
Chapter 247 - You Had Sprained Your Ankle, You Shouldn’t Touch the Ground, Don’t Be Stubborn

Chapter 247: You Had Sprained Your Ankle, You Shouldn’t Touch the Ground, Don’t Be Stubborn

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

At nine o’clock at night on Wednesday, Mu Huaisheng heard a rigid creaking sound as he was rotating his head in an effort to loosen his stiff neck.

Sighing heavily, he leaned back in his chair, his head filled with thoughts concerning his work. He extended his arm to massage his stiff back and switched off the computer. He got up from his chair glanced at the nightscape from his window. Then, he took his car keys and left the office.

As usual, he conducted a habitual routine check of all the floors before he exited the building. Walking past the design department, he noticed that the lights were still on. It was not uncommon for an employee to turn off the lights, but neither was it uncommon for an employee to be working overtime. He walked into the department room, instantly spying a young woman buried in a mountain of work. She appeared frail, thin and weak.

Taking a closer look, Mu Huaisheng was surprised to discover that it was Yu Keyao he was staring at. She had been recommended by Mu Sisi, and they had even waived her interview. She had been accepted into the company purely by means of the backdoor. Since it was an open secret, it was to no one’s surprise that other employees abhorred her and, as a result, discriminated against her. The knowledged served as an explanation for her overtime.

In the beginning, he had wanted to remain silent and leave, allowing her to continue working. But something about her, the dedicated lean of a serious worker, the movement of her pencil as she sketched and drew, everything reminded him of Ruan Danchen.

When Ruan Danchen was drawing a diagram or pondering over design plans, she was serious. Like how Yu Keyao was serious, as she bent over her own diagrams, pondering and drawing. He felt that at this moment, Yu Keyao was matching up with the Ruan Danchen in his mind.

Mu Huaisheng inadvertently walked into the office and stopped in front of her. They were separated by two tables. “Why are you still here?” he asked.

Yu Keyao immersed in her work had not noticed Mu Huaisheng and was startled. Raising her head, she stood up. “Director Mu, I have yet to complete my work.”

Mu Huaishing took a cool and calculated glance at her table. “Are all of these yours?”

“I’m a novice. One without any experience, so this is good for me,” replied Yu Keyao with a faint smile. Her fingers curved gracefully, like the delicate petals of a spring blossom, as she tucked a strand of her behind her ear.

Mu Huaisheng found himself to be rather taken by her mannerisms, as he stared at Yu Keyao. He found that she had a quiet, contented air about her, causing him to inadvertently relax.

“You don’t need to make up excuses. I’m well aware that you have been on the receiving end of the office’s ire. They had purposely left it all to you, and a large part of these you need not complete,” drawled Mu Huaisheng.

“It’s fine. I was hired because of a good word put in by Miss Mu. I understand that I was riding on the coattails of my relations and not on my own experience. No matter where I go there will always be discrimination. And, if I were to place myself in their shoes, I can appreciate their animosity towards me. I too can appreciate the injustice of having to slog my way through interviews whilst others have it much easier. So, I’d rather improve myself by learning as much as possible, and prove my worth and value to others who have looked down upon me.” She bowed her head slightly, and Mu Huisheng could not help but notice how beautiful she looked with her head lowered.

“Let’s go, I’ll send you back,” said Mu Huaisheng.

Despite being flattered by the offer, Yu Keyao shook her head, “No thank you. I want to finish this before I leave for the night. Plus, I rented a house near the company.”

Mu Huaisheng did not push the topic any further, and he turned around and left. As he walked away, Yu Keyao felt disappointment surging within her.



Mu Huishang, sitting in his car, lit a cigarette. He watched the building. It did not take long before the lights of the Design Department were flicked off. A few more minutes and Yu Keyao walked out of the company. She did not call for a taxi, neither did she head towards the subway, instead, she began walking down the footpath.

Mu Huaisheng started the engine and began tailing her, before tapping the horn and stopping beside her. “Get in, I’ll take you home.”



Mu Sisi’s date at court was scheduled for Friday, and Song Yu had resolved that she would be accompanying Ruan Danchen to the House of Justice.

That morning Qi Chengzhi, who had a meeting at J City, left early. In his stead, Cheng Dongge was to accompany them and ensure that Song Yu remained safe. Qi Chengyue, knowing the date, decided to follow them.

