
Chapter 150 - I Don’t Mind Your Stubbornness, As Long As It’s With Me

Chapter 150: I Don’t Mind Your Stubbornness, As Long As It’s With Me

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“What were you looking at on your phone just now?” Qi Chengzhi asked passingly. He did not really want to know, he just had nothing to chat about.

Song Yu almost forgot about it. She pushed his face away from her chest and turned to retrieve her abandoned phone.

Being pushed aside by Song Yu annoyed Qi Chengzhi. He pinched her buttock without hesitation.

“Aiya!” Song Yu turned around and glared at him. “What are you doing?”

Qi Chengzhi did not speak. After all, he was no longer the apple of her eye.

He hugged her tightly and gave her a hard kiss on her lips. Her lips were being rubbed raw.

It was a while before he released her. There was a fierce look in his eyes as he said, “That’s for pushing me.”

“...” Song Yu almost forgot about the green-eyed monster in Qi Chengzhi—he was upset over such a small matter.

“Then you be gentle as well!” She ranted on, “You’re talking about me? You just pinch me whenever you want.”

“How about you let me massage you then?” Qi Chengzhi said with a serious face.


Song Yu was unable to stop him so she let him do whatever he wanted. The massage soon moved onto places that were less decent. Song Yu’s face reddened but her body would not move.

“What were you doing just now?” Initially, Qi Chengzhi was not curious but Song Yu’s reaction made him wonder. She did just push his face aside to resume the search on her phone.

“I’m looking for a song!” Song Yu found the song, ‘Forever Love’. Qi Chengzhi had always used her phone to listen to the song. A smug and satisfied expression appeared on his face whenever he listened to it.

“Sing it once for me,” Song Yu said expectantly. Her face was sweet and persuasive. “Just this once, I want to hear it from you.”

“Aren’t you tired?” Qi Chengzhi said as he looked at her. She did say she was tired just now.

“I won’t be tired if I hear your singing.”

“You were tired just now. Go ahead and sleep first.” Qi Chengzhi plucked the phone out of her hands and placed it on his side of the bedside table. He pulled her into a tight embrace against his chest.

“Then sing me a song to sleep.” Song Yu changed tactics.

He chuckled light-heartedly and rubbed her back. “You’re an adult now and still want a lullaby?”

Song Yu was getting annoyed. “Qi Chengzhi, don’t play dumb.”

Qi Chengzhi patted her back and nudged her head with his chin. “Quit with it and sleep.”

“Qi Chengzhi!” Song Yu called out in an angry tone. He could not fulfill such a small request from her?

It did not matter how much she requested, his voice was never showcased.

She raised her head and looked at Qi Chengzhi. His eyes were shut as if he had fallen asleep.

Song Yu pulled his face angrily. She did not believe that he could have possibly fallen asleep so quickly.

It was just one song.

Not wanting others to hear him sing was one thing, now it was only her and he still refused to sing.

It was a sudden penchant for romance which led to her wanting to hear Qi Chengzhi sing her a love song.

She had never been in a relationship. When she was in school, she had never experienced the pure and innocent relationship of first love.

Strictly speaking, that thing with Jian Yi did not even count as a relationship, so Qi Chengzhi was her first.

Hence, she carried with her a schoolgirl’s expectation of romance. This idea popped into her mind at the KTV and the more she thought of it, the more she wanted it fulfilled.

She was also curious to hear the introverted Qi Chengzhi sing.

Who knew he would pretend to fall asleep to avoid her. Song Yu was displeased. She removed his hand from her waist and flung it away from her. She shuffled to the side of the bed with her back facing Qi Chengzhi.

Qi Chengzhi quietly peeked at her through one eye. Seeing Song Yu so far away, He wiggled his way to her side and spooned her from the back.


‘Weren’t you asleep?’

‘And now you’re cuddling up to me?’

Song Yu slapped his arm away and kicked at his thigh to dislodge him.

Qi Chengzhi’s arm stubbornly came back. After that kick, he decided to hug her waist. He attempted to lock her limbs.

The more he tried to immobilize her, the angrier she got.

