
Chapter 600 - Outside The Window

Chapter 600: Outside The Window

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

For some reason, from the time Thirteenth Wang appeared for the first time that snowy night, he trusted Fan Xian a great deal. Otherwise, he would not be sleeping like an infant in the room now. Fan Xian looked in a daze at the fainted young man on the bed. Scratching his head, he couldn’t think of an appropriate word to describe his present emotions.

The basin was filled with bloody water and strips of cloth. It was bright red and gave off a faint stench of blood. It had taken a great deal for Fan Xian to remove the leather coat from Thirteenth Wang’s body. The blood inside and outside the coat had long congealed into chunks and mixed with the grasslands sand. It had become like glue, sticking firmly to Thirteenth Wang’s body.

After feeding Thirteenth Wang some medicine, he picked open the already sealed wounds to squeeze out the pus. He then re-sewed some of the wounds that had slit open during the journey. After doing all of this, Fan Xian was ready to collapse. Sitting weakly by the side of the bed, he stared dazedly at Thirteenth Wang.

Although he had taken anesthetic and fallen into the deepest sleep, the pain on his skin still made his brows furrow. The face of this last disciple of the Dongyi Sword Hut was delicate and pretty, particularly his brows when they were all furrowed up. He was like a statue of a philosopher deep in thought about the question of life.

Fan Xian shook his head, threw the scissors and needle in his hand into the basin, and stretched. As he saved Thirteenth Wang, he had counted. Thirteenth Wang had 38 wounds on his body. They were all knife wounds on the front half of his body.

The stories of the military camps had a lot to say about wounds on the front of a body. Thirteenth Wang used his courage and bravery to perfectly verify these words. He was one person faced with countless knives, yet he charged toward them.

Fan Xian looked dazedly at him. Although he had not personally witnessed Thirteenth Wang assassinating the Left Virtuous Prince and the chilling sight of him charging out of the unbroken Hu camp, each of these wretched knife wounds seemed to be describing each scene that had happened a dozen days ago on the grasslands.

When was the last time one of his people had been covered with injuries? It was probably in Shangjing in Northern Qi when he had ripped open the young master’s white robe. Fan Xian looked at Thirteenth Wang on the bed and couldn’t help but develop a kind of illusion, confusing him and Yan Bingyun into one person.

The injuries Thirteenth Wang suffered were much more serious than Yan Bingyun’s. Fan Xian also knew that these two people’s connection to him were very different. Yan Bingyun was his subordinate and right hand. But, he was more so a loyal official of the Qing Kingdom while Thirteenth Wang had thrown in his lot with him for the sake of Dongyi’s interest. He narrowed his eyes and looked at the sleeping Thirteenth Wang with confusion. Were such things as promises really that important to some people? Even more than their own life?

Fan Xian furrowed his brows. The sleeping Thirteenth Wang also furrowed his brows.

Both of them were born good looking. However, Thirteenth Wang lacked some of Fan Xian’s coldness and was a bit more lovable. When he was sleeping, a natural childish nature surfaced. Furrowing their brows together, it was a wondrous sight.



The sound of pouring water came from outside the room. Ye Ling’er brought a new basin of hot water into the room. After dampening a towel, she sat down beside the bed and carefully helped Thirteenth Wang wipe away the bloodstains on his body. There were too many wounds on his body. She couldn’t find a corner to start.

“38 cuts...” Ye Ling’er bit her lip as if feeling the pain on behalf of the unknown Overwatch Council official. “I don’t know what you sent him into the grasslands to do to have received so many injuries. It’s amazing he was able to come back alive.”

When she had played assistant to Fan Xian earlier, Ye Ling’er had truly been struck dumb. She was shocked at Fan Xian’s superb medical skills and astonished by the injuries the man on the bed had.

Jolted into consciousness by Ye Ling’er’s words, Fan Xian shook off his thoughts. Pulling up the corner of his lips, he smiled helplessly. “He’s not an official of the Overwatch Council.”

Ye Ling’er glanced at him and didn’t say anything. She had already guessed that the injured man on the bed had an unusual identity. Otherwise, Fan Xian would not have temporarily locked down his information. Furthermore, he wouldn’t have troubled such a noble personage as the wangfei to be his assistant.

