
Chapter 649: Cursed People-III

Chapter 649: Cursed People-III

Elise and Ian walked out of the throne room. Satan had advised them before they stepped out of the room, "You can ask the assistance of Caroline to find Apollyon\'s location. We can perhaps find a way to locate his current hiding hole."

"Thank you, grandfather," Elise expressed what she had to say, "And for bringing the trouble I—"

"Shush shush," Satan waved his hands before Elise could complete her words. "A princess shouldn\'t apologize to anyone and neither should she bow to anyone even if I am the king. Make it your priority to kill the one responsible for this and clear your name."

"I will," Elise promised. As she had been alone, she never knew how delightful it was to have a family with her, to have someone who would always be by her side and give her the support she needed. A constant smile appeared on her lips.

Ian can\'t help but to smile as well. While a part of him want Elise to be entirely his, he wasn\'t one to clip her wings. The bright Elise shine, his love only drown deeper for her. When Elise turned her body Satan then said, "And… when you found Apollyon call me. There is an unfinished business I have to do."

Elise didn\'t forget that both Apollyon and Ernest had harmed the people around her, everyone who she knew had lost their loved ones on their hands. Anger was raging inside her but it wasn\'t an anger that could cloud her mind. It was the type of anger that made her calm, almost frighteningly calm.

Ian kept his gaze on Elise as they left the throne room, "You\'re smiling," he noted.

"I never knew how much a family meant and how much a support of people can strengthen me. It\'s almost as if I feel invincible," she said while looking at her hands where her ability brims over.

"That\'s what I felt when you are with me, my love," Ian said before kissing her forehead. "Our situation might not be the best currently but trust me nothing terrible with spiral out of our control."

As Ian had never betrayed his promise, Elise trusted his words unhesitatingly. They made their way to find Lady Caroline when she saw the tall woman standing in front of the room before Leviathan.

Her father appeared to be frustrated while Caroline had noticed her first. "Oh, princess. The trip seem to be successful which also mean I have done a very well job."

"Lady Caroline, thank you for your assistance," Elise said first, smiling at the woman who also did the same.

"A thank you is not necessary. I had the opportunity to beat that grump man and also to vent some of my frustration that had been building up with the years in the underground. Sometimes love is frighting isn\'t it? It can trap people from walking to the future," Caroline uttered as her eyes looking at Leviathan. "But with the new generation to come, it should help those who is still bound by the past to finally write a new page of their life. I have something I want to show you Elise. When I was going through the soul prison, someone requested to meet you."

"Soul prison?" Elise questioned as she hadn\'t learned all the place and locations in Hell.

"I said we refuse that, Caroline," Leviathan interrupted, raising his adamant respond.

"Tch," Lady Caroline used her finger, placing it over her lips, "The person requested for Elise. Unless your name had changed into Elise, little Leviathan, don\'t answer me and don\'t make any decision over her. You know what Adelaide had went through, remember? Being controlled by people isn\'t a pleasing thing."

Leviathan wanted to answer but as if something struck his cord, he cannot reply and only swallowed hard. After finding his daughter again, Leviathan didn\'t want to create a crack to their relationship.

Elise noticed this and asked, "Who was it?"

Lady Caroline had pulled out her pipe and sighed, "The person doesn\'t want to reveal who they are. They fear that you would not agree to meet them if you knew who they are."

"That sounds too suspicious for Elise to agree," Ian answered in her stead, "A little more background would help her."

"Hm, the person wants to apologize to you," Lady Caroline continued. "Would that be enough of an answer? I suppose it isn\'t wrong for you to refuse. I understand."

Elise had many people in her life who she had met and those who had died. As for who had gone to Hell, there was a few who she might know yet she still couldn\'t pinpoint who the person was. Ian nodded his head when she looked at him, encouraging her to chose what she decided on.

"I will meet that person," agreed Elise and Lady a Caroline smiled. "But before that, can I request you of a help, lady Caroline? I wish to know if you have an object that could help me locate a person."

"Locate a person," frowned Lady Caroline before she placed her pipe to her lips again. "If you do have an object of them such as their blood it would be good."

Elise sighed. To get Apollyon\'s blood was impossible in the current situation.

Knowing the answer was no, Lady Caroline said again, "It would also work if you have a blood of their relatives, or anyone who shares their blood. Even the slightest object that hold importance to them should do—" Lady Caroline stopped when Elise\'s eyes brightened.

"We do have that. The blood of a relative," Elise stated as Ian nodded from the side.

"Great. We can perform the spell later with an object I have in the underground. Can you spare your minutes to meet that person now?" Lady Caroline questioned again.

"I didn\'t know this person\'s request is very important to you, Lady Caroline. Is this person someone you knew?" Ian knew the detachment Lady Caroline had for other demons around her unless it was someone important to her, it was difficult to believe that the woman would persuade Elise as she did earlier.

"The person doesn\'t concern me. However Elise do concern me. I hope she won\'t regret anything. Ariel died with some regret in her as a friend I don\'t want her granddaughter to suffer the same fate," Lady Caroline spoke while leading them to the prison which was on the opposite side of the castle.

Elise questioned what Lady Caroline meant. The walk didn\'t took them long as the prison was not too far from the east wing of the castle. When she arrived there, Lady Caroline took the key from the guards and walked with one torch on her hands.

"Do you blame people, Elise?" Lady Caroline then asked.

The question sounded easy to reply to when in truth it was difficult, "I don\'t know but if I could, I would want to try and forgive that person. It won\'t be easy and there will be some people who I hate for all my life and swear to never forgive. But for the peacefulness of my own heart. I wish to do so."

"I understand," Lady Caroline then stopped at one prison. She stood in front of the bars and held the torch before her, hiding the light from revealing the person inside the prison. "I suppose if it is you. You would find a satisfying resolve to this."

When Lady Caroline stepped away, Elise finally able to see the person inside the prison and her eyes widened in seeing who it was…

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