He would not even fulfill such a small request and even faked sleeping to avoid her. Yet, now he was pestering her non-stop.

The fake sleeping was what got to her.

She was immobilized by Qi Chengzhi so leaving the bed was not an option. She could not break his lock. She stayed in his embrace but that did not mean her anger had subsided.

On the contrary, being stuck in his arms, the more she thought about it, the angrier she got. The negativity leaked out in the form of tears.

Qi Chengzhi saw that Song Yu was no longer struggling and thought that her anger had been placated. He closed his eyes and slept.

Something was not right. He noticed the unusual breathing pattern of the woman in his arms.

Knowing Song Yu’s anger was not quelled, he got up on his arm to look at her. He did not dare to make her turn around.

The tears flowing had stained the pillow beneath her.

Qi Chengzhi let out a quiet sigh and gently turned her over. He kissed away her tears before giving her a kiss on the lips—there was a salty taste to his lips.

Song Yu was very much upset and did not bother to rebuke his efforts. Perhaps it was because of her low spirits, his reassuring presence was needed at that moment.

However, his gentleness only made her feel worse and more tears streamed down her face.

Qi Chengzhi consoled Song Yu. As he did that, he slowly and gently rubbed into her.

Song Yu could only lay helplessly in his embrace and let him rub against her. She gradually entered a state of ecstasy and momentarily forgot the minor grievances that she had in her heart.

In the end, her crying had subsided and she fell asleep. Qi Chengzhi’s reassurance was no longer required.

Seeing the tear tracks on her red face, Qi Chengzhi dabbed away the remaining tears and muttered, “Crying over such a small matter.”

He sat up and carefully bundled the covers around Song Yu. He did not want her to wake from the sudden loss of warmth. Then, he carefully took her phone and left the bedroom.



The next morning, Song Yu was still ignoring Qi Chengzhi. She did not speak to him.

Qi Chengzhi returned the favor and that was how the cold war started. The atmosphere was heavy-laden and Aunt Yang was at a loss.

Song Yu’s face was cold toward Qi Chengzhi.

Aunt Yang thought, ‘They were fine when they got back yesterday night. They had a fight in the room?’

After breakfast, they said nothing to each other but they climbed into the car together.

Along the way, Song Yu sent a few tentative glances at Qi Chengzhi but his face remained stoic and did not return her gesture.

Song Yu was furious. During the remaining trip, she fixed her eyes on the side window and never looked over.

The car stopped in front of the company. No one said any parting words. Song Yu flung open the car door and angrily strode away.

When she reached the entrance of the company, she could not help herself. She turned around.

The Range Rover drove away without so much as a second glance at her.

Previously, he would wait until she entered the elevator before driving away.

Song Yu turned angrily and walked to the elevator. When she got to her office, she took out her phone from her bag. There was a message. Her phone was on vibrate in her bag, therefore she did not notice the message.

It was a message from Qi Chengzhi—the timestamp was when she got down from the car.

It was probably sent before he drove away.

Song Yu felt relief in her chest. She opened the message.

‘Open your sound recorder.’

Her heart skipped a beat. She opened the sound recorder on her phone with anticipation. There was a sound file titled, ‘Forever Love’.

Song Yu left the office with the phone in hand. She went into the stairwell and opened the file.

The starting few seconds were just static. Then Qi Chengzhi’s voice sounded.


“Love is a journey that is long and beautiful...”

“Along the way, there will be rain and mud...”

“That will hinder our path...”


“Forever Love, Forever Love...”

“I want to spend my whole life loving you...”

“From today onwards, you are my happiness...”


“Your glittering eyes, my solemn voice...”

“Are the concrete evidence...”

“Let me say this again...”

“I love you...”



Song Yu listened to the whole recording. Qi Chengzhi truly was tone-deaf and had no sense of rhythm...

There was truth in the words of Yan Beicheng and the guys.

Qi Chengzhi had a magnetic and attractive voice, yet his singing produced a totally unexpected result.

The thought of the handsome and presentable Qi Chengzhi singing so horribly made Song Yu laugh uncontrollably.

After a while, her face became red.

