
Chapter 561: Falling Star II

Chapter 561: Falling Star II

“Here they come again!”

One of the Magnetites yelled out as hundreds of his fellow comrades, all of varying sizes, rushed toward the attacking wave of Bloodprint Creatures.

So long as the river of blood connected the great earth of this world and the Dagutha Magnetite Star, they would have to continue facing the large-scale attacks launched by the never-ending flow of Bloodprint Creatures. It was as if the entire world had turned against the Magnetite people themselves!

A flash lit up from Grimm’s body as a fireball shot off from the tip of his Sabbatic Goat Staff.


The fireball detonated, causing bone-melting heat waves to expand in every direction.

“Hmm? They’re weak!”

Grimm and his fellow elite Dark Demon-Hunters’ task for the moment, was to collect samples of these Bloodprint Creatures. However, with just a single fire of fireball spell, his targets were completely annihilated, burnt to crisp and reduced to pure carbon. In other words, these potential samples had been ruined.

“Ancient creatures!”

The Magnetite people looked over to see Grimm yell out before he started to mumble to himself.

To their surprise, Grimm was no longer casting magic spells to fight off the enemy. Instead, it turned into a game of chicken hunt, in which Grimm was the invincible hawk. Carefully but efficiently, he dispatched the enemy creatures while reducing overall physical damage to the bare minimum before storing the corpses away in the Dimensional Gap.

And so, Grimm had to practice utmost caution in controlling his force to avoid crushing the creatures’ bodies into pulp.

A metallic needle was used to insert into the back of the writhing creatures’ brains, instantly ending their lives, and like the countless specimens he had collected before, he threw them right into the Dimensional Gap.

“What’s going on? Why are the creatures of this world so weak? I’ve been here for so long and I have yet to see a regular, Level-1 creature. Even for these Magnetite people, with the exception of a handful, most of them are incredibly weak...”

After continuously harvesting dozens of specimens on the battlefield, Grimm finally caved in to the growing sense of doubt in his mind and asked Little Myna.

Thousands or even tens of thousands of these low-level Bloodprint Creatures here, in comparison to the almost endless flow of Bloodprint Creatures currently making their way up the river of blood, were nothing but a small drizzle. They died just as quickly as they emerged, and yet their numbers never seemed to dwindle.

Little Myna, who was perched on Grimm’s shoulder, remained silent for quite a while, seemingly deep in his thoughts.”read comics on our webnovel.live”

“Young Master, have you not noticed that the Magnetite Ray can only exist in the skies and the chaotic layer of this world?”


Now that Little Myna said it, Grimm too noticed how things did not add up.

Typically speaking, the True Source of every world lied in its land, or its ocean, where they were considered the source of life.

If one wanted to control the World’s Principal Will and become its ruling race, possessing the power to shape the interior laws of the world and its development, then they would have to maintain complete dominance over the earth, or the sea.

The sky was only a means for such a goal to be accomplished. The world laws, constructed by the creatures in the sea or on land, were the true roots of a world.

At this point, the Magnetite people seemed to have a long history stretching eons into the past and have entrenched their position firmly in the Magnetite World. However, they could only exert their control using the Magnetite Stone through the sky as a medium. To be more exact, they were not ruling the World’s True Source, in which Grimm had noticed some oddity upon discovering the facts.

The earth was as foreign to the Magnetite people as it was hostile?

“Young Master, has it never crossed your mind, that these Magnetite Stone Knights came from the outside and are not part of the nature laws that thrive in the interiors of this world?”

Little Myna posed another question with a mysterious tone.

Grimm was now deep in contemplation, perhaps trying to imagine the possibility of such a scenario playing out. After a considerable amount of time, Grimm finally smiled at his little friend.

“Little Myna, it seems you’ve become more intelligent as of late.”

“Caw? Caw caw caw caw! Lord Myna is the Great Steel Emblem Myna, so of course I am a god-sent talent! Caw caw caw...”

The Magnetite Stones were foreign objects from another world huh?

But even so, as the years flew by, these foreign creatures should have long been integrated as a part of this world’s interior laws. Theoretically speaking, the Magnetite people becoming the rulers of this world was not out of the question and they should no longer be considered as invaders.

It was just like the Underground Abyss World in the Sorcerers World.

But why was it that this world did not assimilate the Magnetite Stone into becoming part of its own system of laws?


Wave after wave, these Bloodprint Creatures made their way upstream, throwing themselves toward the Dagutha Magnetite Star.

