
Chapter 133

They entered the office. Before Qi Chengzhi could speak Director Chao addressed Song Yu, “Song Yu, there’s nothing much going on in the afternoon. You can go with Young Master Cheng.”

Song Yu had never taken advantage of her privilege, not even during her time at Jixia High School. After all, many families were as wealthy or more wealthy than the Song family. It was not in her nature to abuse her privileges.

After the Song family’s fall, she did not think she was any longer entitled to these privileges.

If she declined the offer, she knew the other would think her pretentious.

However, after the episode with Qi Chengzhi, it was unlikely she could concentrate on work.

Not to forget the fact that Qi Chengzhi was likely to stay around if she decided to stay.

She lowered her face, which was glowing red, and began packing up. She felt her scalp prickle.

Fortunately, as there was not much to pack, she was quick to clear her belongings.

Qi Chengzhi held her hand as they walked out. Turning to him, she asked, “Why are you early today? Is everything okay at work?”

Chang Lai was waiting with the Range Rover on the opposite road.

While they were waiting to cross, Qi Chengzhi lowered his head and gave her a light peck on the lips. “I decided to come early because nothing much was going on. Initially, I wanted to wait for you in the car, but I remembered I had to discuss the business trip. And then I was curious as to the environment you work in.”

She had not expected the public display ⁠— many people waiting to cross the road, and the cars were at a standstill; stuck in a jam. Under the public’s eyes, Song Yu’s face was redder than usual.

“You should’ve told me before you came. You really put me in a spot.” Song Yu could not the tingles that shot through her system when she spotted him from her seat.

“Don’t you like me that way?” He looked down at her, giving her a gentle smile.

“No.” Blushing, she looked left and right. Despite the crowd, Song Yu took the chance and snuck a kiss, whilst he wasn’t paying attention.

“Even though it was a little too high-profile for my liking, I felt that my heart was about to leap out of me.”

She could still remember his charismatic stance made him stand out even in the office chaos.

“You really know how to flatter a woman’s vanity.” She looked up and smiled at him.

Qi Chengzhi, still smiling gently rubbed his nose against hers. The light turned red, and all the cars stopped, allowing them to cross the road.

The moment they stepped into the car, Qi Chengzhi got a call from Yan Beicheng. After listening, he said, “Wait a moment.” He turned to Song Yu, “A few of them are planning to go to the Red Roof for hot pot and have asked whether we would like to go.”

“Well we don’t have anything planned, so we might as well go,” Song Yu replied. Despite him consulting with her, she knew that he had already made the decision. If he had no desire to attend he would not even bring up the matter.

Furthermore, she had no desire to estrange him from his friends. It was healthy and common for them to maintain their individual company. Plus, Yan Beicheng and the rest were very nice people.

Qi Chengzhi responded, “We’ll be there.”

After Qi Chengzhi hung up, Song Yu asked, “Why does he want to have a hot pot at the Red Roof? Doesn’t he have his hot pot restaurant?”

“The Red Roof has huge rooms, and it affords better comfort and privacy,” continued Qi Chengzhi. “Hence, the preference. Sometimes Beicheng would bring over the ingredients and cook everything there.”

Song Yu recalled the last time they were at Viewpark Residence: Yan Beicheng had brought along the whole hot pot set along with the ingredients. Not hiding her laughter, she said, “He really does enjoy hot pot.”

As it was still early, the two went shopping.

Although Song Yu kept insisting she had enough clothes, Qi Chengzhi still insisted on purchasing her a new wardrobe. He was rather tyrannical in his pampering.

As they walked around, he noticed numerous posters for a blockbuster that was being screened at the cinema on the top floor.

It piqued Qi Chengzhi’s interest, so, holding Song Yu’s hand, he went up to the top floor and bought two tickets.

“Why do you want to watch a movie all of a sudden?” Song Yu trailed behind him as he pulled her along, weaving between the rows of seats.

He had bought the couple box seats at the last row this time.

“I was thinking about our first movie.” Qi Chengzhi pulled her down.

The cinema was still brightly lit. It was crowded with people, chattering and walking between rows as they waited for the popular film to start.

“You had malicious intentions the last time.” Song Yu accused softly, her cheeks pinkening.

