
Chapter 158 - First Date

Chapter 158 - First Date

Jeremy didn\'t know what he thought, but he held her hand as soon as she turned. He didn\'t like to see her leave.

My dear Jerlina, just don\'t leave me alone. I can\'t wait to hear you say those three words to me. So, say those words to me first.

My heart\'s pounding and my chest hurt. I want to say how much I love you but I can\'t find the words. I can\'t find my voice either.

I fear I\'d die of the love I am feeling for you.

So please, fall for me soon. Say "I love you" to me and relieve me of my suffering.

Jeremy wanted to speak, but his words didn\'t come out.

Jerlina turned to look at him. He was choking with emotions. She didn\'t know what he wanted to say.

"Are you leaving?" she asked and he nodded.

"I\'ll be a little late tonight. I\'ll quickly make some phone calls and I\'ll be back home within an hour. I drove the Porche here," she bent and placed a kiss on his cheek. "I\'d love chicken roast with potatoes tonight," she kissed his other cheek.

"Okay," he hugged her with a smile.

That\'s right. She\'ll return to our home. I can wait a little longer.

"I\'ll wait."

Jerlina saw him getting relaxed a bit and left the room relieved. Closing the door, she stared blankly at the floor for some time.

Home... I said home as if his home is my home.

And... I don\'t regret it.

And he... he always refers to his home and his company as our home and our company. And he is paying for all my expenses.

That\'s... new for me. Should I get used to it?

But he refers to my company as \'your company\'. What is that about?

Should I talk to him about it?

I mean, I should pay half of the expenses, right? The groceries, electricity and everything else...

Jerlina really was new to it. While she was living together with Gerard, they shared every expense and every chore too.

But with Jeremy, everything is different. He seems to be spending a lot for her and she just lives there?

Is that how it works?

I am no longer a kidnapee, right?


Days passed. Jerlina was busy taking care of her company and her work as Jeremy\'s? secretary. The search for the PR firm was finished and they signed the deal. Jerlina too decided to choose the same PR firm since it had the right connections. And she had hopes that one day her company will grow to be as big as Jeremy\'s company too.

Jerlina heard some murmurs from certain employees in the company that Jeremy is p*ssy-whipped and listens only to his wife. She knew rumors like these are inevitable in a company considering her position.

She decided to see if those rumors would die out on their own.

Her payment faced some delay and she had no idea why. But then, she didn\'t need money for anything and she didn\'t bother with it much. She decided to wait.

On the weekend, Jerlina was waiting for Jeremy.

"You\'re wearing a suit," Jerlina opened her mouth wide seeing Jeremy walking out of his room.

He said they can visit her dad\'s grave today but she didn\'t think he\'d willingly wear a suit.

"I am..." he smiled like a proud boy expecting a compliment. "I am visiting my father-in-law after all," he walked to her.

Jerlina smiled. He is technically right and she had nothing to say to refuse him.

"Help me with the tie," he stood in front of her and she helped him.

Of course, he kissed her cheek after she helped him.

Jerlina tried to glare at him for taking liberties with her, but she couldn\'t maintain her glare and ended up laughing.

"Let\'s go, you naughty rascal!" she hit his back and they walked out.

These few days have been very pleasant days for Jerlina. Of course, one or more rumors were circulating around about her thanks to Emma, but it didn\'t affect Jerlina\'s mood.

She went on her morning walks with Scarlett and her days were pretty busy with her having more responsibilities and her nights are eventful too.

By some magic, she found herself on the same bed with Jeremy on most nights. They slept separately too, but they slept together most days.

They\'d be talking and somehow will end up sleeping on the same bed. Athough they never kissed or did anything intimate other than snuggling together, she felt that if this continues, the day they "sleep together" won\'t be far.


Jerlina watched Jeremy silently kneeling in front of the grave longer than she did and wondered what he might be talking to her dad.

She silently watched him.

That day at dinner, she asked him about sharing their expenses and he shrugged.

\'It\'s the duty of the husband to provide for the wife,\' he said and she was stunned.

He skillfully changed the topic elsewhere and stopped her from speaking about it further and she forgot about it till now.

But standing here in front of her father\'s grave, she realized how her life has changed from the past.

It seems like she\'s been living a peaceful and carefree life for these few days. She didn\'t remember feeling this relaxed ever. Well, maybe when she was a little child and until her grandpa was alive she was this relaxed.

But ever since her dad remarried, her life has been filled with one struggle or another. And she is far from safety and she still wasn\'t sure she is out of her grief from losing her child. As Scarlett said, grief really hits like waves and at times, unexpectedly. She has more responsibilities now.

But despite all that, she is peaceful.

She isn\'t constantly worrying or losing sleep. She\'s been sleeping peacefully these days and she\'s happy.

Jerlina took in a deep breath.

Is this how life should be? Was I missing out on all these?

"Shall we leave?" Jeremy held out his hand.

"Yeah," Jerlina held his hand.

Ever since I held this hand at the alter, my life seemed to have become a lot peaceful.

This thought suddenly popped into her brain. And it didn\'t alarm her. Her heart was still at peace.

"Let\'s go on a date, Jerlina," he whispered in her ear. "Our first date."

Jerlina smiled. She decided to give him a chance and she seemed to be gaining a lot.

So, why refuse?

But she was a little surprised when he went through a drive-through restaurant and bought cheeseburgers and fries for dinner.

Are we high schoolers going on a first date?

He bought a six-pack of beer from the convenience store.

Okay, guess we are not high schoolers!

"I have somewhere to take you," he said with excitement in his eyes.

She decided to get surprised.

"Close your eyes," he said and she with no qualms followed his request.

The Jeep went far and she almost fell asleep.

"We\'re here," he said and she opened her eyes.


That\'s all she could say realizing where they are at.


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