
Chapter 283 - Married Life

Chapter 283 - Married Life

"This looks… fine…" Jerlina chuckled seeing the house that was almost falling apart. The roof was on the brink of collapsing and with all the snow accumulating there due to the snowfall, it appeared dangerous. The paint around was peeling and she wasn\'t sure if it has molds inside.

They were planning on staying in the motel in the nearby town but the only motel didn\'t have a vacancy. Jeremy told her that they can stay in the city for the night before getting to Jasperville, but Jerlina insisted that they can stay in her mother\'s home.

She was very proud that she was resourceful but now she regretted bringing him here. The sky is getting darker and they can\'t even leave to the city now.

"I think the weather made it worse… I don\'t remember it being this…damaged when I came here seven months ago," Jerlina rubbed her forehead.

Fog escaped her mouth and Jeremy hugged her around the shoulders to keep her warm.

"Let\'s not stand here.. Do you have the key?" he asked and stepped inside the picket fence that used to be white and now all damaged and falling apart.

Jerlina observed the broad shoulders of the man walking in front of her, rolling both of their luggage. She wondered if he is angry she brought him to a dilapidated house on the brink of falling.

"Joel… should I-"

"Keys, honeybuns," Jeremy was smiling. Jerlina noticed that and she was confused.

But then she realized that she married the most amazing man in the world. He is not going to complain to her for making him stay in a dilapidated house. He\'d rather help her fix it.

He is not going to be calculative of what he gives her as opposed to what he receives. He will be trying to give and give to her until he is left with nothing even if she doesn\'t give him anything.

Ah… I love him.

Jeremy was indeed floating in a sea of happiness. He knew this was her mother\'s house and whenever he visits this town, he won\'t fail to come here and look at it. But this is the first time he is stepping foot inside the house. That is after when he visited here with his mother when he was a boy.

His heart was beating in his throat out of happiness.

Whenever he saw the damaged roof and the creaking windows, he\'d have the urge to jump in and fix it. But he feared that it would scare her if she learns that he was the one who did that. Doing these things would be stalker-ish, he knew.

"Is it…Ah! Under the fake rock! How original!" he chuckled.

Before Jerlina could answer, Jeremy found the keys himself. He couldn\'t wait to step inside the house.

"Alright!" he stretched placing the luggage in the living room. "Where is the light switch? Let\'s start cleaning!"

"Yes!" Jerlina turned on the switch, but the light didn\'t switch on. Jerlina tried again and again. "That\'s odd… I paid the bills and there should be power…" she mumbled.

She now started to feel terrible. He is already recovering from surgery and they cannot stay in a place with no heating. She thought of asking for help from the neighbor – Farmer McConnell. But since this is a very small farming town, the neighbor is four miles from their place.

Should I ask Uncle Pat for the phone number? He should have it, right?

She had a feeling that Farmer McConnell won\'t send them away. And Farmer McConnell always is friendly with her.

"Power\'s out?" Jeremy\'s voice made her snap out.

"I don\'t know," Jerlina scratched her head. "I wish I knew the phone number of the neighbor," she felt bad.

"Guess we\'ll have to handle the cold the old-fashioned way," Jeremy said.

Since Jerlina was in her own worries, she didn\'t notice the smirk on Jeremy\'s face.

"The fireplace can be used. But where will we find dry logs? And How will you kindle the fire?" Jerlina started worrying.

"Why is my sweet honey worrying?" Jeremy pulled her closer to him and rested his forehead on hers. "You love to worry, don\'t you?"

"But we cannot stay here in this cold. I should have listened to you when you suggested that we can stay in the city. It was-"

Without letting her continue, her words were swallowed by Jeremy\'s kiss.

"We can cuddle…" he wriggled his eyebrows. "Clothing is optional... Or I have been reliably informed that cuddling without clothes will give more warmth…"

"Look at this guy I married…" Jerlina with a chuckle hit his chest playfully. "Come on, move. It\'s not time for joking around! It\'s turning dark." She twisted herself out of his hold.

"But, Jeryl! I am serious!" Jeremy walked behind her. "Where are you going?"

"I\'ll ask Uncle Pat for the neighbor\'s number," Jerlina scrolled through her phone.

"It could be the circuit breaker,"? Jeremy mused.

He noticed the lights flickering for a moment before it went off and he knew the circuit breaker must have fried because of the sudden load. He just wanted to tease his little wife and she is acting cutely as he imagined.

What a cutie!

"Do you know where the toolbox is?" he asked hiding his laughter. If he laughed she\'d get mad.

"In the garage, I guess…" Jerlina turned on the torch in her phone as it has gotten dark and walked to the garage.

"Ah, here…" she handed him the box.

"Great!" Jeremy smooched her on the lips and walked to the metal box where the circuit breaker is.

"Joel, be careful…How do you know that is the fault? Maybe we should call for an electrician..."

Jerlina voiced her concerns but Jeremy didn\'t mind any of that and walked to the box.

"Hold the torch for me, dear," he smiled and Jerlina nodded.

"Ah… it is fried!" Jeremy found out the fault and proceeded to fix it.

"Careful, Joel…" she kept on repeating. "Come on, for $50 an electrician will sort everything out…"

"$50?" Jeremy paused what he was doing and looked at her. Since the torch was on his face, he covered his face with his hand. Jerlina pointed the torch to the side.

"Yeah… In the city, it is a must to at least give $50 for electricians. How much do you pay?" She asked.

"Nothing," he shrugged. "We fix it ourselves!" he curled his lips. "Man, starting a plumbing or electrical business in the city would be profitable, huh? City people do want to lose money, don\'t they…"

Jeremy went on. Jerlina had to agree with Jeremy. Although she can change the light bulbs, Gerard and others she knew would call electricians and pay $50 even for that.

Talking to her, Jeremy fixed the circuit breaker.

"The lights are on!" Jerlina shouted in joy and ran inside. "Well, we have to do a lot of cleaning…"

She started to clean and Jeremy joined her. She didn\'t refuse him. She needed help.

As they did everything together, Jeremy\'s heart was filled with joy.

We are acting like a married couple!

Ah… my life is blissful!

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