
Chapter 271 - Not Here For A Chef

Chapter 271 - Not Here For A Chef

Samuel noticed her eyes ending up at the tunnel. He couldn\'t figure out if it was an affectionate gesture or a controlling gesture.

But his father is convinced that she loves her husband, and so it shall be.

"About Matilda, young lady?" he questioned.

Her personal life is none of his business. She made it clear that she has no intention of continuing their relationship after his father. And so, there is no need for them to get over affectionate with her.

Just like she wants to be a passing cloud in their family, they can be the same. They can live the rest of their lives like the sky and the sea – without ever touching each other.

Although his wife seems to be not understanding that part.

His question snapped Jerlina out of her thoughts. And she didn\'t like his insistence on addressing her as a Young lady.

"No need, grandad," she turned to him with a fake smile. "Leave her be."

Samuel\'s eyebrows twitched.

Grandad? Seriously? My eldest daughter is younger than her and she dares to call me grandad?

He was lost for words. He wanted to correct her but Gordon told him that his father didn\'t mind it when he addressed him by his name. She is someone who has the grandsire\'s heart and that kindled a little fear in his heart.

He cannot correct her either since she is technically right. He is her great-grandfather\'s son and technically her grandfather.

I should have asked her to address me as a Lord. UGH!

He sighed in his heart.

"You seem to be angrier at that Viper than at Matilda who hired him," he asked.

Isn\'t her anger displaced to the wrong person? Is she like others who only see what\'s in front of them?

Samuel wondered. Just because Matilda never hurt her in front of her face, she is willing to be lenient with her?

Jerlina turned at him. He seemed to be genuinely curious. As she looked closer she could see the resemblance between Jonathan and Samuel. Both of them had the same square jaw and deep-set eyes.

"Matilda offered him money to kill me, yes. She put a target on me," Jerlina looked at the hill at the distance."But who asked Viper to touch my people and my godchild?" Jerlina cupped her hands and blew on them.

Thinking of that day still gave her chills.

Samuel said nothing. He now understood her. He also could see his father\'s perspective and why he is acting carefully around her. This is why he forbade them from using coercion on her when it is obvious that she loves a lot of people.

She values her loved ones more than she values herself!

What a fool! This would only lead to disappointments and heartbreaks.

But she is young… she\'ll learn this important lesson in due time.

"Matilda won\'t have a peaceful death either…" Jerlina spoke in a low, hushed voice.

She had a feeling.

"There was an article about you and Mikhail Volkonsky," Samuel probed.

He thought she is someone with average intelligence but she seems to be smarter than he anticipated. Maybe that\'s how she survived this long.

"Yeah, one article about me and Mike and the next article about Joel staying in the Volkonsky\'s winter vacation home followed by another article joining the dots that I am Joel\'s wife… Those people know how to get more clicks," Jerlina shrugged.

But this is good. Now her company would get more exposure.

"We can set you up with connections for your company and Fitzgerald-"

"We wouldn\'t want to bother the Erling family," Jerlina interjected him rather impatiently.

Using the Erling family connections would be the last thing she would do.

Samuel looked at her silently. She absolutely has no interest in getting connected with the Erling family. He should be happy about it but for some reason, he felt an upsetting feeling in his heart.

She\'s not bad…


When Dr.Kruger opened her eyes, she was getting loaded inside an ambulance with the medics giving her first aid. She looked around as she heard a familiar voice.


He\'s been with her the whole time after the riot. Even on the day of the riot, he was the one who warned them and helped them escape to a safe house. He tactfully didn\'t say anything about Jerlina being kept in the police station though.

\'If you die, who will help my sister?\'

He said dismissively, chewing gum when she thanked him for saving their life.

But he didn\'t have any need to buy them groceries and do other volunteer work for them afterward. He would refuse to go home either and would often stay in the clinic. They\'d still treat his sister though.

Seeing her eyes opened, his eyes widened, and closing his mouth, he jumped in joy.

Silly boy!

"You\'re fine… you\'ll be fine, doc! It\'s just a heart attack. You\'re stronger than this," he said grabbing her hand and with an uncontrollable smile. "I\'ll call TJ and inform him."

Inform Jeremy..? No!

Dr. Kruger clutched Shaun\'s hand. The medics tried to separate their hand to get the stretcher inside the vehicle but Dr. Kruger waved.

"No," she waved her hand. "Don\'t tell Jeremy…"

"But, doc!" Shaun was confused.

"We have to get her in. Sir, please…" the medic said and pushed Shaun away.

"No," Dr. Kruger repeated.

She was relieved to see Shaun nodding as the doors of the ambulance closed,

Her chest was still heavy and she knew it is a mild attack. There won\'t be any danger to her life.

Jeremy on the other hand needs to recover. And he was pretty excited about his plans with Jerlina for Christmas. She didn\'t want to ruin their time alone.

Those two didn\'t even go on a honeymoon. This is a good time for them to build their relationship.

Yeah… Jeremy should be happy!


Alexander tasted the French Macarons in front of him rather reluctantly. He wanted to blatantly refuse it but the girl had a very eager face.

\'Since I couldn\'t get any gift for you, I decided to cook a snack for you. Although I am not a talented cook, I can cook certain dishes well. Please, try it, Sir,\' she said very politely.


Alexander\'s face brightened. It had a not-so-overpowering sweetness and a slightly nutty flavor. The outsides were slightly crunchy and the insides were soft and chewy.

Not minding the girl standing in front of him with her hands twisting her pretty pink dress out of nervousness, he started to devour the macrons. Only when he accidentally met the expectant eyes of the girl as his mouth was stuffed with the macarons did he stopped eating.

She cooks well. Having her in our home and letting her cook for us won\'t be terrible… Just macarons though. And maybe she cooks other stuff well too. I\'ll know only after eating them, right?

Ah, I am not here to hire a chef! That\'s right! Focus, Alexander!

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