She thought of her episode yesterday night. She was so upset over such a small thing and even ignored Qi Chengzhi in the morning. She did not even say goodbye when she left the car.

Every time before exiting the car, she would remind him to drive carefully.

Now that she thought about it, she must have been quite adamant about the issue to make Qi Chengzhi acquiesce to her request.

He was rather patient with her and gave her what she wanted in the end.

He was willing to sacrifice his pride to make her happy.

The thought of her outstanding boyfriend made her heart warm. She clutched her phone to her chest. Her eyes and lips could not hold back the sincere smile.

Honestly, she did not know what made her throw a tantrum over such a small matter.

Maybe it was due to Qi Chengzhi’s constant doting on her. Whenever things did not go her way, she would be unhappy.

Unknowingly, small disagreements became a reason to throw tantrums.

To be pampered by someone felt really good. She felt loved.

However, her behavior yesterday night and this morning still made her blush shamefully.

She felt sorry for Qi Chengzhi.



Before Qi Chengzhi’s eyes was an angry-faced Jian Yi with no regards to manners. Qi Chengzhi could predict the words that were coming.

“I’m not going to France,” Jian Yi’s deep voice grumbled.

Qi Chengzhi held a lighter between his slender fingers. The lighter spun in his hand and produced an illusion of a flower. Then, with a flick of his finger, a yellow flame flickered into existence. He lit the cigarette between his lips.

Qi Chengzhi took a drag and blew out the smoke. He chuckled coldly.

“Were you mistaken? This France trip is a company order. As an employee of Qilin, you are required to obey the order. It’s not up to you to decide. Although you are the son-in-law of the Qi family, we don’t provide any special privileges in the company,” Qi Chengzhi said nonchalantly.

“If the job dictates you to meet a client that you don’t like or leave the country for a posting, it’s your duty to do it. You don’t get to say no just because you don’t feel like it. If you think you can get your way just because you’re the son-in-law, then clearly you have been mistaken.”

“You’re abusing your power to exact revenge on me!” Jian Yi glared at Qi Chengzhi. “You’re just using the company as an excuse to get me far away. I assume Song Yu has told you about the thing that I spoke of. You’re just afraid that the truth will be revealed. What company order? It’s basically just a directive by you alone!”

Jian Yi growled angrily, “You had so many chances to transfer me overseas, but the need only arose after I told Song Yu about it. Your action only confirms my beliefs. I will not stop investigating. Song Yu deserves to know the truth about you!

“You say that there should be a clear line between work and private life, that there are no special privileges. Yet, you hold sole ownership of the whole company and you’re using your position for personal gains!” Jian Yi clenched his fist.

What gave Qi Chengzhi the right to issue these orders? If Jian Yi did such a thing, it would be considered an abuse of power. When Qi Chengzhi did it, it was the company’s directive.

Was the company represented by Qi Chengzhi alone?

Qi Chengzhi took another drag of his cigarette and tapped it against the ashtray. “Who made me a son of the Qi family? The company was always mine, so of course, I have the final say in everything. Sure, I’m abusing my position, so what? What are you gonna do about it?”

“You...” Jian Yi was outraged at Qi Chengzhi’s unreasonable words. It felt like a heavy stone sat on his chest.

A phone ringing interrupted Jian Yi. Qi Chengzhi saw the caller ID on the phone and his eyes crinkled.

He answered the phone in front of Jian Yi.

Song Yu’s soft and apologetic voice came through. “It’s me.”

“Em.” The corners of Qi Chengzhi’s mouth twitched. His tone had a hint of amusement.

Even though Song Yu was not physically here, her voice was enough to make Qi Chengzhi put his cigarette down by the ashtray.

It was working hours and Song Yu was worried that he had some business to tend to. Yet, she was feeling guilty about ignoring him. Her heart was heavy with guilt and she wanted to speak to Qi Chengzhi as soon as possible.

“Are you busy?” Song Yu asked.

Qi Chengzhi did not spare Jian Yi a glance and said, “No, I have nothing on my hands now.”

Song Yu was relieved.

