
Chapter 322 – [Side Story] A Typical Political Marriage (2)

Chapter 322 – [Side Story] A Typical Political Marriage (2)

Derek had many things to say about the trick she had pulled, but in the end, his curiosity won over.

“Since when did you like me?”

He wasn’t convinced. All he did was answer Jeanne’s questions on the way here. She smiled and replied.

“Well, how should I say this? Normally, one would get angry at this situation. I tried to deceive you after all.”

She was right. Jeanne pulled the wool over his eyes, but Derek was more curious as to why.

Jeanne looked around, conscious of the attention that was being drawn towards the two from other onlookers, and she spoke again.

“I believe our conversation will take longer, so why don’t we go inside the restaurant?”

Derek nodded at her suggestion. They had more to say than what could be said at the front of a restaurant. Before Jeanne went inside, she looked apologetically at the woman who wore the fancy dress on her behalf.

“Thank you for listening to my favor. Please go inside the carriage and rest.”

“Yes, My Lady.”

The woman nodded calmly. The real maid seemed to be the one disguised as Jeanne. As Derek stared at the two women, Jeanne first stepped into the restaurant.

“Shall we go in then?”

The pair was about to walk into the large entrance hall together, when a restaurant employee stepped in their way.

“I’m sorry, but you cannot enter the restaurant with a maid.”

The employee must have mistaken Jeanne as a maid brought in by Derek. The more upscale restaurants only allowed nobility inside, so the employee’s behavior was only natural.

Only then did realize that Jeanne was still wearing the maid’s uniform. She always came in and out of this place with ease, and never thought about her dress. Furthermore, she had no intention of revealing her identity at first, so she had not planned for this.

“Ah, well...”

She blushed in embarrassment and was about to explain herself, when—


Derek quietly pulled off his suit jacket and placed it over Jean’s shoulders. He was taking care to make sure that others couldn’t see her maid’s uniform anymore.

“She’s my fiancée.”

Derek was identifiable as a noble at first glance, and no further explanation was necessary. The employee bowed and stepped back.

“My apologies. Let me show you inside”

Jeanne, with the jacket wrapped around her shoulders, looked at Derek with a puzzled expression. Her cheeks were slightly pink.

“...Thank you.”

“Not at all. You were not in the wrong.”

Fiancée. That wasn’t necessarily an incorrect description, since marriage was being considered between their two families. But this was the first time Derek introduced someone as such, and Jeanne was the first to hear it. An awkward atmosphere settled between the two. Meanwhile, the employee who guided them inside the restaurant spoke.

“The window seats are all currently full, so those who do not have reservations will be seated at the center. Is that alright?”

Jeanne answered.

“I have a reservation, so please check.”

“Yes, I see. What is your name?”

“It is Jeanne Morris.”

Upon hearing her name, the employee bowed his head as if to apologize for his mistake earlier. Afterwards, Jeanne and Derek were led into the enormous dining room of the restaurant.


The table Jeanne reserved had the best view in this luxurious establishment. The pair was seated at the table, and they continued their conversation as they started on the appetizers.

“Firstly, I apologize for my attempt to deceive you. I’m sorry.”

“I would have found out later anyway, but don’t you think that was a little reckless?”

“Of course I did. But I couldn’t help it. I wanted to know what kind of man I was going to marry.”

“So did you find out a little about me?”

Jean nodded unhesitatingly at Derek’s question.

“Yes. More than I thought...”

At the same time, her eyes fell to the jacket on her shoulders.

“...You are kind.”

Derek replied as if he didn’t understand.

“I’ve never heard of such a thing. It’s too short a time to get to know anything about me.”

“Not exactly. You didn’t treat me rudely as a maid. You were not disrespectful, abusive or rude.”

Though her words were vague, Derek caught on to her meaning. There were many noblemen who inappropriately touched pretty maids.

“The time we have to meet before marriage is very short. I was afraid that my partner would hide behind a friendly mask in front of me.”

After hearing that, Derek could see why Jeanne made this effort. Just as she said, she wanted to know exactly the man she was going to marry.

“I’m glad that your questions about me were answered...but I don’t know who you are yet.”

“Of course. It would be unfair if I was the only one who knew about you, so I’ll answer any questions you have.”


“My height is 165 centimeters, and my birthday is on October 15th. I have never really thought about my own children, but I want to make as many siblings as possible. Since I was little, I have always envied a crowded family.”

Derek listened closely to what she was saying. Jeanne’s answers were based on the question she asked Derek in the carriage.

“I want a man who respects me. And my main concern is not to regret this political marriage.”

“I see.”

