
Chapter 72 - Sun Kissed

Chapter 72 - Sun Kissed

"What\'s yours and mine?" April questioned.

"Going forward I have your back and you will have mine. We are now a team and one hot couple." Dean claimed boldly with a smile on his face.

April\'s mouth dropped this man had claimed her and was going to move in. Did she even agree to any of this? Yes, obviously she had given in to her feelings and accepted that she did like Dean and to pretend otherwise would only hurt her heart in the end.

Dean sighed and kissed her forehead, "Stop overthinking I am me, I will not abandon you ever. We also can\'t start something if you don\'t tell me your fears so open up, when you can I will be here to listen."

April still dazed from all the affection answered in a whisper, "The thing is… I cared about him more than anyone else in the world. But it still wasn\'t enough and he walked away like… it was the easiest thing to do in the world."

Dean nodded, he knew her past would only make her anxious but he was content that she would openly state her fears, "You are rare, so people are going to fall in love with the idea of having you, but most of them are not used to rare, they are foreign to it, so they lack the capacity to treat you as such. And that\'s where they lose you, they never deserved you in the first place. I feel pity for the people that leave someone like you who loves so fiercely and loyally for someone that never will."

April was lost in his words and gazed into his eyes, those eyes they startled her. They saw straight through her core and saw her fractured, hungry, wild soul.

Dean rubbed her cheek as she gazed up at him, "I cannot promise you the moon and stars, but I can promise you that I will stay… even when you think you are at your worst, I will be here. I love you, I will never fill your ears with lies, your mouth with words, your eyes with tears, your mind with confusion or your heart with pain."

"But what if.." April was stopped by Dean before she could even finish speaking.

"No, if it is real, it will never be over," Dean concluded and reached out and their two bodies crashed together in a tight inescapable embrace.

"Just try one more time. Try just for you, you are loving and deserve to be loved. I know you push the idea of love away as you were hurt. But if you try one more time you will see I am worth it. To me you are irreplaceable, in this entire world, I only want you so fall one more time. I\'ll catch you."

She didn\'t know if anyone is ever ready, but if someone makes you feel alive again, it\'s kind of worth the risk. When you truly trust someone without any doubt, you will finally get one of two results; a person for life or a lesson for life.

"Okay then let\'s make a pact to always tell each other how we feel walking around with unspoken words locked within that you never breath out will only suffocate us.

She knew the feeling well, hiding your feelings from the one you love is like dying but you are still alive. Walking around with a hole in your chest. Now she had faith and expectations once again, she would give Dean all she had and hoped that he wouldnt let her fall.

Holding April in his arms he felt complete and his heart felt finally full. He had met an amazing woman, from the moment he met her he knew she would be trouble with her feisty attitude and her quirks. She would complete him, he would always be challenged with her banter and they would share love and laughter together.

"If I could give you one thing in this life it would be to see yourself through my eyes then you would know how truly special you are." Dean explained as he then pulled her close.

He started to plate out a few of the dishes from the containers and handed her a plate. Dean then turned on the movie and made up his own plate. He was very content doing these small things in life he never knew they could bring him so much joy.

To Dean her outer beauty was just a bonus to him it was her inner beauty that was most captivating. She is caring, kindhearted, loving, empathetic and genuine. That meant she was able to compliment and celebrate others around her. She doesn\'t need the spotlight because she was her own sun wherever she goes. She is smart, confident and fearless.

Beautiful inside and out, what she thought were her flaws he saw them as her strength. She had healed, levelled up and moved on and that was her inner fighter and he loved that part of her.

April didn\'t really watch the movie she was busy thinking and every now and then she couldn\'t help but glance at Dean. She didn\'t know why he was so set on her she was average at best. Deciding to give this a chance was a huge decision but she felt drawn to him and couldn\'t help the hold he had on her heart.

He was her moon in the darkness of the night. It\'s light blinding and piercing her soul which she had blocked off all paths too. But through the cracks in her heart, his light penetrated and soon she was filled with it without even realising. That brightness was warm and captivating. This feeling was new to her and scared her.

The food had long been eaten and the movie had ended and all that was left was April and Dean sleeping on the sofa together. Dean was wrapped around her once again like an octopus clinging to her body. The scene was harmonious and the sun kissed its rays through the light curtains but it didn\'t disturb the loving couple.

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