“I heard the recording.” Song Yu walked to the corner of the stairwell and spoke softly, “Thank you, and I’m sorry for my stubbornness. I don’t know what got over me, getting mad over such a small matter.”

“I don’t mind your stubbornness, as long as it’s with me,” Qi Chengzhi said in a gentle tone—he lowered the volume of his voice, making it sound like he was whispering.

This Qi Chengzhi who was whispering sweet nothings into the phone was nothing like the one that said those unreasonable words.

The longer Jian Yi watched the scene, the angrier he got. His frustrations could no longer be contained in his heart and spilled over his face.

Other than Song Yu, who else could make Qi Chengzhi act like this?

To add insult to injury, Qi Chengzhi completely ignored his presence and was whispering sweet nothings to Song Yu.

Hearing Qi Chengzhi’s forgiveness, the image of his handsome face appeared in Song Yu’s mind.

The thought of being accepted and coddled by Qi Chengzhi made her incredibly happy.

“When did you record the song?” Song Yu asked. During the entire morning, they were together although no one spoke a word to each other. There was no time for him to record.

“Last night after I tired you out,” Qi Chengzhi lowered his voice and said with a hint of amusement.

That did not prevent Jian Yi from hearing his words.

From Qi Chengzhi’s tone and expression, Jian Yi more or less knew why Song Yu was tired.

The jealousy coiled deep within his chest rushed up at the thought of Qi Chengzhi and Song Yu having sex. The knife twisted deeper into his heart.

Song Yu’s face reddened when she thought of how she fell asleep yesterday night.

Last night, Qi Chengzhi gently coaxed her and kissed away her tears. His kisses were featherlight as if fearing she might break. His tongue curled around hers and swept across the insides of her mouth. His hands moved across her skin as he slowly entered her. He moved at a relaxed pace, to the point where even she got impatient.

Although she was still not on talking terms with him, she silently urged him on.

Qi Chengzhi obliged and picked up his speed—faster than what she wanted. He switched gears in between while holding her tightly in his arms.

Strong arms circled around her and gave her a wordless reassurance. His warmth washed over her from the inside out—she was enveloped by him.

When it was done, she was exhausted. Her body was fully supported by Qi Chengzhi.

Song Yu fell asleep almost immediately—her anger did not manage to reveal itself again.

In the morning, she ignored Qi Chengzhi because of what he did.

The fact that he urged for sex even though she was crying angry tears. The thought frustrated her.

“Qi Chengzhi,” Song Yu said suddenly.

“Yes?” Qi Chengzhi heard the hesitation in her voice. While he did not know what she was going to say, he figured it would be something he liked. His ears perked up and he sat straighter. He spun his chair away from Jian Yi. From the reflection of the glass window, Jian Yi watched him adjust his suit.

“Sorry that I didn’t say goodbye this morning, I love you,” Song Yu said it in the same breath. Without waiting for his reply, the phone call ended.

It was not the first time Song Yu said it, yet her heart was pounding like she just ran a hundred-meter sprint.

Sometimes Song Yu was a bit of a worrywart. She thought to herself, ‘What if something happened to Qi Chengzhi on the road?’ She did not even bid him goodbye because she was too caught up with her own tantrum.

What if that was her last chance to say goodbye?

If something had happened to Qi Chengzhi, their last exchange would be an unhappy one—with Song Yu giving him the cold shoulder. The regret would be overwhelming.

Although real life was not as melodramatic as television, Song Yu made a mental note to reconcile quickly the next time they have a disagreement.

The confession was unexpected to Qi Chengzhi. He was left in a daze, holding onto the phone with the dial tone in his ear.

A few moments later, he chuckled at his phone. He was truly smitten by Song Yu.

Jian Yi heard his chuckle and suppressed the instinct to ask. However, there was no stopping the jealousy he felt in his heart.

What did Song Yu tell him to make Qi Chengzhi so happy?

It was as if they were exchanging sweet nothings right in front of him. This only stoked the resentment in him.

Clearly, Qi Chengzhi was intentionally showing off!

Qi Chengzhi swung back to face Jian Yi. The sincerity from talking to Song Yu had vanished from his face. He looked at Jian Yi with a mocking expression.

