
Chapter 86 - 'Are You Seeing What Am Seeing?'.

Lady Chen scoffed and ignored them while pretending as if they didn\'t exist. 

Madam Liu sighed and said to Chen Lihua, "This is the reason I followed her when she told me you two were going to meet, as I was scared that she would fuss about and ruin the atmosphere. Now seeing her behave like this, I feel that I really made a good decision by following her here".


Lady Chen faced her immediately and said with a slight smile on her face, "what are you saying?".

As the waiter walked along the corridors with their order, he kept wondering what was wrong with the three women as they had all ordered different types of calming tea. 

He was wondering if a fight was about to break out or if they had fought outside already and then came to drink calming tea in order to keep their temper in check. 

While those thoughts were going through his mind, he arrived at their room door. He knocked three times on the door before entering, after receiving approval.

He set three pots of tea and three tea cups on the table, in front of them, according to what each of them ordered before leaving after not receiving further instructions from them. 

The three women poured their teas into their cups and took sips after sips without saying anything for a while. 

It was as if they were in sync with each other and knew they were supposed to enjoy the tea and also let the tea do it\'s work before approaching the main topic of the day. 

Two minutes went by before Chen Lihua broke the silence after she felt that the timing was right. 

So she looked at Lady Chen and said calmly, "Mum, I know you didn\'t like the prank I played on you, and am sorry for it. But I want you to know that I didn\'t mean any harm by it. I played the prank to tease you, but I didn\'t expect you to take the prank serious to warrant you exposing my identity online and which you know that it\'s the last thing I ever wanted, so why did you still do it?".

Chen Lihua\'s method of approaching the topic was the best. She first started by acknowledging that what she did was wrong. Next, she apologized before asking Lady Chen the reason for exposing their relationship.

Now, with the way she approached the subject, Lady Chen won\'t have any reason to flare up in anger. 

Lady Chen refilled her tea cup with tea before drinking from it as she listened to her daughter talk with a calm demeanor. 

So when Chen Lihua posed the question to her, she placed her teacup on the saucer gently before answering her calmly. 

"You can take it that I did it on a whim. I was too annoyed to care about the consequences. The only thing on my mind was to deal with you".

Chen Lihua frowned as she didn\'t find the explanation funny at all. So she inquired more on what she was most concerned about. 

"Since you said so, I will try to understand it that way. But could you please explain to me how I offended you yesterday for you to post my picture and reveal that I was your daughter? Because as far as am concerned, I offeneded you this morning, and I have indeed seen the result".

Lady Chen\'s facial expression changed at Chen Lihua\'s question, as she (Lady Chen) was no longer calm. 

Chen Lihua watched her intently so as not to miss any form of change on her face and body. 

Seeing that Chen Lihua was looking at her so intently, Lady Chen\'s facial expression changed quickly. She was no longer panicking, instead she shocked Chen Lihua and Madam Liu. 

Lady Chen started sniffing, and from that, two drops of tears rolled down her cheeks. And only God knew how she did that so suddenly, and without warning. 

This really took Chen Lihua and Madam Liu by surprise as they stared at Lady Chen before looking at each other in shock as if to ask each other, \'Are you seeing what am seeing?\'.

When Lady Chen saw that their attention was not on her, but was on each other, she started sniffing louder before secretly pinching Madam Liu under the table, signalling her to lend over a helping hand. 

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