
Chapter 122 - She Could Smell the Fresh Scent of The Strawberries on His Lips Before He Leaned Into Her.

Chapter 122: She Could Smell the Fresh Scent of The Strawberries on His Lips Before He Leaned Into Her.

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

However, such behavior—whereby he would punish her and then reward her—invoked in her a tiny bit of resentment. She pouted and retracted her hand from his grip, disallowing him from holding her anymore.

From the corner of his eye, Qi Chengzhi snuck a glance at her. Her face, though flushed, remained blank. She rested her hands on her knees.

The corner of his mouth raised up slightly in a tiny smile. He extended his hand in an attempt to hold hers.

Before, when her hand had been resting by her side, it had been easy to grasp it without attracting attention.

Now that her hands were upon her knees, it was harder to grasp it without drawing attention.

Song Yu blushed, as the group stared at their entwined hands.

Flushing to her ears, she looked downard, avoiding the attention.

Her first reaction was to pull away. But as she tried to extricate herself from his grip, his easy hold became an iron manackle. The tight grip emphasized his fine bone structure.

She made further futile attempts to escape his grip, burning with embarrassment.

She felt so embarrassed by his actions that she lowered her head further. Her head was now nearly leveled with her collarbone. Grandmother Qi glanced worriedly at her, afraid that she might snap her neck.

She did not allow the bankruptcy to cloud her happiness. Right now, all she wanted was to enjoy her eldest grandson’s happiness. Everything else could wait. All that mattered was that Qi Chengzhi got married and gifted her with a grandchild.

Grandmother Qi was extremely delighted to the effect that she did not notice Yu Keyao’s thunderous expression. It was as if a black cloud had overtaken her.

Xia Wenna had her own reservations. She felt that Qi Chengzhi’s involvement in the Song family’s bankruptcy was a time bomb. In consideration of Grandmother Qi, she could not oppose it, but she did not approve of their relationship.

She was rather irked by their public display of affection, especially since the elders were present. She could not hide her dissatisfaction. Her lips were pursed tightly as she glared at Song Yu and Qi Chengzhi.

Song Yu, head hung low, was unaware of the disapproving glare, and Qi Chengzhi chose to ignore it. Xia Wenna unable to bear it coughed stiffly; a warning.

Song Yu stiffened. She noticed Xia Wenna’s disapproving stare and frantically tried to disentangle her hand, forgetting Qi Chengzhi’s tight grip. He did not let go.

She glared at him, but Qi Chengzhi ignored it. His calloused thumb caressed the web between her thumb and her forefinger.

Qi Youxuan looked at the two and then withdrew his gaze. His eyes traveled the group before landing on little Muran, who was eating a strawberry. His gaze was fixed on her little, fair, soft hands.

She was hesitating, her chubby hand hanging in midair. As she stretched for the fruit Wei Ziqi took hold of her, holding her in a tight embrace. Without taking a look at Qi Youxuan, he blocked Little Muran from Qi Youxuan’s view.

Since little Muran could not reach the fruit, Wei Ziqi plucked the fruit and handed it to her.

Beaming, she ate the fruit. Oblivious to Qi Youxuan’s plan, she settled into a more comfortable position.

Qi Youxuan’s mouth twitched as he stealthily stuffed another sushi in.

There was no room for Yu Keyao in any of the interactions.

Even though she was there, nobody was talking to her. While Guan Liya attempted some small talk, she could not muster up any warmth, being a mere acquaintance.

Both had their minds on something else. Yu Keyao’s mind was fixated on Qi Chengzhi, hence her replies to Guan Liya were courteous but superficial. On the other hand, Guan Liya was using Yu Keyao as a means of avoiding Song Yu. She had no real intention to befriend her, which resulted in a brief conversation.

Despite that, Yu Keyao sat around and had no intention to leave. A young woman approached the group, towing along a little girl. “Keyao, you should’ve told me you’re here. It took me a while to find you.”

Yu Keyao was a little ill-at-ease, but she smiled. She inched toward Song Yu, making space for the newcomers. “You were bringing Jingqi to attend some activities. While I was wandering around alone, I bumped into them. That’s why I came to say “hi,” she explained apologetically.

Yu Kexin knew about the blind date. Liang Lihua was showing off in front of her parents. Yu Zixiu and Yu Zidong were discussing how this potential marriage could bring the Yu family to the next level.

She glanced sideways and saw Qi Chengzhi holding another woman’s hand. Upon paying closer attention, Yu Kexin cried out, “Song Yu?!”

Song Yu was stunned for a short while. It was like Murphy’s law in action — everyone that she did not want to see just kept appearing.

She gave a slight nod. “Miss Yu,” she acknowledged with a cold, forced smile.

Yu Kexin gave an involuntary twitch of the lip. Before the Qi family could invite her to the table, she and Zhou Jingqi sat down. “Don’t need to be so cold, you can just call me sister!”