Fan Xian stole the wet towel from her hand and wiped the sweat from his brows. “He is called Thirteenth Wang from Dongyi.”

“He is Thirteenth Wang?” Ye Ling’er’s face immediately lit up. “No wonder he is so brave.”

Fan Xian asked, “You’ve heard of him?”

Ye Ling’er nodded and said, “Don’t have any wild hopes of being able to hold back information about him. In a few days, the Emperor will know he interfered on the grasslands. You best think about how to explain that.”

Fan Xian smiled uncomfortably. He was not afraid of explaining things to the Emperor. After all, whichever way Dongyi was going to fall was still down to a word from Sigu Jian before he died. If he improved his relationship with Thirteenth Wang, the Emperor would probably not be too angry. He was just curious as to why Ye Ling’er appeared to be so familiar with Thirteenth Wang.

“Although not many people knew he had once been your subordinate for half a year, many people in the military knew the Overwatch Council once had a very powerful figure.” Ye Ling’er’s expression dimmed as she thought of something. “The year of the Dong Mountain rebellion, the Emperor was trapped at the summit of the mountain. Shang Shanhu led the Northern Expedition Army to attack the mountain. The Imperial Army was pushed back repeatedly. If it were not for this Thirteenth Wang bravely holding the entry by himself, the gates to the mountain would probably have been broken through earlier.”

“I hear he later even blocked a blow from my Great Uncle.” Ye Ling’er shrugged. “That day, this man left a very deep impression on the Imperial Army. Everyone was very admiring. He’s been talked about a lot these two years, so he has become famous.”

Ye Ling’er’s Great Uncle was the Great Grandmaster Ye Liuyun, who had disappeared without a trace after the Dong Mountain incident. Fan Xian heard her words and paused, turning his head to glance at the sleeping Thirteenth Wang. He slowly said, “If his courage was put into the military, he would certainly become a general of rare fierceness.”

He didn’t know that two years ago, the famous general of Northern Qi, Shang Shanhu, also had this opinion of Thirteenth Wang as he stood outside the mountain gate.



After a number of days, Thirteenth Wang woke up. No one knew what kind of power was contained within the body of this young disciple of the Sword Hut for his injuries to heal so quickly. On the day he woke up, Fan Xian suppressed the joy in his heart and asked him, “You are the future of Dongyi, what do you hope to achieve in being so loyal to me?”

Thirteenth Wang had left Dongyi and returned to Fan Xian’s side because of the promise that snowy night. But, returning was certainly not just because of this promise. He was silent for a moment. His thick and straight eyebrows appeared particularly startling on his deathly pale face. After a long time, he slowly said, “My teacher cannot hang on much longer.”

Fan Xian was silent. Sigu Jian’s death was something everyone had expected. In the hearts of the people, this Dongyi Great Grandmaster should have died two years ago. No one expected that the most powerful idiot in the world would stall for two years until everyone was exhausted and embarrassed. It seemed that everyone was eagerly anticipating his death.

These words carried a different flavor when they were spoken by Thirteenth Wang. Fan Xian knew that Sigu Jian did not have much time left. Dongyi had to immediately decide its future. Thirteenth Wang’s journey to Xiliang Road and the great service he performed for Fan Xian was on the orders of Sigu Jian.

“Your teacher is a great idiot. I think you may very well inherit from him and become the second biggest idiot under heaven,” Fan Xian said as he looked at Thirteenth Wang’s wan and pallid face. Coldly, he said, “You and Haitang are both orphans. Why are you protecting these worthless words, throwing aside your own head, and spilling your own blood?”

Thirteenth Wang smiled with difficulty. He knew that Fan Xian’s words appeared mocking but actually hid threads of concern. He gazed at Fan Xian and slowly said, “If not to guard something, then why are you here?”

Fan Xian had no reply.

Finally, Thirteenth Wang said, “Teacher wants to see you before he dies.”

Fan Xian was startled but immediately calmed. Furrowing his brow in thought for a moment, he shook his head and said, “The Emperor will not allow me to interfere with the Dongyi matter.”