Qi Chengzhi laughed silently. His thin lips curled into a lovely arch. He held her hand, “It seems like we’ve only watched a movie together once. We should do more couple’s stuff.”

Song Yu paused, and he saw her eyes light up.

Every time she had an idea, her eyes would shine with a radiant spark.

“Wait for a minute.” Song Yu said and stood up, naturally letting go of his hand. He caught her again.

“Where’re you going?” He asked.

“To do something that normal couples do.” Song Yu pinched his palm and repeated, “Wait for me here. I will be right back. ”

In just a moment, Song Yu came back with two cups of cola and a tub of popcorn. She also had a rose in her hand.

When she sat down, she passed him the rose, her face flushed. Qi Chengzhi raised his eyebrows and said nothing. Song Yu clarified, “There’s an event today. You can get a rose with a ticket. Here’s one for you.”

“Is this what couples do?” Qi Chengzhi took the rose, incredulous.

“I meant drinking cola and eating from the same tub of popcorn!” Song Yu blushed and felt her argument to be a little weak. “How was I supposed to know they were giving out roses?”

When the movie was over, Qi Chengzhi dragged her to the home appliances section of the mall to buy the rose a small vase.

The vase came with a glass case, which the sales assistant mentioned could be placed in a car. Subsequently, Qi Chengzhi added water to the vase and placed the rose inside. He decided to have the rose on display in his car.

Seeing how appreciative he was of a free rose made Song Yu feel mildly ashamed. Perhaps she should pick one out individually for him to show her affections.



Qi Chengzhi let Chang Lai go off, and drove Song Yu to Red Roof.

Yan Beicheng got someone to carry over a kid-sized table for Qi Youxuan and Little Muran to set up their little pot. The pot was a size smaller than the usual ‘ Mandarin Duck 1 ‘ pot for adults. The soup base for the two was Three Delicacies.

Qi Chengzhi took note of the number of bowls and pairs of chopsticks on the table. He asked, “Who else is coming?”

“Han Zhuoli, Wei Ziqian, and Lao Chu.” Right after Yan Beicheng spoke of it, Chu Zhaoyang and Wei Ziqian arrived. Han Zhuoli came next.

They were candid with each other. Hence, before the trio arrived, the others had already started eating.

The remainder arrived from the office, still dressed in office wear.

Upon arriving they tossed their jackets in the corner and rolled up their sleeves. Bathed in the steam of the hot pot, they all looked casual. The office wear dissolving into a mirage of casual clothes.

Yan Beicheng picked up a fish slice and placed it into his bowl. While waiting for it to cool, he said, “Chenglin said that you two have matching phone cases. That sounds incredible! Why not show it to us?”

Qi Chengzhi snorted. He did not intend to satisfy Yan Beicheng’s perverse curiosity.

Chu Zhaoyang had heard Yan Beicheng’s statement while he was rolling his sleeves. Despite the lack of change in his stoic demeanor, his eyes lit up with a mischievous light, “A couples case?”

Han Zhuoli chuckled, “Heh heh.It must be from sis Xiao Yu.”

Wei Ziqian ever daring and direct chucked his chopsticks to the side and slid closer to Song Yu. “Sis Xiao Yu, could you please show me your phone case?”

Song Yu didn’t have anything to hide, but she still blushed, realizing that this was a public display of affection.

She peaked at Qi Chengzhi, who appeared calm as if he didn’t mind the antiques. He just placed down his chopsticks and grabbed her waist. He would give her sporadic pinches as he held her.

Song Yu took her time digging for her phone. When she took it out Wei Zhiqian snatched it. “Wow, an orange 2 ! Is this homophonic with Chengzhi?”

Han Zhuoli leaned over, “It does look rather cute.”

“If you like it so much I could get you all one.” Song Yu raised an eyebrow. She should not be the laughing stock all the time.

“Each of you will get a box.” Qi Chengzhi declared in a flat voice.

Just as he finished, his phone rang.

Qi Chengzhi took out the phone glanced at the display, which read, ‘Chu Zhaoyang.’ He hung up, raising his eyebrows he looked at Chu Zhaoyang, who continued to maintain a blank expression while he slid his phone back into his pocket.

Everyone had gotten a glimpse of Qi Chengzhi’s white feathered phone case.