Song Yu said nothing. Qi Chengzhi reached for the sushi in the box Qi Youxuan was holding, ignoring the glare. Taking a piece of sushi, he held it up to Song Yu. She turned to him taking a bite. As the sushi was rather big, she could not finish it in a single bite and, so, Qi Chengzhi ate the remainder.

Despite the normalcy of the action, the Qi family were disturbed and appalled.

Song Yu was in a foul mood because of the Yu family’s sisters. She did not catch on to his machinations. She was entirely under Qi Chengzhi’s control.

Yu Kexin was in a state of shock. She could not reconcile the Qi Chengzhi that she knew with the Qi Chengzhi before her.

“Song Yu.” Yu Kexin put on a fake smile. Without clarifying her relationship with Qi Chengzhi, she patted Zhou Jingqi’s head like a loving mother. “How have you been all these years?”

Song Yu was exasperated — why did everyone from the Yu family always use the same opening line? Could they not change it up?

All of them were pretty good at acting.

“Rather well,” she responded coldly. Her tone implied that she did not want to continue the discussion.

“Sister,” Yu Keyao’s soft and delicate voice rang out, “where did your manners go? You were not like that before. Furthermore, the elders are still around! Regardless, my elder sister is your sister too. How can you treat her like a stranger?”

She was wearing a dress today. Yu Keyao sat side saddled, her knees were resting against each other as she balanced on her side. She rested her hand on the hem of her dress, the material barely covering her knees.

She tugged at the hem with some force.

Yu Keyao shook her head and bit her lower lip, “Regardless of what happened in the past, we’re still your sisters. I know you’re angry at how we didn’t help you out back then, but it was my parents’ decision. We had no control over it. We sincerely treat you as our sister, and I’ve begged for your forgiveness again and again. Why wouldn’t you let it go?”

“Today, you came with the Qi family. There are so many people watching. What would the others think about your behavior?”

Song Yu swallowed her sushi. She dropped her gaze, her thick eyelashes casting shadows over her cheek.

Yu Keyao was transparent. To Song Yu, it was Yu Keyao who had behaved disreputably. She had invited herself over and had continued to covet what did not belong to her.

Yu Keyao’s admonishment inspired laughter in Song Yu, but she refrained from breaking out into fits of giggles.

Yu Keyao had prepared a list of grievances that would destroy Song Yu’s reputation, in anticipation of Song Yu defending herself.

Song Yu did not even turn to look at her. Instead, she looked up to Qi Chengzhi, her eyebrows raised, “Was I rude just now?”

Qi Chengzhi barely glanced at Yu Keyao, before he looked back at Song Yu. Her face had a faint pink hue thanks to the wind.

“No,” he said in a deep voice, “Those who invited themselves over and stuck around are the rude ones.”

Yu Keyao flushed.

“Chengzhi!” said Xia Wenna in a low warning.

Maintaining a neutral expression, Qi Chengzhi ignored the warning. Instead, he reached over for another piece of sushi.

Qi Youxuan pouted, deciding to protect his food at all costs. He would not even let his aunt have it. He turned around clutching the sushi box. He guarded it as if it was his child.

Qi Chengzhi raised his eyebrows, then he felt the delicate touch of two pale hands.

“Don’t fight with the kid.” Song Yu whispered in his ear. She knew that, even though Qi Youxuan was still young, he had a strong sense of pride. If he heard that, he probably would have just offered the sushi.

His pride was even more valuable, as little Muran was watching the exchange.

She knew it was for her, as he could not care for sushi. She pinched his firm but supple arm and said, “I want to have some fruits. Get me a strawberry.”

Qi Chengzhi halted, gazing at her. His expression was cold and austere. He turned to get her a strawberry, as she had bid him to.

The family was shocked as they watched Qi Chengzhi adhere to Song Yu’s silent wish.

How Qi Chengzhi treated Song Yu was beyond Yu Keyao’s wildest imagination.

She always thought that, for a man as cold as Qi Chengzhi, even if he admitted that Song Yu was his girlfriend, he would not behave any differently.

However, while his expression was still cold, his behavior was the total opposite.

Looking at the current Qi Chengzhi, she could never imagine he was the cold and heartless bastard that threw her out of the car with zero consideration.

What was the basis of his differential treatment? He could throw her out of the car without pity, but at the same time, he did as he was told when it was Song Yu?

The hands on her hem, at first, were for a delicate demureness, but now they gripped the material in fury.

With the strawberry right in front of her eyes, Song Yu held out her hand to get it, but she missed as Qi Chengzhi pulled back.

Song Yu looked at him quizzically. He once again held the strawberry mere inches from her lips. Song Yu blushed.

He wanted to feed her.

She knew that even if she insisted on doing it herself, he would not let her.

In private she would not hesitate, but in front of his family — the elders, his parents and the children — she hesitated. She murmured, “I will do it myself.”

