
Chapter 330 - Change Her Interest

Chapter 330 - Change Her Interest

Weeks passed and Jeremy slowly distanced himself from being the boss man. There used to be loads of people who come to him for mediation. Jeremy would act as an arbitrator at times when the need arises and people respected his judgment. And since he stepped down from that, the police had more work to do. And so did the lawyers.

Every cop in the Peyton Police Department was replaced and new cops were appointed. Apparently, there is a long-standing tradition that the new cops should greet the one in the Fitzgerald Mansion. That was like a tradition that was followed for decades and Jeremy wanted to put a stop to that tradition too.

But those who have benefitted from Jeremy before came to him and requested him not to put a stop to these traditions since they needed someone like Jeremy to look after them so that Peyton won\'t get swallowed by darkness like before.

And those who have consulted a lawyer came to him and complained about the billing techniques used by them so that they can get more money. They lamented how they miss the days Jeremy would do that for free.

Well, then you should have stopped those who wanted their "freedom" as they put it!

That\'s what Jerlina thought but Jeremy was very graceful as he answered them. He even suggested that he might open a charity law firm for the use of the people in Peyton.

Jerlina smiled and her heart filled with pride.

My husband!

Jerlina never heard about Emma again. She did talk to Charlie about her meeting with Tara and passed on Tara\'s words that Ashley is still interested in getting back with him.

"Does she?" Charlie scoffed. "Is she sorry for what she did or is she still blaming others?" He asked.

"Well…" Jerlina shrugged. "You should talk to her to find out."

"By others, I meant you, squirrel!" he sighed. "She has severe trust issues. I get why she is like that but… there is only so much I can do," his voice was traced with sorrow. "I can be her support as much as I can, but in the process, I cannot lose who I am. Both of us should meet in the middle, both of us should put effort into the relationship… If she doesn\'t realize it still and expects me to do all the work all the time… then…" he shrugged.

Jerlina said nothing and patted his arm. It seems like he has thought about it a lot. And he still is hurting. She didn\'t want to add anything. In the end, he would know more about his relationship than anybody else. It should be his decision to continue it or not.

"I\'ll pass on this to her," Jerlina looked at him.

It was her way of checking if he still wants the mediation to go on.

"No, don\'t," Charlie shook his head. "If she really wants to get back together, she knows where to find me."

"Okay," Jerlina agreed.

She could sense that Charlie is against the idea of mediation and it is for the best. She thought about it and found it weird as to why Tara found her to speak to when Ashley thinks something is going on between her and Charlie.

It is better for me to stay away from this!

"What?" Jerlina asked Jeremy who was staring at her for a long time during dinner.

"You\'re pretty close with Charlie," he said running his fingers through her hair. "I saw you talking to him for a long time in the rose garden…"

"Are you jealous?" Jerlina asked, her eyes bright and lips curving up.

"You want me to be jealous?" he chuckled. "But, no. I just found it amusing. Charlie doesn\'t get along with women much and he used to hate you."

"Eh," Jerlina\'s smile reduced. "That\'s it?" she scoffed. But then she smiled once more. "People are realizing my awesomeness lately!" she popped out her collar.

"You are awesome," Jeremy leaned for a kiss.

"You too," Jerlina kissed his lips.

Life has been blissful these few days and she felt the unnecessary fears washing away as she melted in his embrace each day. She never thought being in love would be this relaxing.

"Your roots are showing," he said holding a bunch of her hair. Her blonde hair is getting out. And for some reason, it gave him fear. He had a feeling that Jonathan might kidnap her and keep her with him if she looks exactly like her great-grandmother.

"Yeah… I don\'t know how safe these hair dyes are… So I thought I should keep away from them for the time being," she said.

"Hmm," Jeremy wrapped his arm around her shoulder.

It is understandable. They are trying for a baby, although they are not, after all.

"Did you find out where Wyatt\'s in-laws are? I tried to contact him but his line is not going through," she asked him.

Although she received information that his kids are with his in-laws, she wanted to make sure the kids are safe.

"No… I am getting on it. Last I heard, he left his tiger in a sanctuary. I was told that the tiger is not coping well there and it might be missing him. I guess that he would be around that forest area, camping alone, probably. Maybe that\'s why you cannot contact him." Jeremy said.

"Why do you want to talk to him, anyway?" Jeremy asked. "I asked around and it seems like someone from the government brought the kids to the in-laws and they readily accepted them. I don\'t think we need to bother them anymore."

"Someone from the government?" Jerlina was surprised. "Was it the work of my great-grandfather?" she asked.

She remembered saying that Wyatt helped her a lot that day and that she promised to keep his kids safe.

Could he have pulled the strings behind the scenes?

"It is possible," Jeremy\'s first thought went there too.

"Maybe I can ask him their address. I want to see Benny once more," Jerlina said and watched her husband\'s face contorting as if he licked a sour lemon.

"Why do you want to meet that boy?" he asked.

"He\'s cute… And Charlie said that Skadi is pregnant and Earl might be the father. I wish the pups would look like Earl. If there is a female grey husky, I was thinking we can gift it to Benny. He loves Everest from Paw Patrol. He\'d be very happy," she looked at him.

"Do what you want," Jeremy shrugged. But he was not very impressed with his wife\'s interest in Wyatt\'s child this much.

I should change her interest.

I should make her interested in our child!


"I should neuter Earl," he mumbled.

Why is he so fertile?

"No! Why would you?" Jerlina was shocked. "Leave that poor dog alone, you stinky wolf!" she lunged at him.

"No," Jeremy dodged her attack and lifted her up.

"Let me down," she tried to struggle but he climbed the stairs very easily.

"Let\'s make our own babies…" he kissed her to shut her up.

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