
Chapter 278: Marianna Strait (3)

Chapter 278: Marianna Strait (3)

In the next few days, under the arrangement of Jason Deng, a new company is established. The process of licensing, paperwork, and documentation were all handled by Jason Deng\'s trusted assistants.

The office of this company was located in the same city where the presidential palace is located.

It was known as Mari. Situated on the upper side of this island of the Democratic Country of Marianne, it was one of the two settlements with the highest population. As for the other city, it was known as Anne, situated in the south.

This country chose Marianne as the country\'s name came from the name of these two cities.

"Boss, is there anything else you need from me?" Jason Deng was obediently seated at the other side of the president\'s table. The efficiency of the work he\'s done was surprising to Zhang Qin Feng. In these few days, not only was the company established in a hurry but Zhang Qin Feng\'s document too.

Right now, he\'s considered a legit businessman and someone with dual citizenship. His businessman identity is also forged to make it look more presentable.

"Yes. Take you time and slowly kick those greedy company out of the country. For starter, help me to bring in a few contracted medical specialists as I am planning to establish proper healthcare over here first." Zhang Qin Feng said.

"No problem, boss. But the investors… I\'m afraid if we offended them, it would be hard for our country to get their protection any further…" Jason Deng lowered his head and said. He might be a corrupt president, but he couldn\'t help if corruption was the only way to prevent their country from getting controlled by influential countries.

"We won\'t be needing them after we get ourselves right on the track. For now, keep offering more job offers and introduce lucrative benefits, such as taxless employment for their first year, medical benefits, and family benefits."

"Start attracting more people to come here to work with us while I get a few facilities of ours to start running." Zhang Qin Feng said.

"I\'ll get them done ASAP." Jason Deng answered.

"Good. I won\'t bother you any longer." Zhang Qin Feng chuckled and left the presidential palace freely without the guards blocking him. Although his appearance still somewhat makes the guards and people in this palace feel suspicious, nobody dares to stop him on his track.

That\'s because he had an entry pass hanging on his neck, which stated that his position was akin to the counselor for the president.

Zhang Qin Feng went to the building proposed to be the new medical center after leaving the presidential palace.

Only two rooms are available for use right now. One is for the doctor\'s consultation, and the other one was used to provide simple surgeries. It was pretty costly for them to rush the renovation to turn this building into a proper hospital, but money is what he has the most right now.

And with the president\'s order, all workforce were allocated to this place first as a priority.

Zhang Qin Feng even suggested that Jason start recruiting more labor workers from overseas to help with their upcoming construction projects.

Soon, one month has passed from the day Zhang Qin Feng returned to the modern world.

The foundation for Zhang Qin Feng\'s plan has been laid and in construction.

Mari City was chosen for the base work for a Hospital, advanced technology construction, and futuristic agriculture program. Using Jason\'s position as the president to his own benefit, Zhang Qin Feng only took less than a week to go through hundreds of candidates.

Only half of them went through the final selection process before they were hired with a lucrative contract offer. And in exchange for keeping everything confidential, Zhang Qin Feng promised them that the company would be covering their expenses in this country for the next five years.

Although five years might be just a short period, it was more than enough for Zhang Qin Feng to realized his aim.

The hospital established first has started to collect blood samples from the people in this country using the pretense of updating the country\'s blood supply, resident\'s records, etc. Even the local\'s sperm sample and unfertilized eggs were in the collection using medical research as the reason.

Since the people were paid for contributing to the national database update and supply, the overall process went on quite positively. It took less than a week to acquire more than the hospital needed to keep the facility running.

Half of the collected samples were then reported as medical used. But in fact, it was taken out by Zhang Qin Feng to replenish what the repopulation shelter needed to keep running.

With the Repopulation Shelter now back to minimal operation, it was time for Zhang Qin Feng to focus on himself.

For starters, Zhang Qin Feng had Victor and Marvin cooperate with other engineers and form a proper development team to handle all appliances\' needs. Equipment like medical bay, surgery table, operation equipment, and the latest medical-related tech was disassembled and reconstructed before producing en-masses.

The equipment that was upgraded and manufactured using the latest Substance and Matter Printer was used to equip two of Marianne\'s government hospitals with the latest medical equipment.

When the news about how well-equipped the two government hospitals in the Democratic Country of Marianne spread out to the nearby countries, all the specialists were flocking over to this country to verify the truth.

To the specialist, it was their dream to work in an environment with the latest medical equipment.

Putting their sense of satisfaction aside, a better facility could motivate the specialist to provide more accurate treatment to their patients. The entire process would also be faster and more organized in this way.

All of these were in Zhang Qin Feng\'s expectation. But he had yet to reveal one of the trump cards he had in hand.

"Boss, from tomorrow onwards, there\'ll be a seven days tour and seminar for the specialist in medicine all over the world. I hope you\'re ready with whatever plan you have." Jason Deng said.

"What do I have to get ready? You\'re the one going up to the stage and talk, not me." Zhang Qin Feng chuckled and bumped his wine glass with Jason\'s.

"But don\'t worry, I won\'t put you in a difficult situation. Wear this, and I\'ll guide you along the way. It will be alright." Zhang Qin Feng chuckled as he took a Luna Device out and placed it on the table.

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