
Chapter 126 - Right Person Wrong Time?

Chapter 126 - Right Person Wrong Time?

It didn\'t take long before April answered her phone. Enclosed in the lift she could see her reflection. She looked tired and indeed that writing the letter had taken all her energy. She could barely stand as she leaned against the lift.

A small reassuring voice came from the other side of the phone making her slightly smile, "Hello."

"Hi, April it\'s me. It\'s me Aarna." Aarna gathered her energy and replied. The lift door opened and she walked out. She hoped to leave the hospital before Zane could get to her if he even wanted to.

Hearing Aarna\'s unsteady voice April asked "Are you okay? Did you speak to Zane?" April asked. On the other side of the phone, she turned down the food in the oven and walked to the window as she took Aarna\'s call.

Walking out of the hospital the cold wind hit her and stung her already watering eyes as she replied to April," I didn\'t. I think he was… busy. I think he was in his office but I didn\'t get to see him. I wrote him a letter, probably a really lame thing to do. No one writes letters anymore but it was what I felt was best to do at the time. I don\'t even know if I found the right words to write or not but I spilled my heart out in the letter. I think I ended it."

April bit her lip and stared out of the window in the direction of the lake. Dean and grandpa were walking back from the lake at that moment. She didn\'t know how to comfort her friend but she replied the best way she could. "No matter what you said, you have to say how you feel. Good or bad. I know it\'s hard but you always need to choose yourself, you always need to protect your peace. Even if it breaks someone\'s heart, including your own."

Aarna walked to the tube station and down the narrow stairs, she held onto the railing as she descended. She asked April "How do I stop loving him?"

April saw Dean smile at her through the window and she managed a small smile back before she replied to Aarna."The sad thing is you can\'t. If your love is true or genuine then the feeling will always be there, regardless if it\'s reciprocated or not, regardless if it brought you joy or pain. You can\'t unlove him but maybe you just need time to accept the fact that he came into your life to bring you joy at that moment. Maybe you just need to know even if your love is true it\'s just not meant to be."

Aarna walked to the tube, she used her pass and waited for the train to arrive, she planned to escape the city, escaping her feelings "So did I meet the right person at the wrong time?"

"No, I think you two were meant to meet in this life and help each other on your own paths. It may be for a life lesson in a chapter of your life or maybe you just need time apart. Maybe this will give him a wake up call that if he doesn\'t reach out this time he may lose you altogether." April gave her honest opinion hoping it may help her friend during this heartbreaking time.

Seeing the train arrive she gave a small smile and replied to April "Okay, thanks April your right. I\'m going to go, I\'m going to take a few days off from work and go stay with my grandparents for a while to build myself back up before I come back."

April was worried about her friend being upset so she asked "Are you sure you don\'t want to stay with me?"

"I\'m sure, my nanna will make me cookies and my granda will tell me stories. It\'ll take my mind off everything whereas if I stay in the City he will find me… that is if he goes to look for me." Aarna was now seated on the train, she felt better after speaking with April and she settled her mind and heart as she thought of taking the time away to process everything.

"Okay if you are sure. But I\'m only a phone call away… even if it\'s the middle of the night. I know this feeling that you\'re going through, I know it\'s hard right now but I am proud of you. You are loved and you are going to be okay." April saw Dean appear behind her through the kitchen window. She turned and indicated that she was on the phone and he nodded. He then walked to the oven and started taking the food out. April rolled her eyes at his behaviour.

"Thanks, April, you\'re a great friend," Aarna replied with a genuine big smile on her face. She leaned her head against the window and watched the world whizz past her.

"No need for thanks between friends, just look after yourself and keep in touch otherwise I will only worry," April answered, she shoved Dean\'s hands away from the food as he tried to take bites.

"I will, thanks for the chat. Have a good evening." Aarna didn\'t want to keep April on the phone much longer.

"You too, please keep in touch." April then said.

"The service is not great where I am going but I will," Aarna answered her, The City was disappearing and the mountains were on the horizon.

"Okay then goodnight, stay safe," April added.

They both hung up and April smacked Dean\'s hands away from the cooked chicken. "Can you keep your hands off? It\'s hot, you will only burn your mouth if you don\'t let it cool a bit more. Can you not wait until I plate up?" She rolled her eyes and started to get dinner ready.

"No, I can\'t. Where should my hands go then?" Dean replied. He smiled widely and came round behind her while she started to plate up dinner.. From behind he wrapped one arm around her waist and started to kiss her neck.

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