Thirteenth Wang knew why he shook his head. Fan Xian was handling the Xiliang Road matter. If Dongyi joined the Qing Kingdom through his hands, it would make things difficult for the Qing Emperor, even though his service was not enough to threaten the Emperor. In order to prevent a loss of balance between the ruler and official, the Emperor would probably not have Fan Xian handle the Dongyi matter.

“Don’t think of things so perfectly.” Thirteenth Wang coughed. His newly healed injuries almost split open again. “The Sword Hut is opening its doors next year spring. My teacher only intends to invite guests from various places to meet with him.”

According to Thirteenth Wang’s words, Sigu Jian probably didn’t have many days left. The opening of the Sword Hut in the spring of the 10th year of the Qing calendar was perhaps this sword saint’s last chance to showcase his glory. Fan Xian furrowed his brows. “Guests from various places?”

“Yes,” Thirteenth Wang replied, “including guests from Northern Qi.”

Fan Xian smiled. He knew what Sigu Jian was thinking. After the Great Grandmaster passed, Dongyi had no way of protecting itself. It had to find a strong tree to lean against. Sigu Jian’s intention in inviting him and nobles from Northern Qi was to see which of the two great powers would bid a higher price and whose sincerity was sufficient.

Dongyi had long shown Fan Xian’s its sincerity. This sincerity was shown three years ago in that snowy night when each of Thirteenth Wang’s words had been like iron and sincerity written in his fresh blood.

“If your teacher has too many demands, even I can’t be of much help,” Fan Xian said seriously. “You know that I am speaking from my heart... Never mind. You should rest well.”

Finishing his words, he realized that Thirteenth Wang had not paid attention. Instead, his gaze was focused through the window on something in the courtyard.

Fan Xian followed his gaze and saw Ye Ling’er in a light yellow robe. She was sitting in the light of the setting sun, gazing at the lonely autumn trees outside the courtyard with a calm expression. She appeared particularly lonely.

Thirteenth Wang’s gaze was soft and lonely. Perhaps it was the wind and sand and blood on the grasslands that made this gentle but strong man begin to experience a different facet of life. Quietly, he said, “That girl is very lonely.”

“She is Ye Ling’er, my... disciple,” Fan Xian said with uncertainty. “Her loneliness is the result of a mistake made by me and all of her family... Oh right! It was she who looked after you during the days you were sleeping.”

Thirteenth Wang had not turned back his head. He only quietly watched Ye Ling’er’s profile in the distance as if he was appreciating a beautiful scene.

Fan Xian suddenly thought of the snowy night he had first met Thirteenth Wang. At that time, he had used the name Tie Xiang and said that he was going to go to Baoyue Brothel to see his fill of beautiful women in the Qing Kingdom. Fan Xian couldn’t stop a smile rising to his lips as he thought of some words and people.

You quietly watch outside the wind, I silently watched you. The dusk connected you and I, appreciating the gentleness of loneliness. Fan Xian slowly rubbed the bracelet on his wrist. It was as if he had returned to the grasslands and Haitang was leaning gently against his arm.



It was impossible for Haitang to appear by his side. This reality made Fan Xian feel somewhat disappointed. Although he and Yan Bingyun had used four months and the Shadow and Thirteenth Wang’s super-powerful abilities to perfectly complete the Overwatch Council’s plan, every time he remembered that Haitang was still on the grasslands and might stay amidst the autumn grass and blue seas forever, Fan Xian felt an irrational anger.

This kind of anger was more directed at the plans that Ku He laid down before his death and the hatred of the little Northern Qi Emperor.

Actually, the Northern Qi Emperor was no longer that small. Although the relationship between the palace treasury and Northern Qi had weakened greatly because of the Qing Emperor’s powerful intimidation during these two years, the Northern Qi Emperor had quickly pulled together the state of affairs in court and sufficiently showcased his ability to govern. Under the Qing Kingdom’s forceful push, he had not shown a sliver of defeat. On the contrary, he had begun to extend out his hands and feet in an attempt to counterattack, like in Xiliang Road.

Fan Xian had put in great effort to transfer Deng Zi Yue back from Shangjing in Northern Qi for the purpose of targeting Northern Qi’s infiltration of Xiliang Road.

