
Chapter 221

Chapter 221

Everyone was shocked.

It wasn’t just the other side that was shocked. Even those on Jun Zishu’s side couldn’t help but be shocked by Jun Zishu’s actions.

The face of the boy Jun Zishu was choking had turned red, so it could be seen that Jun Zishu was putting a lot of force in her arm.

When Liu Manman snapped out of her daze, she quickly walked up to Jun Zishu’s back. She didn’t forget that Jun Zishu was still in a weakened state because of her period pains. It’d be over if the boy managed to overpower Jun Zishu, so she got ready to support Jun Zishu at any time.

“What are you trying to do?” Chen Yang asked anxiously.

“Isn’t it obvious? I’m taking a hostage.”

“You wouldn’t do that. It’s against the law.”

Someone on the other side gulped nervously. Everyone here was a university student. Although they were currently living in the apocalypse, there was no way they would choose to kill someone unless they had reached the end of their ropes.

“Who said I was going to kill him?”

Jun Zishu angled her chin at Liu Yingtong, and Liu Yingtong instantly understood her intentions and walked over.

Jun Zishu liked interacting with smart people. All it took on her part was a glance to convey her message.

After walking up to the boy with her scalpel in hand, Liu Yingtong hovered it close to the boy’s body before stabbing it into a spot.

The boy let out a miserable scream. However, his voice became shrill because his neck was being choked. Then, after Liu Yingtong withdrew her scalpel, blood immediately began flowing out of the wound.

“What are you screaming for? It’s just a small wound. You won’t die,” Liu Yingtong said, finding the boy’s reaction exaggerated.

“Don’t worry. She’s a medical student, so she has a good understanding of the human structure. This wound will only cause him some pain; it won’t kill him,” Jun Zishu said as she looked at Chen Yang with a faint smile. “I won’t break the law, nor would I kill, but I can still make him bleed a little.”

After saying so, Jun Zishu had Liu Manman bring over the rope sitting in the corner. Then, she had Lin Su and the others tie up their hostage.

“We’ll take six while you’ll take four. Agreed?” Jun Zishu asked.

The atmosphere in the kitchen stagnated for a moment. Then, the boys on the other side finally nodded their heads.

“Which department are you from?” Chen Yang asked as he looked at Jun Zishu.

However, before anyone from Jun Zishu’s side could speak up, one of the boys on Chen Yang’s side said, “Isn’t your information too outdated, Chen Yang? That’s Jun Zishu, the Dance Department’s belle.”

The Science Department might be filled with studious people, but there were still gossip masters among them.

Originally, the boy who spoke had only found Jun Zishu to be a familiar sight. He did not manage to recognize her immediately. However, Jun Zishu’s shocking actions just now gave his mind a jolt, and he quickly recognized where he had seen her before.

There was a post on the university’s forum listing the belles of the various departments and the university’s top three beauties. Meanwhile, Jun Zishu was on this list. Moreover, because Jun Zishu belonged to the Dance Department and possessed an extraordinary temperament, he had once used one of Jun Zishu’s photos as his phone’s wallpaper.

“I never knew I was so popular,” Jun Zishu said as she clapped her hands and set aside her knife. Then, she leaned against Liu Manman’s body for support. She might have appeared strong just now, but her period remained a scourge for her. As evidence of this, her face remained pale, and her lips were close to turning white.

“We’ve already agreed to the 60/40 split. Can you let our classmate go now?”

“That won’t do. What will we do if you suddenly go back on your words? There’s no way we girls can beat you boys in a fight. Don’t worry, though. We won’t do anything to him,” Jun Zishu said as she patted the tied-up boy on the shoulder.

“They’re just a bunch of girls. Why should we be scared of them?” Zhang Hongji, the first boy to raise a fuss, started speaking again. However, he didn’t speak loudly this time, only speaking under his breath.

“Zhang Hongji, don’t tell me you want to fight with a bunch of girls?”

“It’s already the apocalypse!”

“Since you know it’s the apocalypse already, I’ll stab him if you say one more word,” Jun Zishu said loudly and clearly when she overheard the boys’ conversation.