His free hand grabbed hers, his gaze turning hard and insistent. She felt hot all over, her head spinning as her heart stuttered.

Whenever he looked at her that way, she was sure to surrender.

“Don’t mess around.” His deep voice rumbled in his throat. The sound reverberated, caressing her skin.

Song Yu was speechless beneath his heated gaze.

She really wanted to ask who was the one messing around.

The strawberry was in front of her. He traced the tip along the seam of her lips. She could smell its faint sweet scent. Gently, he pushed the strawberry against her lips, urging her to take it in.

Song Yu dared not shift her gaze. She was sure that the elders were staring disapprovingly at the exchange.

She could also feel Yu Keyao’s incinerating stare from right behind her.

She complied, taking a small bite. A trickle snaked down his fingers, as Song Yu pushed him away. She was not used to acting intimately in public. She spoke softly and helplessly, “You should eat the rest.”

Qi Chengzhi’s mouth curled into a smile. He ate the rest of the strawberry and licked away the juice on his fingertips, before wiping them on a napkin.

His dark, dusky eyes, stared into Song Yu’s, as he licked the juices of his fingers. Song Yu swallowed involuntarily. Ebony eyes crinkled slightly as if they were laughing at her.

All at once he leaned into her. She could smell his intoxicating scent, as she drowned in his shadow.

Song Yu took another gulp. His burning lips were by her ear.

She could smell the fresh scent of the strawberries on his lips before he leaned into her.

“Did I turn you on?” he smirked. His lips were warm, sultry, as he brushed her fanlike earlobe. He stroked her ear as he spoke, the heat made her tremble. He blew on her ear. The blazing heat made her shudder.

Song Yu felt a little humiliated and angry. What was this man doing in front of everyone?

Save grandmother Qi, no one approved of their relationship, and now they would like her even less.

Flushing, she poked his ribs, but all that did was incite a laugh. His laughter, light and breathy, made her feel even more agitated.

The worst part was, he licked her small earlobe when others were not paying attention. Song Yu almost let out a moan. She gasped in shock but managed to keep it down.

The air was thick with awkwardness. No one could see what he had done, but, judging by their intimacy, they knew.

“We are in public! What are you two doing?!” Qi Zhongliang warned in a low voice, having reached the end of his patience. He kept his voice low so others could not hear it.

Song Yu’s shoulders trembled. With as much strength as she could muster, she tried pushing him away. He did not budge. Feeling excruciatingly ashamed, Song Yu hung her head in despair.

She snuck a glance at Qi Chengzhi. His face was impassive, but his eyes were dancing with veiled mischief. He still held on to her hand, unwilling to let go.

“Your behavior knew no sense of shame. Do you want others to treat the Qi family as a joke? If it were any other person, it’d probably be fine. However, if people recall that she used to be Chengji’s fiance, you will be humiliating your brother as well!” Qi Zhongliang glared at them.

Xia Wenna let out a sigh. Fortunately, Qi Chengji was stuck in the military. Otherwise, the situation would have been more awkward.

“Song Yu, not only would they be gossiping about our family, they would be gossiping about yours too, knowing full well of your situation. As a woman, you’re on the losing end. If anything, there will be many more people who talk behind your back than Chengzhi. Even if you have little consideration for Chengji, please think for yourself.” With the well-meaning advice, Xia Wenna’s tone was not as harsh as Qi Zhongliang.

Yu Keyao rejoiced in Song Yu’s misfortune. She sneered.

She still could not believe her eyes — how could Qi Chengzhi behave in such a shameless manner around Song Yu?

Who would have thought this man who was idle and relaxed could behave in such a shameless manner with a woman in public?

She even began to think — how would it feel like if she were the one dating Qi Chengzhi instead?

What was Song Yu feeling at that moment?

She clenched her fists even tighter. She was, indeed, extremely jealous.

Song Yu was mortified. Her face was burning like fire. However, she had no refute. She remained silent. Then a soft voice said, “Auntie, I think sister meant no harm.”

Her hands were suddenly held by a pair of pale ones. She knew they belonged to Yu Keyao without looking up.

Song Yu felt uncomfortable. Yu Keyao’s hands were soft, but they gave her goosebumps. Without having to think through how awkward it could be, her body reacted first. She retrieved her hand from Yu Keyao’s grasp and hid it behind her back. She rubbed her hand against her clothes stealthily.

Yu Keyao’s hands were frozen in place. Her mouth twitched silently in an attempt to smile before she pulled her hands back.

Qi Zhongliang snorted. He was not pleased with how Song Yu had rudely rejected someone’s goodwill. Even if she did not like it, she could have put up a front.

If she only acted on her whims, how could she represent the Qi family in the future?

In the future, if she married into the Qi family, every action of hers would represent the Qi family.

Just like today — others would have treated her as a part of the Qi family, simply because they were seated at the same table.

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