acting the way she is and thinking of her father.

Getting high has a different effect on everyone and she seemed to be regressed to the past when her dad was alive and in her hallucinations, she got the father who listens to her every whim.

But even in her hallucination, she is behaving in front of her "father\'s friend". She stopped pestering him for ice cream just after she saw Mikhail.

He wondered if she\'d have really stopped bothering him about it if he didn\'t bring it up.

Is this how she usually hides her wishes? To be on her best behavior, she conceals her desires? Doesn\'t she know the squeaky wheel gets the grease? Being quiet, hiding her wishes, she is bound to get ignored?

It\'s such a shame her father just ignored her like that. And it is a shame she got used to getting ignored.

"Let\'s order every type of chocolate ice cream," Jeremy pulled out his card.

"Really?" Her mouth went O- shaped and she hugged him once more. "Thanks, daddy. I love you, daddy!"

She might remember it afterwards or she won\'t. It doesn\'t matter. Let her have fun for some time.

"I\'m out," Mikhail waved his hand and went into his room. He wanted to barf. Watching this is not his cup of tea.

"Suit yourself," Jeremy didn\'t mind. He wanted to have his time admiring her anyway.

He watched her eating every ice cream with delight. She even shared a good portion with him. Watching her eat, his tiredness went away.

After having her fill, he could see the sedation is wearing off and she became tired. He thought of booking another room to let her have a nice rest.

"Use that room if you please. I never used it before," Mikhail\'s voice made him jump.

"How long were you staring at us?" Jeremy furrowed his brows. She was acting cutely till now and he didn\'t want others to look at her.

Mikhail said nothing and pointed at the second bedroom in the suite. Jeremy thought for a moment and then decided to use the bedroom. He\'d be here talking with Mikhail, and he wanted her to be near him in case of emergencies.

"So... I thought the marriage was fake and she didn\'t love you..?" Mikhail questioned passing him a glass of vodka.

Even in his loungewear, he exuded class as Jeremy observed. He must say, people who grow up posh, can\'t hide it.

Mikhail was a bit confused. He doesn\'t get involved in Jeremy\'s private life ever, but he couldn\'t help it. He watched them getting married yesterday and it was nothing short of a wedding of a loving couple. And the closeness he just saw between Jeremy and her... it made him curious.

Jeremy accepted the glass although he had no intention of drinking. He doesn\'t fare well with hard liquor. But looking at the bottle, it seemed like Kors Vodka Gold edition that costs $16,500 per bottle.

"I thought you were going to open it for your bachelor\'s party?" Jeremy asked raising the glass. The glass had Hopkins glassware seal under it and it made him smile with pride.

Jerlina told him that they\'ve already sent one batch of glassware to Mikhail. For Mikhail to bring a set for his own use... only means he loves it.

Her company products are the best after all! Good thing that Mikhail has the class to see it.

"Well, I opened it to celebrate my friend\'s wedding!" Mikhail with his signature smile took a sip from the glass.

Jeremy rolled his eyes and took a sip. It didn\'t taste any different from local vodka and he wondered why it is priced that high.

Ah, the life of the wealthy... Or maybe I don\'t have an expensive palette.

He is not a vodka connoisseur and he doesn\'t care about any liquor. He\'d be happy with the beers he buys at the local convenience store. But these guys buy stuff for their status.

Well, they have to spend their money somewhere... It is good for the economy!

"Speaking of my wedding...? my wife wants to know how she should return the tiara..." Jeremy paused seeing Mikhail getting a bit stiff. "Cakebox? Seriously?"

Mikhail let out a breath and leaned comfortably on the couch and casually took another sip of the liquor. "She doesn\'t have to return it. It\'s... a gift..?" he said crossing his leg and his sentence ended in a higher pitch as if it was a question.

"A gift? Is that so?" Jeremy smirked. He figured as much. "Is it because she married me...Oh!" he rubbed his forehead. "Your grandpops wouldn\'t have given importance to a fake wife...but he does, that means... my wife is the owner of the tiara by right... am I right?"

Mikhail leaned forward, "So you\'ve guessed," he chuckled. "What else should I expect from you," he mumbled as he emptied his glass and poured himself more.

"And?" Jeremy probed. He already commissioned one of his smart guys to find out more about the Fleur De Lys that his wife finds to be related to her.

But if he can get the answer directly from Mikhail, it saves a lot of time.

"And... what? My grandpa forbade me to-"

"If your grandpa really didn\'t want me to know, he\'d have kept it from you too," Jeremy pressed his lips.

"Well... can her identity bring trouble to her?" Jeremy asked.

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