
Chapter 139 - Irresistible Force I

Chapter 139: Irresistible Force I

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation


The smile on Varadi’s face froze. The loud explosion would not occur if Merlin was struck by a Thunder-type spell. Thereafter, earthy yellow rocks and specks of dust scattered in the air.

As smoke and dust fell from the air, Merlin was seen standing tall on the high platform. Surrounding him were hard, sturdy walls made from earth. At the last second, Merlin had cast three Earth Guards to withstand the Thunder-type spell.

“Four-Elemental Spell Caster?”

Not only Wizard Varadi was shocked but even the superior Fourth-level Spell Casters could not suppress the surprise which washed over their faces. A Four-Elemental Spell Caster was completely different from a Three-Elemental Spell Caster. Once determined to become a Four-Elemental Spell Caster, both energy and resources required instantly multiplied several folds.

However, once one successfully became a Four-Elemental Spell Caster, one’s strength would improve tremendously and become superior to their peers. If Merlin’s previous performance was enough to make these powerful Spell Casters noticed the potential in him, what more now? Not only had he managed to construct the complex Dark Mist, but he was also a powerful Four-Elemental Spell Caster. The Spell Casters of Fourth-level or above could not help but began inquiring Wizard Leo about the man.

A faint smile washed over Wizard Nasha’s face. “Congratulations Wizard Leo for acquiring a genius.”

Anyone who was able to construct Four-Elemental spells with stable Spell Models was an absolute genius that any spell casters’ organization would seriously value.

No one had expected to see such a “freak” student, coming from Wizard Leo’s tower.

“Although Wizard Varadi has no way to take down Merlin, I’m afraid Merlin can’t beat Varadi either. In addition to his advanced speed, Varadi possesses some Defensive Spell Scrolls that are able to defend against powerful attacks. The two of them could only exhaust each other’s Magic Power. Merlin, who has only entered the Dark Magic Region less than a year ago, probably accumulated lesser Magic Power than Varadi.”

Nasha took a turn in her view and explained the situation. Most of the Spell Casters of Fourth-level or above also nodded in agreement. They all figured that although Merlin was, out of everyone’s expectation, a Four-Elemental Spell Caster, with Merlin’s current spells, namely Gale, Frost, Dark Mist, and Earth Guard, he would still unable to defeat Varadi.

“Just keep watching.”

Wizard Leo did not sound worried at all. The bloody vertical eye on his forehead which was blinking silently appeared extremely daunting.

“Alright, let’s just keep watching!”

Wizard Nasha immediately shifted her attention back to the stage.

On the stage, Merlin and Varadi stood facing each other. Merlin’s previous releases of Earth Guard made Varadi realized that he was a Four-Elemental Spell Caster.

Although Wizard Varadi was shocked by this new discovery, he quickly adjusted his mentality, and a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. “It turns out that you’re a Four-Elemental Spell Caster. It’s no surprise that you’ve such confidence! However, if you’re relying on these spells to defeat me, let’s see who’s going to get their Magic Power exhausted first!”

Varadi also quickly got hold of the situation. He felt that the only way to defeat Merlin was to exhaust the other party’s Magic Power. In this way, this round would last for a long time and no one could expect what might happen next.

“Exhausting the Magic Power?”

Merlin’s mouth curled up into a smile. He took a deep breath, and that powerful Mind Power of his suddenly fluctuated violently. Simultaneously, a hint of fierceness flashed across his eyes.

“Thunderbolt Net!”

A huge Thunderbolt Net suddenly fell from the sky, covering most of the high platform. There was a terrifying power enveloping between the strands of the net, which was as thin as a hair.

“Five-Elemental Spell Caster?”

Varadi’s expression changed quickly as he felt terribly threatened, but he never forgot that he was currently confronting Merlin. Therefore, a light flashed, and a Spell Scroll glowing with green light appeared in his hand.

“Storm Strangle!”

The Spell Scroll, as well as the spell released, were of a First-level. Although the name sounded like an Offensive spell, in fact, this was a very powerful Defensive spell.


A gust of wind appeared out of thin air and shrouded Varadi’s body. Merlin’s Thunderbolt Net fell from above, but that flashing lightning was unable to go near Wizard Varadi.

All the thunder and lightning that came close to it were smashed by the squally wind. This was the powerful trait of Storm Strangle. Even if it was only a First-level spell, it was able to completely smash anything that entered its defensive range.

“A Spell Scroll?”

Merlin narrowed his eyes slightly. He thought of Wizard Jason from Blackwater City, who had also used a Spell Scroll, albeit of a Second-level.

In the end, Wizard Jason was blown up by Merlin’s Large Fireball which was accumulated in the Bell Pendant.

“It’s just a First-level spell!”

