
Chapter 64 How did you know I need one?

Chapter 64 How did you know I need one?

Lexi turned her head on the person on the side and to her surprise, Ethan was there!

"Kyaaaah~! Mr. Initial Task chu~!" Churu screamed like a fan girl seeing her idol. In her mind, it\'s probably fate that lead Lexi and Ethan together wherever they go.

Ethan\'s gaze darted from Morris and to Lexi. He quickly glance at their tangled hands before looking back on Lexi again. After a second when the data of the scene processed on his mind, a bright smile formed on the side of his lips.

"My friend~!!" Ethan opened his arms wide open as he strode directly on Lexi\'s direction. Her brows creased seeing Ethan Lu\'s evident flushed face.

\'He\'s drunk?\' She thought inwardly. Pulling her wrist away from Morris Liu\'s grip with a glare, she gazed back at Ethan\'s approaching figure.

"Are you--" Alas, just as Lexi could even confirm if he was drunk, Ethan bear hugged her which made her upturned eyes widen.

Lexi: "!!!!"

"Kyaaaah~! Is this what they call showing his sovereignty chu~?!" Churu\'s eyes sparkled seeing how Ethan hugged Lexi in front of Morris Liu. She could not help but feel giddy and jubilant about it as she felt that beneath Morris Liu\'s silence, he was seething with jealousy or something near that.

On the other hand, Morris Liu squinted his eyes seeing that Lexi didn\'t pushed or lashed out when Ethan Lu bear hugged her in front of him. Though she didn\'t respond to Ethan\'s intimate action, she didn\'t refused as well.

"My friend *hic* how did you know I needed one?" Ethan murmured in between his hiccups. He rested his chin on her slim shoulder to lessen his world from spinning.

"Tch, you reek of alcohol. CEO Liu, I\'ll be taking my leave." Lexi clicked her tongue in annoyance as Ethan\'s redolent scent of alcohol wafted her nostrils. But what annoyed her even more was the fact that Ethan went yolo as soon as he recovered. Hence, turning her head to Morris Liu\'s usual unreadable expression, Lexi announce.

She then awkwardly tapped Ethan\'s back shoulder. "Hey let go," since Ethan was friends with Morris, Lexi didn\'t have the intention of dragging the man with her. After all, he could just rest there and not burden herself.

"Alright Lex, Let\'s go!" As drunk as he can be, Ethan perceived her words in the other way as he retracted his arms from her and stood albeit unstable as his upper body slightly swung sideways.

"Let\'s go, let\'s go! You shouldn\'t go out at this time of hour." Ethan frowned seeing that Lexi had a dismayed expression plastered across her face. He added as he pointed his index finger on Morris Liu\'s direction,

"He\'s gonna kick me out anyway." Ethan leaned closer and whispered that didn\'t come out as a whisper as his voice rang at the four corners of the room.

For a moment, Lexi felt her head throb for an incoming headache. Neither of these scenarios flashed in her mind when she came there. However, despite her mild shocked seeing Ethan was already present before her, she could not help but conclude what Morris Liu\'s trying to cook on his sleeve.

Glancing at Morris Liu for the last time, Lexi slightly bowed her head gesturing to take her leave again. She then dragged Ethan by his arms like a mad mother.

"Ah! You\'re breaking my arm!" Ethan protested as the girl dragged him out of the office yet, his eyes smiled for a split second that none of them noticed.

"I will, if you don\'t shut up." Lexi grumbled without glancing at the drunk guy she was dragging. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

"Bleeh! I hate you forever chu!" Churu sticked her tongue out to Morris Liu\'s direction before following Lexi and Ethan\'s retreating figure with a joyous aura surrounding her.

Morris Liu watched the two figure exit his office. He neither said a word nor did something to stop them. Earlier, after he called Lexi, Ethan just barge in without short notice with a bottle of wine asking him to drink with him.

Of course, he refused and let Ethan consumed the exquisite wine brought along and Morris stocked wines inside his private quarters. Alas, Morris Liu knew Ethan very well.

Ethan had a strong alcohol tolerance and wouldn\'t be that drunk with that little alcohol intake. After all, Ethan often goes to a party and it would be a surprise if he\'s still wasn\'t immune on these kind of beverages.

\'Ethan, what do you think you\'re doing?\' Morris murmured inwardly when he could not see their shadows.

In retrospect, though Ethan was a troublesome guy, alas, he was the guy that Morris Liu commend the most. Ethan was not hesitant to speak his blunt opinions and wasn\'t afraid if he hit Morris nerves every once in a while.

However, Morris had never seen him act this way. First, was when he forcefully held him on the wrist earlier and then now. Surely, Ethan was more aggressive in his own silent way while keeping his charming smile.

Grabbing the only wine left on the stand at the corner of his office, Morris Liu silently poured himself a glass of wine and downed it without any hesitation.

No one knew what was inside his mysterious mind; he won\'t say a word or showed his real emotion on the surface even though he was alone. He just silently consumed the whole bottle of wine throughout the night.

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