“What do I have to do with this?” the tied-up boy asked in shock, anger, and frustration.

“Who told you to walk over to us? Who told you to be their companions? Don’t try to test my patience. I’ll do what I say,” Jun Zishu said as she wiggled her fruit knife around. She disliked the boy named Zhang Hongji very much. He had the biggest mouth out of all the boys here. It also wasn’t an exaggeration to say that he was the instigator of this tense atmosphere.

“Zhang Hongji! Stop running your mouth! I’ll bring you hell if I get stabbed again!” the tied-up boy yelled, fed up with this bastard classmate of his.

“What’s it to me…” Zhang Hongji muttered in a low voice.

While tensions had reached an all-time peak over at the food court, Ren Nanying’s group resumed their mission.

After the trio rested, they began making their way toward the infirmary.

The infirmary was a small and independent building. The building was only one-story tall, and it had a simple rectangular design. There was only one spacious corridor that connected the various rooms in the building.

“The dispensary is the second room on the left. Liu Yingtong said that we need to go for the medicine in the second cabinet. There should be zombies inside the building, so we need to be careful. The first room is connected to the second room, so we’ll go for it instead if we can’t reach the second room directly.”


After leaving the warehouse, the trio dashed for the infirmary. Unfortunately, they met with strong resistance inside the infirmary, and they were forced to take shelter in the first room on the left, which was an infusion room. Then, once inside, they shut the door and pushed their backs against it, only relaxing after the scratching and banging outside stopped.

“That… Isn’t that a student?” Jiang Mubai asked as he pointed at a corner.

There were four rows of chairs in the infusion room, and a person was sitting in the furthest corner of the room. However, as the sun outside had started to set, and the infirmary wasn’t facing the setting sun, visibility in the infusion room was relatively low. Because of this, Jiang Mubai couldn’t see the other party’s face. If he hadn’t been paying attention, he wouldn’t even notice that someone was sitting in the corner of the room.

“It seems like it, but… If it’s a living person, why aren’t they coming over?”

“Have you ever seen anyone staying connected to an IV drip during the apocalypse?” Ren Nanying said, her hand already gripping tightly onto her knife. Then, she slowly made her way to the zombie in the corner.

“Oh, I guess you’re right.”

After moving closer, Chen Beimo noticed that there was indeed an IV drip connected to the other party’s arm.

“But why isn’t this zombie moving?”

“He’s dead already,” Ren Nanying said, sighing in relief as she lowered her knife. She didn’t know who killed this zombie, but the other party must be an expert since half the zombie’s head was shaved off.

There was another door in the infusion room that connected to the dispensary. After approaching the door, Ren Nanying tried twisting the doorknob, only to find that the door refused to open.

“The people originally staying in the infusion room must’ve escaped into the dispensary and locked the door.”

“How are we going to get in?”

“It’s unrealistic to try and enter from outside with so many zombies in the corridor. Moreover, if the people who fled into the dispensary locked this door, they must’ve locked the door outside as well.”

The trio briefly looked at each other and nodded.

What other options did they have other than to kick the door down?

Immediately, the trio took turns kicking the door one after another, with Ren Nanying going first, Jiang Mubai going second, and Chen Beimo going last. After the third kick, the door flung open into the dispensary.

“We did it!” Chen Beimo cheered. However, his expression crumbled less than three seconds later as he exclaimed, “Big Sis, Big Sis! I was wrong! Don’t bite me!”

A zombie nurse lunged at Chen Beimo shortly after he kicked open the door. However, before the zombie nurse could reach him, he reflexively kicked the zombie nurse away, reached for a nearby metal tray, and sent the tray smashing at the zombie’s head.

Unfortunately, Chen Beimo overestimated his reach with the metal tray and missed his mark. When the zombie nurse lunged at him again, he quickly stuffed the metal tray into her mouth, preventing her from biting him. In exchange for his safety, though, the metal tray got severely deformed by the zombie nurse’s powerful bites.

“Holy mother of… No wonder these monsters can tear through human flesh like paper…”

More than one person had fled into the dispensary. However, one of these escapees must’ve been bitten by a zombie. As a result, everyone in the dispensary ended up getting infected as well.