The fluctuation of Elements around Merlin became stronger. Thunderbolt Net was still being cast one after another at an insane speed. Simultaneously, a chilly sensation also engulfed Varadi from all directions.

“Crack! Crack!”

The high platform on Varadi’s side had been completely frozen, and the chill was still spreading in his direction – all of these were the effects of Merlin’s spells.

After Merlin’s long-term accumulation, he was able to cast both his Fireball and Frost more than six times at once. The maximum limit of Zero-level spells constructed by general Spell Casters was only thirty to forty times but Merlin’s Spell Models could withhold twice the limit of general Spell Models.

Moreover, Merlin felt that this was not the limit of the Spell Models in his Awareness. He knew that he could afford to accumulate more Magic Power.

Therefore, to release a dozen Frosts simultaneously was not a bother to him at all.

Wizard Varadi’s face turned pale as a sheet of paper. Countless lightning flashed above his head, which might easily strike him if he did not pay close attention. He knew that this was Thunderbolt Net which had a paralyzing effect. Once struck by it, the entire body would paralyze, and by then, he would not be able to release any Spell Scroll.

On the other hand, on the ground, there was a chill, trying to break through the defense of Storm Strangle. The violent Storm Strangle had kept smashing the ground where fine layers of ice crystals gathered at the bottom of his feet.


Finally, a chilly sensation invaded Varadi’s body. Immediately, Varadi felt a tremor, but soon he dispelled the chill out of his body.

However, this already showed that the position he was in was not ideal. Even First-level Storm Strangle was unable to withstand Merlin’s crazy releases of Thunderbolt Net and Frosts.

Evidently, without the protection of Storm Strangle, Varadi could no longer manage the situation.

“Alright, stop! I surrender!”

Wizard Varadi appeared dejected and disappointed. He took a deep look at Merlin and said in a low voice, “I didn’t expect to encounter a Five-Elemental Spell Caster this time. Although I’m not satisfied, this is the difference in strength! Good luck, Wizard Merlin!”

Then, Wizard Varadi left the high platform. Without lingering any further, he left the square immediately.

Merlin nodded in silence as he looked at Varadi’s receding silhouette. Varadi was straightforward and acquired tremendous strength. Even without a Spell Scroll, he was also stronger than Merilung, perhaps even on par with Wizard Holmes. He was certainly a vigorous opponent.

After Merlin won the fourth round, naturally, he was qualified as one of the top sixteen participants in the Dark Magic Region conference. Any Spell Caster who was able to proceed this far normally possessed an exceedingly unique talent and strong financial support.

However, until now, there were only five or six Spell Casters out of the sixteen participants who had not used any casting tool and fought only with their own strength. Among them, Merlin’s performance had been the most outstanding.

A Five-Elemental Spell Caster was indeed very rare in the Dark Magic Region!

“What about now, Wizard Nasha? Varadi has lost!”

Wizard Leo turned his head around and looked at Wizard Nasha with a smile on his face, but Wizard Nasha replied the mock with a sigh of emotion. “Five-Elemental Spell Caster... How long has it been since we have a Five-Elemental Spell Caster in the Dark Magic Region? There hasn’t been any more Five-Elemental Spell Caster in the Dark Magic Region since Kleis...”


Wizard Leo suddenly turned solemn and praised in admiration, “Kleis is indeed the first genius of the Dark Magic Region. Even I’m inferior to him. He has leveled up to a First-level Spell Caster from being a Five-Elemental Spell Caster. Then, in the next twenty years, he became a Third-level Spell Caster. Perhaps he’s already now working toward becoming a Fourth-level Spell Caster. Once he’s at it, his strength will almost immediately rival those Spell Casters who had reached the peak of Sixth-level!”

Wizard Leo seemed to admire Kleis, even addressing him the title of the first genius of the Dark Magic Region. A person as arrogant as Wizard Leo was genuinely praising a Third-level Spell Caster. He would have been someone extraordinary.

Wizard Nasha grinned softly. “Wizard Leo, maybe Merlin can follow Kleis’ footsteps, and become another official member of the Dark Magic Region as a Five-Elemental Spell Caster!”


Wizard Leo looked at Merlin who stood in the distant. He knew Merlin the best. Merlin was not just a Five-Elemental, but a Six-Elemental Spell Caster!

It was already exceedingly difficult for a Five-Elemental Spell Caster to level up to a First-level Spell Caster or an official member of the Dark Magic Region, and few people had the courage to construct five Spell Models.

A Six-Elemental Spell Caster had never appeared in the history of the Dark Magic Region. Correspondingly, it was unimaginably difficult for Merlin, a Six-Elemental Spell Caster, to level up to a First-level Spell Caster!

Moreover, Merlin only had two years left in the Dark Magic Region!

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