Yan Beizheng grunted, “tsk tsk!” He took a large gulp of beer and shook his head, “It’s too nauseating!”

Qi Chengzhi humphed, and retorted, “Well, if you can, try staying single forever then.”

Before Yan Beicheng could say anything, Qi Chenglin picked up a call, “Mom, what’s up?”

Subsequently, Qi Chenglin set down his chopsticks. Brows furrowing, he listened intently for a while longer before sighing, “Okay, I will head back right away.”

“What’s up?”Qi Chengzhi asked when Qi Chenglin hung up.

“I don’t have any concrete details yet, but it seemed like Chengyue argued with Jian Yi. They have created a scene, and Mom wants me to help send Chengyue home.” Qi Chenglin stood up, slightly sad that he had to leave his food behind. He grabbed his jacket and car key and spotted Qi Youxuan, who was still eating. He then said, “Big brother, can I trouble you to send Youxuan home later?”

Qi Chengzhi stopped eating and wiped his hands. “I’ll follow you.”

It was only natural, Song Yu too got up. Having no choice, Qi Youxuan followed suit.

In this time of crisis, Qi Youxuan appeared calm and well mannered, choosing not to kick up a fuss at the unfinished meal. In reality, however, he was rather full, having stuffed himself earlier.

They drove to Qi Youxun’s mansion. Before Qi Chengzhi got off, Song Yu said, “I will wait for you in the car. I don’t want to upset Qi Chengyue any further.”

Qi Chengzhi nodded. He met up with Qi Chenglin when he got out of the car. After exchanging a few words, Qi Chenglin scooped Qi Youxuan in one arm, and lifted the school bag in the other.

Song Yu opened the car door, and Qi Chenglin placed Qi Youxuan into the car. “It’s a mess inside. I don’t want to bring Youxuan in.”

“He can stay in the car with me.” Song Yu smiled.

The moment Qi Chengzhi and Qi Chenglin stepped in they heard Qi Chengyue’s crying and high-pitched complaints.

Guan Liya was comforting her. Qi Zhongxun was experiencing a throbbing headache as he stood there. Turning, he caught sight of Qi Chenglin and Qi Chengzhi walking in.

“Chengzhi, why are you here as well?” Qi Zhongxun asked. Shock lacing his face.

“I was having dinner with Chenglin. When I learned about the matter, I decided to come,” Qi Chengzhi replied, glancing at Qi Chengyue.

Qi Chengyue suddenly stopped complaining. She looked up, not seeing Song Yu by her brother’s side she spat, “Where’s Song Yu? Why isn’t she here for the drama?”

“If you still have the energy for Song Yu, then it is clearly not as serious as you made it sound,” Qi Chenglin said snidely. “What happened?”

Guan Liya sighed, “It’s all because of Jian Yi’s mom. She’s a difficult character.”

“When I went home with him last Saturday, his mother, capitalizing on his authority, began lecturing me. She was extremely rude, implying I am an ill-mannered child, who was not brought up well. She said I shouldn’t be acting so disrespectfully, as if I hadn’t been showing her respect to begin with!” Qi Chengyue felt cheated and furious as she recalled Jian Yi’s mother’s saccharine attitude toward her when she was showering the old bat with gifts–amongst which included a Berkin. Back then she wouldn’t stop showering Chengyue with compliments.

Well, it seemed like his mom had forgotten all that she had done for her!

She learned that Zhou Mingyan was someone devoid of gratitude. She might thank you in the moment, but once the moment was over she would stab you in the back. It seemed as if Zhou Mingyan could and would only remember a person’s faults.

“She is downright nasty. She told me that since I am now a part of the Jian family I am no longer a notable lady. She doesn’t want anyone to assume that Jian Yi married me for my status and my dowery. She wants to make it clear that our marriage was one of coincidence. It was coincidental that he married a rich heiress. So, she makes sure that I know my place as the Jian family’s daughter. She makes sure that I know that I have to put the Jian family first. And she made sure that I greeted all members of the Jian family first during my wedding.

“Even after my honeymoon, she made sure that we went to their home first. Simply put: I am no longer the lady I once was. I have no right to my former status. Now I am the daughter-in-law, and, so, should bow to my new status.