Ruan Danchen seated herself in the plaintiff’s chair, whilst Song Yu and party sat at the corner of the last row. They did not want to attract the attention of Mu Sisi in case she decided to harm them.

If it were under normal circumstances, they would not take such precautions, but, since Song Yu was pregnant, it was imperative that they avoided any potential harm.

Song Yu noticed Mu Sisi’s change of hairstyle. Where there was none before, now sat a thick fringe of hair, covering the entirety of her forehead. The style did not suit her, due to her facial structure.

Song Yu then remembered a rather interesting piece of information: Chu Zhaoyang had told her that Mu Sisi had been struck by Gui Rongxuan, leaving a rather large wound on her forehead. If that were true then the wound would not have had enough time to completely heal, explaining the unsightly fringe.

Mu Sisi was glaring at Ruan Danchen, and, so, had not noticed Song Yu. She did not at all appear worried about the lawsuit.

Both, Qi Chengzhi and Lawyer Song, had informed Song Yu and Ruan Danchen that this would be an unwinnable lawsuit. The defendants had evidence that undermined their case, and the person in charge of the factory, who had been involved in the incident, had pleaded guilty to all charges.

Therefore, the aim of the lawsuit would be to harass the other party and redeem Ruan Danchen’s image in the eyes of the public.

As predicted, the scapegoat, prepared by the Mu Huaisheng, pleaded guilty to all counts and insisted that Mu Sisi was not to be blamed in any way. They were forced to drop the case, and Mu Sisi was cleared on all counts.

The scapegoat, on the other hand, was rewarded handsomely by the Mu Family. The lawyer hired to represent him managed to bring him under the charge of an unsuccessful attempt of false accusation and procured a light sentence.

Despite attempting to avoid her while walking out, they still managed to bump into Mu Sisi. Cheng Dongge maintained his poker face but was ever vigilant.

Fortunately, Mu Huaisheng, who was beside Mu Sisi, only allowed her a fierce glare before dragging her away.

Cheng Dongge sent Song Yu and Ruan Danchen back to Chengshi.

As they were driving, Song Yu texted Qi Chengzhi, ‘The case is closed. Mu Sisi is cleared of all charges,’

Shortly after the message was sent, Song Yu received a call. She answered. “Are you unhappy with the outcome?” Qi Chengzhi’s rich, dulcet voice echoed through the speaker.

“No, both of you had informed us of the outcome. It is enough that we were able to help get rid of the negative impression that people had of Danchen,” replied Song Yu. “Have you finished your meeting?”

“Yes, Chang Lai and I are on the way back right now. I should reach by the afternoon,” said Qi Chengzhi. Since J City and B City were right next to each other, Qi Chengzhi had decided to have Chang Lai drive him there in the Land Rover.

“Tell Chang Lai to drive slower. You should be careful on the roads,” urged Song Yu, aware that the distance between the two cities was a considerable one.

“Mhm,” hummed Qi Chengzhi. He did not hang up, and neither did Song Yu.

She casted a furtive glance at Ruan Danchen and blushed. Leaning toward the window, she lowered it and looked outside. “Why aren’t you hanging up?” came a rather amused voice.

“Well I am hanging up now,” quipped Song Yu, albeit unhappily. She did not need to hear his voice, she was even happy with just being able to hear the sound of his even breaths, radiating through the speaker.

“Mhm,” agreed Qi Chengzhi, unaware of his mistake. With a heavy heart Song Yu hung up.

A while later and the flicker of the notification light caught Song Yu’s attention.

‘Missing me?’

Song Yu could not resist the smile that spread across her face. She was delighted and restless all at once.

‘Mhm,’ she texted back.

‘I was thinking about you all through the meeting. I don’t like leaving you by yourself in City B,’ he replied, in what seemed like a split second.

Song Yu blushed. Her thoughts flew to a time before their relationship. Even then he had enjoyed teasing her with short texts, and she thought herself peculiar for the unexpected feelings that they inspired within her. She had found the words he sent her to be far more significant than when he spoke them; they sparked an inexplicable excitement.

‘Me too,’ she typed out with her thumb, backspacing a few times as the wild thrumming of her heart had caused her finger to slip occasionally. ‘Although we don’t see each other during work, I feel at ease knowing that somewhere in this city you are there. It feels different knowing that you are in another city.’

