
Chapter 34 - The New Discovery!

Six days had passed so quickly.

Stefan was angry and edgy more and more as time went by. Because he had promised himself and announced out loud to his men that he would drag the woman back here, to cook for him in ten days and now it\'s halfway gone already!

James and Ben went to her apartment every day but there was no sign of her. Stefan even hired a detective in Bangkok to find out at her real father\'s place thinking that she might have flown to Thailand But did not get any satisfactory news.

Now, it was the sixth day on the watch. James and Ben were at the apartment parking lot when they saw a young pretty woman wearing a T-shirt, a pair of jeans and a small dog\'s leash in one hand stopped at the front of their car. As the car had dark films on so people outside couldn\'t see inside. So they were watching her. Ben turned the engine off she didn\'t even notice the surroundings, as she was only focusing on the phone and the dog.

They didn\'t think anything at first but watching her because she was easy on the eyes, it\'s kind of boring to be here every day, sitting in the car and eating sandwiches. The woman frowned while she putting the phone to her ear and waiting for the other end to pick up.

Obviously, she didn\'t realize there were two men sitting in the car watching her entertain themselves from the boring routine.

The woman made a disappointed face when the other end didn\'t answer. She looked around and kept trying. The small dog was crying.


"Shhh, Summer, be patient, my boy. I\'m calling your mommy." She said to the puppy.

"Arf!...Arf!" The dog named Summer kept crying and pulled the leash dragged the woman to the car\'s tire.

"Ah, I see. Okay, make it quick before anybody sees you, okay? Naughty boy." She talked to the puppy and surprisingly, the dog seemed to understand the permission. At James\'s side, right in front of his eyes, the dog lifted its back leg up and made a pee onto the tire! James was gasping.

"Where are your beautiful mommy huh, Summer? I can\'t find her for you. Hm, what should we do?" The woman talked to the dog.

"Arf!..." And the dog responded as if it understood the woman.

"I know you miss her. Hm, and she will be very happy to see that you are well and healthy now. But I can\'t contact your mommy Wine at the moment."

James and Ben turned to look at each other.

"Wine?" They murmured.

"It could be the boss\'s Wine, what do you think?" James whispered to Ben. Ben nodded. So they decided to open the car doors and stepped out at the same time. Their moves made the woman jumped away with a shock because she obviously didn\'t expect that.

"Sorry, Miss. I didn\'t mean to scare you. My name is James, and this is Ben"

James said politely. The woman was looking at them with a puzzle in her eyes. and blinked.

"Do you know Miss Wirata?"

Ben asked to make a point. The woman widened her eyes when hearing.

"Yes. I\'m her friend. I\'m Evelyn and this is Summer."

Evelyne introduced herself and the dog in a friendly manner, looking at two tall men in suit. They were handsome. She thought. And they said Wirata\'s name as if they knew her.

"Do you know Wirata as well. I\'ve tried to contact her but can\'t get to her." Evelyn said.

"Yes, Miss. She\'s our boss\'s girlfriend."

James said, felt exciting to get some news finally. Evelyn looked at them in the surprised gaze for what she just heard.

"Your boss\'s girlfriend?"

She had known Wirata for just over a month because of Summer. So Evelyn still didn\'t know much about Wirata\'s personal life.

"Yes. Here\'s the picture."

James said and pulled his phone out, sliding through his photos on the phone. He was glad that he secretly took a few photos of Stefan and Wirata when they were in the Thai restaurant days ago.

Evelyn looked at the picture. The man was... Wow! Evelyn exclaimed in her mind. He had the killing looks, so handsome and very attractive with his sharp blue eyes. His arm was around Wirata\'s shoulders sitting in a restaurant. Wirata didn\'t smile, but the way the man embraced her that was enough to tell Evelyn they were close. So she believed the men in suit.

"I see. Well, I\'m Summer\'s doctor. The boy had the flu and now he\'s recovered fine. I have to go to LA for a seminar for a few days so I tried to contact Wirata but can\'t get through."

"Ah, it\'s because she is on a holiday abroad with our boss at the moment, that\'s why you can\'t contact her and she asked us to come to pick Summer up at your vet clinic but we came here first to collect her stuff. So it is very fortunate that you are here with Summer."

James said and gave her a friendly smile. His brain was thinking quickly when looking at the little dog. Miss Wirata\'s dog!

"Wow, that\'s great! I feel better now. Because I am so worried about this little boy."

"Don\'t worry, Miss. You can leave him to us now."

Ben said and looked at the dog which was wiggling its tail in a friendly gesture. Evelyn smiled gladly, she bent down to pat the puppy\'s head.

"Be good boy, okay? You\'re on the way to your mommy now. I\'ll see you in a few days. You\'re scheduled to see me again very soon."

Evelyn said to the puppy then got up to look at James and Ben.

"Wirata knows his schedule. You can ask her again and my assistant will call to confirm the appointment later. Here is my business card, that\'s the clinic\'s phone number in case you need help."