The reason behind these creatures’ name was due to the layer of blood-colored imprints that wound around their bodies. These abstract imprints gave off a menacing vibe and was clearly the work of the Evil Blood Dreadlord.

And thus, such a great number of creatures charged relentlessly at the Dagutha Magnetite Star like a demon horde unleashed from hell.

The first step issued by the Battle Command of the Void Fortress was to conduct research on the blood-colored imprints, to decipher them, and find out how the Evil Blood Dreadlord was able to exercise his will through such a large number of creatures!

Subsequently, it was just a few days after the Sorcerers World’s Principal Void Fortress had descended upon this world that the elite Dark-Demon Hunters were rapidly dispatched over in mechanical bees.

“Secure the Chirping Bridge! We cannot afford to let the Bloodprint Creatures cross the bridge! Not even one step!”

The Magnetite Star’s magnetic energy was now unevenly distributed. On the top of this vast Magnetite Star, although the outer shell covering its various minerals were still as strong as ever, minor cracks seemed to have appeared on certain weaker spots where energy was more sparsely distributed.

The naturally-formed cracks would spew out large amounts of Magnetite Ray. Even the Magnetite people found it impossible to control such an uncontrolled release of Magnetite Ray. There were even instances where such an attempt proved fatal to the weaker ones. As such, there would usually be safety valves fixed on these cracks to protect the people as they went on with their lives.

The chaotic Magnetite Ray burst out of the cracks, bringing with it a deadly, grey-colored signal. From time to time, unfortunate Bloodprint Creatures standing above the cracks could be seen reduced to nothing but a dried out empty husk as their internal bodily fluids boiled and vaporised under the immense release of energy.

“Caw caw caw caw, Young Master. If we don’t cut off the Evil Blood Dreadlord’s river of blood soon, the Dagutha Star will not stand a chance against these creatures.”

Grimm had already collected a significant number of Bloodprint Creatures. Now, he was busy collecting Magnetite Ray using a specially-constructed crystal flask from a crack near the Chirping Bridge while his counter-parts were busy defending.

There was no doubt that the Magnetite Ray spewing out from the interior of the Magnetite Star was difficult to use due to its volatile nature. However, it was also a pure source of energy, from the core of this immensely powerful star.

The other Dark Demon-Hunters seemed to have completed their respective missions, evident in a large group of them leaving the battlefield, retreating toward the mechanical bees awaiting them in the distance. This was not the true battlefield for this Demon-Hunting Expedition. What more to say of the indifferent Dark Sorcerers who would refuse to dirty their hands without a handsome reward of sorts.

A minority of greedier, or insanely curious Demon-Hunter Sorcerers opted to remain here, waiting for the right opportunity to present itself.

Upon hearing what Little Myna had to say, Grimm tucked away the crystal flask containing the chaotic Magnetite Ray and peered down at the river of blood underneath the Dagutha Magnetite Star.

Rumble, rumble, rumble...

Even with the power of the entire Magnetite Star, the Dagutha’s Light of Constellation was obviously fighting a losing battle. To disconnect the river of blood, which connected the ground to the sky as Little Myna had said, was nearly impossible now.

And as the endless flow of Bloodprint Creatures swarmed the Dagutha Magnetite Star, the entire floating structure started losing altitude faster than it had been before. Its shadow casted on the ground grew larger and larger as its falling speed increased by the minute.

In the sky, the inexhaustible Magnetite Ray had now formed into a funnel-like shape, drawn in by the Magnetite Star itself from every direction, in an effort to stop the river of blood’s death grip, and to stop its inevitable collapse.

“This world’s evolutionary laws seem to have been restricted for newly-born creatures, regardless of whether they are fleshly creatures of low-level Bloodprint Creatures. This Demon-Hunting Expedition should be completed within fifty years I reckon.”


As Grimm was suspiciously mumbling to himself, a strong signal was suddenly released amidst the tidal wave of Bloodprint Creatures. From afar, a berserking creature could be seen unleashing its strength, charging toward the Chirping Bridge like a raging bull. Its terrifying life signal, compared to the signals of the other weak creatures beside it whose signals barely reached that of a Level-1 creature, was very distinct.

“This is... the clone body of the Evil Blood Dreadlord!”

The Magnetite Star’s records of an ancient battle mentioned that the followers of the Evil Blood Dreadlord possessed a streak of Evil Blood within their bodies. And now, alongside the Dreadlord himself, these followers had awakened from their eternal slumber and were reborn from the sealed depths beneath the Magnetite World.

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