Song Yu had been rather embarrassed to express these feelings of her during their call as Cheng Dongge, Qi Chengyue and Ruan Danchen were in the car, resulting in her typing it all out now.

‘Then should I have you come along the next time I go on a business trip?’ he asked.

‘No, I will be disturbing your work.’

So, the texts went on; back and forth, back and forth until Song Yu arrived at Cheng Shi.

‘Get onto WeChat.’

Logging into her account, Song Yu saw a picture of City B’s highway tollbooth. She made a rough calculation and estimated his time of arrival. Quickly, she took her leave and flagged down a cab.

Although she was not in the company of Qi Chengzhi, who had yet to arrive, no one had stopped her from entering his office at Qilin.

Waiting, she surfed the internet. An article of the trial appeared, and Song Yu decided to read it. The article did not accurately portray the events that took place at the trial. The article claimed that My Huaisheng had not provided any substantial evidence, despite him providing concrete evidence at the trial. Nonetheless, they had succeeded in proving Ruan Danchen’s innocence and restored her reputation.

Song Yu sat watching the news before she got up and retrieved a blanket from Qi Chengzhi’s closet. It did not take her long to slip into sleep.

When Qi Chengzhi returned, he was seized with an indescribable joy at seeing Song Yu sleeping.

Gently, he shut the door and tiptoed toward her; not wanting to wake her up. Crouching down, he studied her face, calm and beautiful in sleep.

“The delicate flower of the Asiatic apple craves more rest in spring,” murmured Qi Chengzhi with a soft smile. It was a line from a well known Chinese poem.

His slender fingers brushed a strand of hair and tucked it behind her ear, revealing a full face and full rose-tinted lips that he could not help but kiss. She did not wake, and he rose, walking quietly to the window and rolling down the shutters, before seating himself at his desk and booting the computer. Work was not something that can be avoided.



Song Yu felt herself being held in warm, strong arms. She snuggled closer into the embrace, inhaling the familiar scent. Her sleep laden eyes fluttered open though she made no move to free herself from his embrace. “You’re back,” she murmured, resting her head into the hollow crook of his neck.

“Yes. You best get up now; we’re going home,” he said, running his fingers through her hair and pressing a gentle kiss by the corner of her eye.

It took her a short while to dispel the last vestiges of sleep, but when she did, she grabbed Qi Chengzhi’s wrist to examine his watch. Six o’clock.

“What time did you come back?” asked Song Yu.

“Around three o’clock,” answered Qi Chengzhi as he brushed away the stray strands of hair so that he might stroke the corner of her eye.

“Why didn’t you wake me earlier? I took a day off in order to surprise you, and instead of welcoming you I fell asleep,” she pouted in disappointment; her hands circled around his waist and she once more laid her head on the crook of his neck.

Qi Chengzhi chuckled and kissed her lips. “I was surprised. You can’t imagine the satisfaction of seeing you lying there as I work. If I missed you all I needed to do was look over.”

Hearing this, Song Yu did not want to release him from her embrace; she did not want to rise. All she wanted to do was to remain here, embracing him.

Song Yu was unconsciously acting like a spoilt child, with a rather confused and sleepy expression. Hands that caressed her waist slowly moved up her back, as his lips found hers in a kiss.

He leaned back against the sofa with Song Yu on his lap. His hand supported her neck as he traveled the contours of her neck.

“We’re in the office,” she sighed, knowing full well of his intentions. Her eyes were misty and dark.

“I locked the door.” He seized her lips once more, and she felt desire prickling her body. She felt a moral need to stop him, however, her limbs were heavy and lust clouded her judgment.

Their bodies were tightly pressed together, and she could feel a deep blush extending from her crown to her breast.

Qi Chengzhi watched her. He saw her half mast eyes, their lashes dusty and dark against her fair skin made her appear meek, tantalizing the predator within him.

He rained down delicate kisses, as she arched against him till her bare shoulder met with the cool glass of the coffee table and the deep valleys that lay beyond her waist cradled his long legs. She watched him as he moved deeper into her until finally, he sat deep within her channel.

Qi Chengzhi gave a huff of satisfaction, “I would like to have done this much earlier.”

Song Yu lay wide awake within his arms, nuzzling his neck. A faint dusty blush colored her cheeks as she laid quietly next to him.

Every now and then she could feel him press a kiss into some part of her while she lay there exhausted. Her stamina was not what it once was, and all she wanted to do was lie there in a boneless heap.

