
Chapter 510 - Simply Absurd

Chapter 510: Simply Absurd

As the competition went on, the number of eliminated players increased.

But this time, having learned their lesson, most of the Haihe Military University and National Defense University folks were resolute in their strategy to hide well in a place and not come out.

Gu Qingjiu’s plans to lure them out failed at times.

But anyone couldn’t shoot her.

Those who fired at her only exposed their whereabouts.

Thus, when people see a figure scurrying out from the forest, those players in hiding were deathly quiet and didn’t dare to heave a heavy breath for fear that they’d expose themselves.

They were this terrified of her.

Perhaps only those who had competed alongside Yin Ruoyi a few years back would know this feeling of terror. But even then, at certain moments, if one wasn’t paying attention, the extremely sensitive Gu Qingjiu would still find them.

It was all because she had that kind of scary intuition. Once she detected someone’s presence, she would suddenly fire a shot, and nine times out of ten she would hit the target.

Those students among the Information Engineering University and Communications and Transmission University didn’t know better. Hence, they had more eliminations.

Half an hour later, there were less than half surviving players in the mountain forest.

Though they were mentally prepared for this, such an outcome still shocked Jiao Yujin and Pan Shiyuan.

Through the videos, it could be seen that part of the eliminations came from mutual annihilation while another part of it was because of Gu Qingjiu.

It was especially since Gu Qingjiu tends to suddenly fire a fatal shot at a spot without the other party moving.

Yin Ruoyi closed his eyes deeply, and he suddenly said, “Her strongest point isn’t her accuracy in shooting, but her spatial awareness towards her environment, which way exceeds the range of an ordinary human being.”

Yang Guanglin looked confused. “What does this mean, Big Boss Yin?”

Wasn’t it just shooting? Why did other professional terms suddenly appear?

“For example, some animals can’t see, but why are they able to detect human activity? That’s because they can sense heat and magnetic fields, and also, their spatial awareness.”

As Yin Ruoyi’s good friend in private, Jiao Yujin understood his meaning immediately. “Gu Qingjiu might be in such a state. When both of you are in the same space, even if you do nothing and make no sound, she could completely sense your presence. But this is as good as... a science fiction theory and something you might read about in those non-scientific exploration magazines.”

“Damn, why don’t you simply say she’s impressive? Why do you have to implicate those science fiction theories?”

Pan Shiyuan couldn’t take it lying down.

Everyone went speechless.

Well, you can use such simple and brutal descriptions.

“If I wasn’t sure that she didn’t carry anything with her that allows her to cheat, I wouldn’t have dared to believe it.”

Lu Yimei, too, let out a sigh behind. But Chen Yan said with a frown, “But why do I feel that this isn’t all that she’s capable of? I’ve asked her about her performance in other areas. Yimei, I remember you saying before an object moving at high speed is like a moving target if it has a certain surface area. Regardless of how fast the speed, she could still hit the bullseye, right?”

Lu Yimei first paused, then nodded. “Right, “I’ve seen her results during practice. She’s never hit outside the target when training with a moving target, right from the start since she started. Recently, she even managed to maintain hitting the eighth ring or better for a hundred-meter moving target.”

Pan Shiyuan’s lips opened in an O-shape.

Never missed the target right from the start?

For a newbie who had only trained for three months...

It was simply absurd!

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