While Chen Beimo was busy with his zombie nurse, the other zombies entered the infusion room and lunged at Ren Nanying and Jiang Mubai.

However, unlike Chen Beimo, Ren Nanying did not panic. Instead, she calmly leaned back, stabbed one zombie through its temple, and kicked the other away from her. Meanwhile, Jiang Mubai had also picked up a mobile bracket and began smacking the zombies that came for him.

The infusion room wasn’t soundproof, so the noise the Jiang Mubai made inside naturally reached the zombies outside. The zombies outside promptly began banging at the infusion room’s door excitedly upon hearing the noise.

“Be quieter! We’re all dead if they break down the door!” Ren Nanying berated Jiang Mubai in a whisper while jumping over a chair. Then, she turned around to stab the zombie that had tripped on the chair as a result of chasing after her.

“Got it.”

Jiang Mubai nodded. Then, after cracking open the head of the last zombie attacking him, he quietly set aside the mobile bracket.

After taking care of all the zombies, the trio entered the dispensary.

“That nearly scared me to death… I used to play a game with sexy zombie nurses in it. Setting their dark-blue skin aside, they looked absolutely stunning. This real-life version, on the other hand, is just…”

Chen Beimo let out a long sigh after he was finally out of danger. However, when he took a closer look at the zombie nurse he had just killed, he couldn’t help but feel as if he would be having a nightmare tonight.

The dispensary was in a mess. There were shattered glass and bloodstains all over the floor, and some of the cabinets had even been smashed apart.

“Be careful. Don’t cut your hand,” Jiang Beimo said when he saw Ren Nanying reaching for a broken cabinet.

Ren Nanying nodded before opening the cabinet and grabbing the medicine they came for. Then, once she stuffed the medicine into her backpack, she gestured an “OK” sign to her two teammates.

At this time, Jun Zishu’s fever had already gotten so bad that she was starting to feel dizzy. Her hands also felt incredibly cold, and she needed to lean against a stovetop to keep herself standing straight. However, despite her terrible condition, she maintained an indifferent face and exuded a powerful aura.

“Are you okay, Zishu?” Liu Manman whispered into Jun Zishu’s ear, making sure to tilt her head away from the boys to hide her worried expression.


Jun Zishu no longer had the energy to even speak. However, she had to hold on regardless.

If she showed weakness to the other side, two scenarios could potentially take place.

Scenario 1: the other party showed pity.

Scenario 2: the other party showed their wolfish side.

Jun Zishu felt that with the hostage in her possession, Scenario 2 was unlikely to take place. She didn’t care for Scenario 1, either. On the contrary, she would think that there must be a problem with the other party’s heads if they showed her pity after everything that had happened between them.

Fortunately, Jun Zishu didn’t have to keep up this act for much longer. According to Little Fairy, Ren Nanying was already on her way back from the infirmary.

Night was close to descending. Normally, Lin Su would begin preparing dinner at this time. However, because Ren Nanying and the two boys hadn’t returned yet, everyone on Jun Zishu’s side did not move. As for the boys from the Science Department, they didn’t move, either.

“When will they come back?” Liu Manman wondered.

Hopefully, they could come back.

“They should be back before it’s dark,” Jun Zishu said. According to Little Fairy’s report, Ren Nanying’s group was already close to reaching the food court.

Ten minutes later, the sound of the window opening echoed throughout the kitchen. Immediately, the boys on the other side of the kitchen stood up and looked at the window.

Chen Beimo was the first to climb into the kitchen. When he saw the unfamiliar faces in the kitchen, he couldn’t help but be a little stunned.

Ren Nanying was the second to climb in, and Jiang Mubai was last.

When Ren Nanying saw the boy tied up on the floor and the vague standoff between the two groups of people in the kitchen, she quickly understood the situation. However, she wasn’t in the mood to find out what had happened right now as she went straight to Jun Zishu.

“I’m back. How are you feeling?” Ren Nanying asked as she caressed Jun Zishu’s stomach worriedly.

“Is she…pregnant?”

A surprised voice rang out from the group of boys.

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