“I could stand her empty pleasantries, since Jian Yi assured me that we would be living separately. Our own house. I treated her as the passing wind, something I had to endure for a short while. I could deal with her nagging, thinking it was temporary, but I can’t deal with this. I can’t deal with her!

“She had broken into my home. Taken the key and allowed herself in. And when I got back from work, she had the gall to reprimand me for not having a hot meal all laid out for Jian Yi. She hadn’t even bothered to tell either of us that she would be stopping by!

“I still need to work! How do I conjure up the time to cook?! More importantly, I am a lady of the Qi family, I don’t cook! And when Jian Yi and I had a meal outside, she complains that we get back too late and that it is rather unhealthy to constantly be eating out. Criticism after criticism! Over and over again! And then she announced that she will be staying over! So that she could prepare breakfast for Jian Yi!

“I maintained a civil treatment of her throughout her tirade, but that night, when we were alone, I told Jian Yi that this couldn’t go on. You won’t believe what happened next. Just as I finished, she pushed open the door, pointed at me and began yelling! She told me that I was ruining the bond between a mother and her son, she told me that I was a terrible wife, and she told me that I should learn from her!

“She continued to say that I would never be able to turn a son against his mother, especially, since she had raised him. Then she again proceeds to harp on my manners or lack of it. She proceeds to punctuate her point by threatening me. Telling me how I should learn to respect her, and not make a fool out of myself and shame her when the relatives come over to visit the new daughter-in-law.

“Then you got angry and came back,” concluded Qi Chenglin, looking at her.

“Zhou Mingyan was indeed unreasonable.” said Guan Liya as she stood up.”Did she forget about Qi family status?! Does she think she can outrank us?! We treat her kindly because we are virtuous and generous. Just because we didn’t put her in her place does not mean she has the right to talk back to us! If the Qi family were to eschew them not even Jian Yi would be able to utter a single word in our presence. In fact, it will be an all too simple procedure.

“If you really can’t take it anymore, you can move back here with Jian Yi. I don’t believe Zhou Mingyan will dare continue with her disgraceful attitude” Guan Liya’s crinkled with disdain, as she gently patted Qi Chengyue’s back in support.

Qi Chengyue was the Qi family’s only daughter. Guan Liya, as her mother, wouldn’t allow her daughter to suffer such ill-treatment.

Remembering Qi Chengze, Guan Liya no longer interfered with her children’s lives, but it did not stop her from worrying about them.

Now that her daughter was bullied, Guan Liya took it upon herself to put an end to it.

“What’s Jian Yi’s stance on this?” Qi Chenglin asked calmly.

Qi Chengyue had a tissue box on her lap. Dabbing away tears, she sniffed “I ran out before he could say anything.”

“What’s wrong with Jian Yi? You are his wife! He shouldn’t stand and watch as you get bullied! That is not how a husband is supposed to act!” snapped Guan Liya.

“It’s his mother! I can’t expect him to stand with me against his mother! I’ve never expected anything from him! After so long, I haven’t even seen his shadow!” Qi Chengyue cried.

“Well, you want to spend time alone with Jian Yi, without any disturbance. There’s a way.” Qi Chengzhi spoke in a monotone voice. “A way where you won’t offend Jian Yi’s parents, and will make Jian Yi happy. It won’t ruin your relationship.”

Qi Chengyue’s sobbing stopped. She looked up, her eyes red but hopeful. Still whimpering, she could not believe Qi Chengzhi would help her.

“Moreover, you no longer need to worry about Jian Yi seeking Song Yu out.” Qi Chengzhi’s lips twitched ever so slightly as he delivered those lines, his tone cynical. “Don’t say that Song Yu is bothering him. You know who is bothering who. That is something I’m sure of. After all, there should be no reason for you to be afraid of Song Yu if it were the other way around.”

Qi Zhongxun and Guan Liya both heard what Qi Chengzhi said. They were shocked ⁠—finally, they understood.

Qi Chengyue surprisingly did not refute the statement. She simply continued to sniffle, before finally asking, “What’s the way?”

“Transfer to the branch in Paris and take on the responsibility of communicating with the architects. Qilin is planning to build a large-scale theme park in the country. The masquerade party is based on the design from France. I’m going to pay a visit myself to communicate the vision. Plus there is a general manager position that needs filling. The general manager left, so I would like to take the opportunity to fully understand the schematics.”

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