She said and handed James Summer\'s leash and her business card.

"See you. Bye." She said to both the men and the dog. James and Ben looked until she turned at the far corner and disappeared.

"Wow! I just see that you\'ve got the brain."

Ben teased his friend. James gave a scowl glance to Ben. He picked the dog up and open the car door. They got inside and Ben drove off smoothly.

"Arf!" the dog was making a noise.

"Don\'t worry boy. We\'re going to find your mommy very soon. Let\'s go to your new home."

James said and patted the dog\'s head with a smile on his face. They drove back to the Grand MC with relief that finally they had got some good news for the boss.

When they went up to the penthouse, the boss was sitting in the garden near the swimming pool.

"Arf!" The dog made noise that made Stefan turned to look and frowned when he saw James was carrying a dog in his arms.

"What is that?" The edgy voice asked.

"A dog, boss. " Ben answered.

"I know it\'s a dog, idiot! But why do you bring it up here?! I don\'t want any dog, I asked you to find a woman, not a dog! "

Stefan snapped at his men. He was still feeling so edgy about the situation. Sam hadn\'t called to tell him that the woman flew over to England or not as Stefan was expecting.

Jame let the dog down and it must have felt excited, noticing from its tail wiggling rapidly. James pulled the leash led the dog to Stefan.

Stefan was sitting in a chair, had his laptop on the side table but he could not do any work. His brain and his mind were occupied with Wirata escaping. Stefan was telling himself that she was so daring to challenge his power. He was thinking about what he would do to her when he got her back and if he could write it down, it would be about a hundred pages of A4 paper!

Yep! She deserved a lot than she could imagine!

He looked at the puppy with unblinking eyes. The puppy also looked at him, tilting its neck a little. Stefan was amused to see the little dog staring at him with curiosity and without fear. Just like its owner!

Many years ago, He had a very beloved Alsatian dog. But it was hit by a car, causing Stefan heartbroken for years and never raised a dog again since then.

Now the very small dog was looking up at him with its twinkling eyes.

"Arf! Ei!" it made noise, small and cute. Stefan couldn\'t help to reach down to pat its head.

"Why do you bring this dog up here?"

Stefan repeated his question with a softer voice than last time. The dog and the man were eyeing each other quietly.

"His name is Summer. He\'s Miss Wirata\'s dog, boss."

James said and that caught Stefan\'s attention right away.

"This little guy is her dog?"

He said in a surprised tone, his handsome but bruised face lid up with a smirk. The big hands reached to pick the puppy up and put it on his lap.

"Her dog, hum, very good. What\'s your name again, boy?"

Stefan was talking to the puppy. James and Ben glanced at each other and felt relief.

"Arf!" The dog answered, making soft sound and licked Stefan\'s hands as if he was glad to make a new friend.

"Summer. His name is Summer, boss."

James repeated and smiled to see that the boss paid attention to the puppy.

"Okay. Summer boy. Why are you so small?" The voice was soft now when talking to the dog.

"Ah, I know the answer straight away. It must be because your mommy is not a good mommy, huh. She left you alone like this, how come a mother could leave a little boy like you behind and she\'s gone with the wind and not care about you. Such a bad mother. Very very cruel, isn\'t she?"

"Ruff-Ruff" The dog made the sound with his small mouth and his pink tongue licking Stefan\'s hands. He also tried to climb up to lick his chin.

"Haha, yes. You agree with me huh, good boy."

Stefan laughed out loud and started to enjoy his new company that made James and Ben look at each other. It was not often to see the boss laugh with a full voice like this.

"How old is he?" Stefan asked his men.

"Don\'t know, boss. I forgot to ask his doctor. I can call her to find out."

James replied with a sheepish smile. Thank God he had her phone number!

"Ring to find out and get the car ready. "

Stefan ordered and got up from the chair with the little dog in his arms. The little puppy was licking his face now and Stefan was tilting his head away.

"Woh! don\'t be too advanced, we just knew each other a minute ago. Woh! Don\'t lick my face. This is not for you to lick. It\'s your mother\'s." He talked to the puppy with a laugh in his throat.

Stefan walked past the bodyguards into the penthouse. They followed and looked at the boss then looked at each other. Their eyes said... Goner!

"The car\'s ready but where to, boss?"

Ben who was responsible for driving asked.

"Pet shop! I\'ll take Summer to do some shopping. Get everything ready in ten minutes."

The boss order in a good mood then disappeared into his bedroom with the dog!

"For six days he was miserable. If I knew a dog would make him better I would have brought one, days ago." James murmured. Ben eyed his friend.

"It is not just any dog, dumbass. It\'s got to be this dog. This very dog!"

Ben said and then they hurried to make phone calls to the dog\'s doctor to find out about the puppy\'s age and called the bodyguards, required two cars with eight men to go with, to protect the boss as usual.

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