“I don’t know if this is my goal, but I want to live as Jeanne Morris forever.”

Derek looked at her in puzzlement.

“...I don’t quite understand.”

“Getting married will increase my responsibilities. That is inevitable, of course, but that doesn’t mean I can’t live as myself anymore.”

“Is that what you think?”

“Yes. When I marry you, my name will change from Jeanne Morris to Jean Blaise. But I don’t want to disappear. If I become someone else’s wife, someone else’s mother, I still want to be me.”

Her face was serious. Derek fully understood her intent now. Her words were profound to him in a way, as he was also afraid of change after marriage as well.

For the first time, Derek thought he understood a little of who Jeanne was. He had guessed this after she revealed her disguise as a maid, but she was not the type to leave her fate in the hands of others. A strong woman who forged her own future... Derek wasn’t repulsed by that kind of woman. His sisters were the same.

“I promise you one thing, no matter what. Just because you marry me, it doesn’t mean you have to change a thing about yourself.”

Derek wouldn’t change overnight after his marriage either, and he wouldn’t ask his wife to do something he wouldn’t do.

“If we get married, then I will live a life of mutual support with you. We are not meeting to give up something, but to fill each other’s gaps.”

Jeanne didn’t respond immediately, but even without words, her feelings were evident in her expression. She was deeply moved by Derek’s words. It wasn’t until now that she realized that he was the man she had been hoping for. She didn’t want to be forced to change when she was married. She wanted to find a way to be happier with each other.

“I didn’t expect those words from you. In fact, the Blaise family is so powerful that I was worried what to do if you had a bad personality or expected me to change...but you’re not like that at all.”

Derek smiled at the honesty of her comments.

“You were different from what I imagined as well.”

Jeanne smiled, and continued on casually as if they were having a daily conversation.

“Shall we get married? Of course, our families are already talking to each other regardless, but I’d love it to be you. ”

“If it’s with you...then I think it will be alright.”

“I’m glad you agree. I’m happy that you’re my fiancé.”

“That’s an undeserved title.”

Jeanne held up her wine glass.

“Shall we toast to it?”


Derek soon lifted his glass of wine as well, and their glasses clinked in the air. A faint smile spread on Jeanne’s face.

“To our happy future.”


The marriage between Jeanne and Derek happened quickly. Since the marriage was arranged by families and the parties had little opposition, it was only natural to speed up the preparations. The wedding date, wedding hall, and much more were settled swiftly. Only three months had passed since they met when they had their wedding.

“Congratulations, Leader.”

“Live happily!”

Derek was surrounded by guests that poured him their congratulations. There was considerable interest in Empress Elena’s brother and the oldest son of the Blaise family getting married. Derek was dealing with the crowd of guests when a servant approached.

“It’s time to start the ceremony, My Lord.”

“Is it already?”

“Yes. Follow me this way, please.”

Jeanne’s father, Count Morris, had difficulty walking from a limp he obtained from a battle of conquest. Thus, Derek and Jeanne would walk down the aisle together.

Derek followed the servant and entered the back of the wedding hall, and waited for his bride to appear. After a few moments, a beautiful woman approached his side. She was an elegant figure in a stunning white wedding dress, and even the normally expressionless Derek was taken aback. He had never seen a woman so lovely...

He couldn’t pull his eyes away from her as he spoke.

“Are you nervous?”

“A little, but...I’m fine. I’m going to walk down the aisle with you today.”

Derek smiled at her words.

“You say beautiful words.”

“I mean it. I feel very lucky to have you as my life partner.”

“I hope I can live up to that expectation. As a knight and as your husband, I will work hard to stay by your side forever.”

“I am the same. I will help you lead the Blaise family, and will help you fulfill your dreams in the future.”

“I feel reassured.”

“Our goal is to make each other happy.”

At Jeanne’s words, the couple smiled at each other at the same time. Just then, a bridal march played to mark the start of the ceremony. A servant standing outside hurriedly approached them.

“You may enter now.”

Derek nodded carefully and took Jeanne’s delicate hand.

“Shall we take the first step?”

Jeanne smiled and nodded.

The two entered the hall, and the air seemed to glow around them. Derek was dressed handsomely in a black tailcoat, while Jeanne was in an immaculate white wedding dress. They looked a perfect match.

As they walked down the aisle, uniformed knights lined up on both sides drew out their swords one by one. The seated guests included Elena, Carlisle and Crow, as well as a matured Mirabelle and Kuhn standing next to her.

The grand wedding ceremony began in an atmosphere of celebration. Everyone, including Alphord and Jeanne’s family, looked on with emotion.

It was a perfect day for a new beginning.

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