
Chapter 205: Transformation of the Lava Lake

Chapter 205: Transformation of the Lava Lake

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

A scorchingly hot and bubbling magma lake with the pungent smell of sulfur had become rhythmic music in the air.

The flaming red sea filled one’s view.

The restless five hundred meter long creature in the magma pool looked like a giant whale that was made of red flaming stones. A crimson thick root was planted on the creature’s head and some soft crimson-striped lifeforms were flowing into the head of the creature through the root.

The magma pool was continuously releasing fire element energy, hence there was no trace of the flesh barrier on the walls of those red rocks. Only pyrites existed in such an extreme condition.

There was a noble Enigmatic Amonro with milky white skin. Its right eye was permanently shut. The aura emitted by this Amonro clearly distinguished its level from the other five Enigmatic Amonros that were standing next to him.

This one-eyed Enigmatic Amonro first looked towards the group of elite Golden Amonros who was in the air, riding on their war beasts. He then turned to look at the thousands of anxious low-ranked Amonros on the lava reef. He was not pleased and shouted at them, “You are all useless! Why is this low-life lava beast still out of control? Was it because all of you desecrated the soul of the Camphoragate and the ancestors of the Amonro?”

The one-eyed Amonro sounded very cold, menacing even.

They had previously succeeded in controlling two lava beasts and had relocated them to other places. However, something went wrong with this final beast, and it lost control during this critical period.

This mid-level noble Amonro had just retired from the battlefield. He had witnessed how powerful and frightening the sorcerers from the other world could be. That blinding column of light was not only able to wipe out the Amonros’ strategic preparations, it also destroyed the confidence of the Amonro leader.

These sorcerers were too powerful, evil and terrifying. The great Amonro World was currently facing a critical moment.

They needed everyone that they could gather to fight this war. From all the kings of the Shadow World, all the Enigmatic Prophets that wandered in the Amonro World, to the great ancestors of Amonro who were the guardians of the Enigmatic Seal.

All the living forces in this world must be united to fight against those evil sorcerers again!

A low-ranked Enigmatic Amonro who was beside the one-eyed Amonro instantly lifted its tail.

It was the leader here. Yet, he cowered while responding to his superior, “Honorable Sabco Achilles, although this lava beast looks small it produces the highest “demon blood viscosity”. Although it was tenacious in resisting the influence of the sacred tree, we are not willing to kill it.”

The one-eyed Amonro questioned, “Is this the Prototheria?”

“Yes, sir.” The nervous Enigmatic Amonro replied, rubbing its ear with its tail.

All of a sudden, the elite Amonros who were riding on the war beasts burst out in joy.

“We did it! We did it! This beast has been successfully controlled by the sacred tree, it is gradually losing its consciousness ...”

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

The joy of the Amonros was broken by the violent energy fluctuations that suddenly appeared from the other side of the passage. Although they were frightened, they still stood their ground instead of escaping into the mouth of the Lavawyvern, as if they were ready to sacrifice themselves.

The one-eyed Amonro roared, “All Amonros, retreat into the lava beast! Leave this place! Death is waiting for those disgusting foreign creatures that have just arrived here. We have just initiated a huge wave of lava pool!”

A few Enigmatic Amonros took the lead, turned into a shadow and escaped into the mouth of the Lavawyvern. Other low-ranked Amonros that could not stand the heat of the lava pool too followed without any hesitation. Amidst the mess, some of them dropped into the lava pool and turned into ashes.

Although the surface of the wyvern was made of flaming lava stones, the internal structure of the beast was a thick layer of flesh and a blood pool that would never dry up. The temperature was not that high either.

These half-meter-long creatures did not need much effort to escape into the giant Lavawyvern’s body which was about five hundred meters big. They pushed their heads against the tails of those who were in front to signal for them to continue moving forward.

Boom! The entrance to the lava lake suddenly exploded. The mixture of water vapor and lighting continued to spread.