Following the deaths of all the Northern Qi people in the grasslands court, the Overwatch Council’s purge inside Dingzhou and Qingzhou began with fanfare. Since the Overwatch Council had prepared for a long time and was organized by Deng Zi Yue, who was very knowledgeable of how Northern Qi’s Brocade Guard did things, it progressed unusually smoothly.

With the full cooperation of the General’s manor and Xiliang Governor’s manor, the Overwatch Council had caught over 40 Northern Qi spies in 10 days that had infiltrated Dingzhou and Qingzhou. The spies that died to the hand of the Sixth Bureau swordsmen numbered more than a hundred.

In order to destroy the Northern Qi’s infiltration into Xiliang, Fan Xian had invested a great deal into this mission. He had even exposed a few officials he had developed for many years in the Northern Qi court to the list of names. He knew that although the Hu people on the grasslands could be resisted now, if the situation was allowed to develop, they would truly become a thorn in the heart of the Qing Kingdom.

Thus, he was willing to pay any price to strangle the bud of the Hu people’s excitement before spring arrived.

He also understood that for each Northern Qi spy the Overwatch Council caught or killed in Xiliang Road, it increased the distance between him and Haitang, more so with the Tianyi Dao disciples lying in hiding in Xiliang Road.



The death of Western Hu’s Left Virtuous Prince brought too many unstable factors to the grasslands. The hardline faction led by the foremost ace of the King’s banners, Hu Ge, demanded that the Chief of the court give an explanation for the matter. Before the court could grant a title, the tribes of the Left Virtuous King had autonomously recommended the Left Virtuous Prince’s young son to be the new Left Virtuous Prince. At the same time, they began to raise knives of vengeance against the various factions on the grasslands.

The most suspicious suspects for the death of the Left Virtuous Prince were the Chief of the court and the Right Virtuous Prince. Although the court said that it was the Qing Kingdom’s Overwatch Council that had secretly committed this crime, not many people believed it, particularly with Hu Ge picking out problems from within.

In order to calm the situation, Chief Su Bida had no choice but to recognize the position of the new Left Virtuous Prince. He sent messengers to provide consolation. He promised that he would give the Left Virtuous Prince’s tribes a satisfactory explanation.

What was a satisfactory explanation? Naturally, it was the killer’s head and the massacre of the killer’s tribe. The problem was that the killer had long escaped, and no one knew which tribe he belonged to. Thus, the grasslands were in turmoil with a great battle waiting to explode at any moment. Additionally, in just half a month, the court had suddenly lost all the spies they had planted within the Qing Kingdom’s Xiliang Road. For a time, they could not respond to everything.

There were many troubles on the grasslands that had to be resolved by Chief Su Bida and Haitang. Fan Xian, who had created these problems, did not feel unhappiness. He watched all that was happening on the grasslands with cold eyes from Qingzhou.

According to their agreement, Hu Ge should have completely fallen toward the side of the Chief of the court next spring. Given Hu Ge’s strength, he probably wouldn’t be able to upturn the position of the Chief even with the full support of the Left Virtuous Prince’s tribes. Since this was so, he might as well change his allegiance. Presumably, Chief Su Bida would be happy to welcome the arrival of the faction Hu Ge belonged to.

With the support of the Chief and the secret backing of the Qing Kingdom, presumably, it would not take too long before Hu Ge’s tribe grew powerful. At that time, Su Bida’s headache would truly start and the grasslands would be met with difficult times.

For this matter, Fan Xian had only made a start. He had swung the hoe a few times and thrown in a seed. Now, he was waiting for the seed to sprout and grow, and take over the forage grass. It had to be acknowledged that his swings with the hoe, and particularly Thirteenth Wang’s swing with the hoe, had cost the Hu people their lives.

Fan Xian not only watched the play unfolding on the grasslands, he also watched a play happening within Qingzhou. Before finishing the play within Qingzhou, he had received a secret report from Jingdou. This secret report concerning the Baoyue Brothel and the Emperor made him angry. Faintly, he sighed, “The affairs of the world are difficult to predict.”

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