Qi Chengzhi enthralled by his wife’s supplication could not refrain from showering her with kisses. Once he was satisfied he lovingly wiped her, and helped her dress. She did not once move her limbs as he dressed her, choosing to let him lift her arms and legs when necessary. It proved to be a rather difficult task for Qi Chengzhi.

“It has only been two months, why are you so weak?” asked Qi Chengzhi, his eyes bright with mischief, though his voice maintained its usual lazy drawl.

Song Yu lying on her belly responded with a muffled voice, “My waist aches, and, so do my legs.”

Silently, Qi Chengzhi massaged her legs and thighs. “Feeling any better?” Song Yu nodded as her stomach gave a sudden, demanding rumble.

A deep red colored her cheeks when she saw him smirk, worry filled her.

“I was already hungry when I woke up, and you still had your way. Now you have the audacity to laugh at me?!” Song Yu stomped her foot, her heel knocking against his calf.

“Why do you keep on abusing me?” gasped Qi Chengzhi as he rubbed his calf, faking the pain.

Song Yu remained silent.

Qi Chengzhi looked at his watch, it was almost half-past seven. “It’s getting late, let’s go.”

Song Yu could not fathom the reason behind her actions, although, after much deliberating, she narrowed it down to pregnancy hormones.

She stretched her hands toward Qi Chengzhi and said, “I was tired because of you, my legs were feeling weak.”

Qi Chengzhi was standing still in front of her and lowered his head to stare at her.

Song Yu was feeling uneasy due to his stare; she forced herself to say, “Carry me.”

Qi Chengzhi scrutinized her for a very long time, before finally pulling up his sleeves, revealing ropes of defined muscles.

He squatted down, giving her his back. “Come on,” his voice was steady and deep; she laughed and got on.

It was late and most of the employees, save the ones who were working overtime, had gone home. The floor was empty and there was no fear of being seen.

Qi Chengzhi carried her to his private elevator, got in and pressed the button. Once the elevator reached the first floor, the doors slid open and he exited with Song Yu still cradled safely on his back.

Looking around he froze.

Luo Yushu and some of his colleagues from the engineering department were standing in front of the staff elevator that was located right next to his. When they saw him, with Song Yu on his back they became a flustered disarray of men who did not know how to act or what to do. They all wished that they had gotten on that elevator a few minutes earlier.

Song Yu hid her reddened face into Qi Chengzhi’s back and tried to shimmy off him. He did not release her and gave her a warning pinch instead. Song Yu stilled.

“Director!” exclaimed Luo Yushu in a hurry.

Qi Chengzhi’s expression was stony. “It’s late. Why are all of you still here?”

Luo Yushu felt that he was extremely unfortunate. “Director, we’re working overtime today. We just came back from dinner.”

Qi Chengzhi coolly nodded his head, “Keep up the good work.”

After saying that, he continued walking with Song Yu on his back. Luo Yushu truly admired him after seeing his conduct. He really deserved to be called director, he was so steady and calm, and he continued to carry her without any noticeable changes in his expression!

“Put me down,” said Song Yu hesitantly. She regretted a lot after thinking of her pretentious behavior just now.

She saw the root of Qi Chengzhi’s ears were blushing, but suddenly she heard him raised his voice and said, “You had sprained your ankle, you shouldn’t touch the ground. Don’t be stubborn.”

“...” Song Yu.

Luo Yushu peered at the slim ankles of the director’s wife, but they did not look like they were sprained at all!”

When they reached the entrance of the company, Song Yu wanted to get off his back but Qi Chengzhi refused to release her no matter what. He carried her to the Land Rover and into the car. He then went to the other side of the car and got into it.

Song Yu was feeling extremely guilty, she apologetically leaned toward him and hugged Qi Chengzhi’s arm. “Hubby, sorry, I made you lose face.”

Qi Chengzhi did feel quite embarrassed just now, but he could never be angry with her. Furthermore, his anger would be soon be gone after he saw the look of her trying to please him.

The corners of Qi Chengzhi’s mouth curved upward slightly and he pecked her at the lips and said, “It’s not embarrassing to pamper you.”

“Then why did you find an excuse and said that I sprained my ankle?” asked Song Yu without thinking much, but she regretted right after she finished asking.

“...” Qi Chengzhi quietly withdrew his arm from her embrace and started the car. He stepped on the gas pedal and drove his car out.

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