“You can always resign if you don’t want to go to France. If you’re not our employee, you won’t have to obey the company’s orders.” Qi Chengzhi eyed the smoking cigarette in the ashtray. He put out the cigarette and leaned back in his chair. “Go to France or resign, your choice,” he taunted Jian Yi.

Before, Jian Yi would not mind resigning.

However, Qi Chengyue had given him an ultimatum—she would not provide him any financial assistance if he wanted to start his own business.

If Jian Yi could not love Qi Chengyue, she would ensure he could never advance in his career.

No matter what Jian Yi said, Qi Chengyue would never give him an opportunity to shine.

Jian Yi gave Qi Chengzhi a death stare. “Do you think you’re safe just because I’m transferred to France? You can transfer or fire me but you will never remove me from Song Yu’s life. As long as I’m alive, I will not give up! I will show her the truth!”

Jian Yi turned and strode out angrily.

Qi Chengzhi frowned. What knowledge did Jian Yi have that made him believe he could destroy their relationship?

An eyebrow perked up. There was one possibility. Qi Chengzhi squinted his eyes.



The engagement lunch was set on a Saturday. The VIP room in Dynasty was booked for the occasion.

In the morning, Qi Chengzhi brought Song Yu to her parents’ house. After some pleasant exchange, he fetched the Song family to Dynasty.

As they got down from the car, they saw Qi Chengji, who took leave from the army, get out from the green train.

Ever since the Song family went into bankruptcy, Qi Chengji never met with Song Donglin and Yu Qianying.

Today was Qi Chengzhi and Song Yu’s engagement lunch, hence all the Qi family members were required to attend. Initially, they were hoping the crowd at the table would alleviate any awkwardness. Who knew they would run into each other at the door.

Qi Chengji froze in shock. While he never had any feelings for Song Yu, they had once been engaged to each other. Moreover, during the engagement, he actually harbored feelings for Wei Ran—he felt guilty and sorry for Song Yu and her parents.

Faced with his almost-in-laws, he awkwardly scratched his nose and greeted, “Uncle, Auntie.”

Song Donglin and Yu Qianying were equally uneased. They nodded and gave Qi Chengji a polite smile.

Qi Chengzhi was the only person who was unaffected by this whole ordeal. He took Song Yu’s hand and said in an affirming tone, “Dad, Mom, let’s head in.”

By now, Song Donglin and Yu Qianying were used to Qi Chengzhi’s use of those terms. However, it was Qi Chengji’s first time hearing it and there was a moment of silence as he processed the situation.

The correct term was ‘father and mother-in-law’ but his brother called them ‘dad’ and ‘mom’. It was weird, to say the least.

When they got to the VIP room, Qi Zhongxun and Guan Liya were already there. Seated beside them was Qi Chenglin with his son, Qi Youxuan.

The first thing Qi Youxuan did upon arrival was ordering a plate of water chestnut cake.

At the sound of the door opening, they turned to look. They stood up when they saw Qi Chengzhi walk in with the Song family.

After an awkward exchange of pleasantries, everyone sat down and thought of what to say next.

Asking about how the Song family have been in the past years was too insincere. They had already heard stories from Song Yu, asking now would be akin to rubbing salt into their wounds.

In the tense silence, Qi Youxuan’s chubby hands offered the remaining water chestnut cakes to Song Donglin. “Grandpa, Grandma, try this. It’s really good.”

Yu Qianying had always hoped Song Yu would get married and have children. She longed to have a grandson.

When she went for a stroll in the garden, she would see neighbors of her age pushing baby strollers or holding the hands of their grandchildren. She would watch them with envy.

Seeing the adorable Qi Youxuan offering them cake made her incredibly happy. Yu Qianying smiled broadly at the child and chatted with him. While she wanted to hug Qi Youxuan, she was worried that he would not be happy.

Qi Youxuan’s large, innocent eyes looked around and he wiggled his butt in the adult chair. He rummaged through his small rucksack.

From the rucksack, he pulled out a packet of sunflower seeds, a bag of broad beans, and a bag of popcorn. “Grandpa, Grandma, have some of these.”

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