
Chapter 841 - Rain and Bless

Chapter 841: Rain and Bless

Bright moonlight shone through the water and cast wavy shadows on the ground. For a moment, everyone remained quiet as they appreciated the dreamlike experience.

A sudden gust of wind came and disrupted the water just a bit.

“Did you all smell that?” Leon’s nose twitched.

It was an indescribable sweetness that reached everyone’s nostrils. As soon as people caught the whiff, they all felt more serene than ever as if all burdens and worrisome concerns were lifted from their minds.

Angor lifted a finger and unleashed a beam of light at the puddle, shattering it into countless fragments as if he just broke a mirror.

Next, the tiny shards that still carried the glint of the moon dispersed into all directions and beyond the boundary of Padt Manor, covering the entire Grue Town under their brilliance.

Like ethereal raindrops, the shards fell through ceilings and walls before they landed on the bodies of the townsfolk.

Parsel was sitting beside a small patch of sunflower field and having his cheap alcohol. Ever since his cow was stolen, he would occasionally spend sleepless nights together with his drink and smoke, which did not help him get over his frustration at all. Since the moon was so clear and bright today, he decided to sit in his yard and moon-gaze.

He thought he was hallucinating when he saw the sky raining glitters. But no matter how he rubbed his eyes and shook his head, the beautiful spots were still there, descending like waltzing fireflies.

Some of them landed in Parsel’s yard, and he quickly sensed the pleasant fragrance that tingled his nose.

He watched in horror as another “raindrop” reached his skin and somehow sank into his flesh. But soon, he felt rising vigor abruptly growing inside him, causing him to change his mind and welcome more of the amazing shards to join him.

After several seconds of “bathing”, Parsel stood up from his chair and realized that the stiffness and old pain in his legs were gone.

He still looked the same on the outside, yet he felt as if he grew several years younger.

“Is-is the goddess of the moon grantin’ her blessin’ to us?”

Next to his house, a young woman suddenly rushed out of Dim’s home and gave him a surprised look. She was Dim’s daughter, who shared a very similar look to her father.

“Mister Parsel! My-it’s my mother. Her hand has healed!”


Parsel knew that Dim’s wife had her hand crippled while picking mushrooms in the mountains several days ago. The doctors said that she at least needed a few months without doing any manual labor.

“I was right!” Parsel gasped loudly. “It IS the goddess. She saved your dear mother!”

Dim’s daughter gazed at the sparkling sky in great shock.

More and more people in town had witnessed the fantastic sight outside, and they all reached similar speculations as old Parsel.

The “raindrops” worked wonders on everyone and mended most of their bad physical conditions and diseases. Furthermore, people also grew a whole lot more optimistic all of a sudden.

Naturally, the raindrops did not leave Padt Manor out of their benediction.

Several shiny fragments reached all the way to Jon’s ice coffin underground, improving Jon’s condition just a little.

People around the campsite all closed their eyes to fully enjoy the magnificent sensation as their bodies were nourished. Similar to the townsfolk out there, they also found both their mental and physical traumas to be no more.

Even Auri, who was usually in relatively good health, was yelling in delight as she showed Mana how her pimples just disappeared.

The deathly silence caused by Eureka a while ago was once again replaced by the warmth of people’s enthusiasm.

Eureka was no longer leaving. Instead, she was giving Angor a very curious look from afar. Unlike mortals, she knew that Angor was referring to a special potion when mentioning “a gift from the moon”.

The potion was only a low-tier merchandise, but it was usually considered to be a pretty useful one among all similar potions. It would often cost several hundreds of magic crystals at shops.

The main effect was to cure people’s fatigue. The potion was said to be created by a wizard who wished to keep his partners on their top condition during a tiresome war. With this, they could fight better even if the battle lasted too long.

If used on mortals, the potion could also slightly improve their physical fitness.

Such handy effects and the absence of unwanted side-effects meant such a potion was always in high demand.

“He just used that on a bunch of mortals?” Eureka couldn’t help wondering what Angor was planning to achieve.

Among all the people, Leon and Tulu received more than just nourishment.

After Thewis’ training, Leon’s body had grown strong enough to be considered a capable talent. Yet Leon had not started training on apprenticeship abilities yet. The potion’s effect just cleansed all of his anxiety and old injuries, allowing him to become an apprentice immediately if he would make up his mind to go for it.

As for Tulu, he simply felt the unstoppable urge to perfect his channeling method using this valuable chance. He already left the campsite to find somewhere quiet.

“The surprise does not end here,” Angor said as he walked onto the top of a small, grassy bump and drew everyone’s attention again.

This spot full of dandelions used to be his favorite place to take naps. During summers, he would come here more often to watch the flying bristles.

Whereas the other people were mainly curious about what he was planning, Eureka was wondering if Angor was going to burn money away again.

She thought she would look at more potions or maybe interesting alchemy items. She wasn’t expecting it at all when Angor took out a golden sapling from his bracelet instead.

As soon as the sapling was seen, everyone caught the nice scent of delicious milk from the air. Even those who usually didn’t like milk couldn’t help smacking their lips.

“What’s that thing?” Eureka gazed at the plant in shock. She clearly felt supernatural energy coming off it, but she failed to recognize it.

Eureka used to be a wandering wizard who earned most of her income by searching for magical plants from different planes, then selling them. She wasn’t an alchemist, but she was quite experienced in identifying plants.

But this golden tree... She had never seen it before.

This told her that Angor wasn’t messing around. She felt fascinated now.

Angor had planted the sapling under him, along with many different seeds.

Next, he took out a bottle of green liquid with golden and silver shimmers hidden inside.

Eureka quickly recognized the liquid as another potion called the “Heart of Growth”, used for hastening the growth speed of plants.

When Angor applied the potion, the small sapling visibly grew bigger until it reached about three meters in height.

Angor was rather unsatisfied with the result. However, there was nothing he could do since Heart of Growth could only work this far.

Compared to the tree, which was still in its initial stage, the seeds of all kinds of flowers all shot up from the dirt rapidly.

All the blossoms reached their full blooms within seconds and stayed that way without dwindling. At the same time, they also began releasing their marvelous scent that smelled like candies into the environment.

While the mortals celebrated in great joy, Eureka rubbed her temples with a frown. “I can’t tell what those flowers are either... Does Angor know an expert who grows a lot of magic plants?”

Auri became the first one who couldn’t hold back her longing for sweets and asked Angor, “What are these, sir?”

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