Eighteen Golden Amonros appeared from the flesh barrier. Their strength could match that of the standard of the Shadow Legion and they had the ability to fly. They flew over the top of those low-ranked Amonros and into the mouth of the giant Lavawyvern.

The giant Lavawyvern slowly closed its mouth. Its body began to submerge into the magma and caused half of the low-ranked Amonros that had failed to enter the Lavawyvern’s mouth to boil in the magma. The miserable cries halted in just an instant.

More than ten sorcerers in their oversized robes appeared at the entrance of the lava lake. They quietly hovered in the air and started their attacks on the submerging Lavawyvern.

These low-ranked Amonros looked up into the sky at the evil and scary foreign figures. Although they felt angry, they could not help but tremble in fear and despair.

There was no flesh barrier in this space for them to hide and escape from the enemies.


Sixteen Dark Sorcerers stared at the Lavawyvern which had completely submerged into the bottom of the lake. They looked at the empty Lava Lake and were annoyed that they had missed their chance even though they had tried using the “retaining” spell.

The lava pool continued “bubbling” and the pungent smell of sulfur filled the air.

All sixteen sorcerers stared at the three hundred plus remaining low-ranked Amonros converged on the lava reef. The circulation of element forces blurred their figures but the flames in their eyes displayed their desire to release their anger on those cornered low-lives.

Nobody knew who took the first shot. These sixteen Dark Sorcerers began to wave their magic wands furiously and countless destructive sorceries fell upon the Amonros.

“Ah! Filthy sorcerer of Crystalized Fire...”

“Go to hell...”

These Amonros were releasing all kinds of spirits. Suddenly, there was a thump. The spells from the sorcerers sent a huge piece of lava reef into the lake.

The number of low-ranked Amonros that had fallen into the magma was more than the kills that the sorcerers made.

The other sorcerers stared at Grimm in rage. Grimm showed no emotion beneath the Mask of Truth. Underneath the sleeves of his oversized robe, he held his magic wand calmly and ignored those uncomfortable stares.

Victor knew Grimm would be questioned by the sorcerers who had just lost their target. Although he knew what he was going to say was meaningless, he still decided to change the topic, “These pyrites contains such high energy. These stupid low-ranked creatures didn’t even know how to collect and use them. What a primitive low-life creature!”

That statement stirred some interest among the crowd. The sorcerers looked up and saw all these pyrites in the stonewall. These pyrites could be used as magic stones and they could use them to receive a high return, this fact cheered them up a little.

Although they did not get as much benefit as they had aimed for, at least they would not return empty-handed.


All of a sudden, one of the sorceresses acted scornfully. She threw a cross wind blade at the entrance of the lava space.


The cross wind blade seemed to hit a thick layer of metal. It created a harsh squeaking sound and vanished.

Everyone was shocked and looked in the same direction. The passage was completely blocked by a layer of squirming black flesh barrier. The area that was cut by the cross wind blade released some kind of black liquid that was completely different from the previous green liquid.

The black liquid solidified in no time and thickened the protection layer further.

All the Dark Sorcerers, including Grimm, sensed that something was not right, as if the Amonros had set a trap for them in this lava lake.



Those sudden sounds came from the bottom of the lake as if a giant beast was roaring. The tranquil lava lake suddenly became violent. Lava columns were blown up and fire sparked like rain. The lava waves were like the screams of the tsunami. Smoldering sounds could be heard and they quickly filled the space.

One of the sorcerers was hit by a protruding lava column. The sorcerer’s hood had no defensive effect against this natural energy. Puff! The sorcerer’s body turned into ashes. Several other sorcerers were hit by lava rain. The continuous attacks had consumed a large amount of their magical power that they needed for defense.

Grimm roared and his robes exploded into pieces. A layer of black fine scales acting as his armor spread throughout his body in a split second.

“The first layer of wild character, open!” Grimm bellowed as he swished his magic staff and ignited the blazing flame at the blocked entrance of the passage.


A golden energy beam was shot at the black flesh barrier. Creaking sounds of incineration could be heard and the flesh barrier produced a large volume of black liquid once again.

It was Victor who fired the shot.

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