
Chapter 543: Side Story: Rock Lee

Well, as I said, I still have a few side stories swirling around inside my head that I would like to tell, so here is the first one.

I’ll write these at a leisure pace (this one was written during my flight to my holiday destination) and won’t bother much about the release rate.

Some of these chapters will be lewd, some funny, and a few serious. You know, just like the rest of the fic. I guess I’ll dedicate a few more side chapters to different relationships like this one, then a little about Yuna’s future children, and then maybe a little about…

Yuna getting defeated by an Ootsutsuki and having her eleven-year-old child saving the da…

OI, put those pitchforks down! Don’t you dare ignite that torch! You! Yes, you, the guy with the Allen wrench! Stop building that IKEA scaffold right now!

*Cough* Anyway, I was just joking. She’ll obviously bitch slap those guys.

Anyway, stay tuned for a bit more of Yuna’s Naruto Universe madness, and feel free to make suggestions about what you would like to read about. If your idea is disgusti… *cough* good enough, I might write a chapter about it. But please don’t give me a 100+ chapters storyline. As I said, I’m more or less done with this universe.

*End of Author Note*

Rock Lee and Tenten were currently walking through the Uzumaki compound at a leisure pace. While Lee just had another sparring match against Yuna, Tenten started learning swordsmanship from Zabuza. At first, she wanted to ask Yuna, but she somehow felt like that would inevitably lead to her joining the harem. Besides that, that Kaguya woman creeped her out.

Recently, Lee felt like things around him were changing. Or rather, the way people looked at him was changing.

He never cared about everyone’s mocking gazes and used them as fuel and encouragement to push himself even harder, but now things were slightly different.

“Look! Look! Isn’t that Rock Lee?”

“Ohh, awesome, it’s Rock Lee!”

“I heard he fought side by side with his sensei and drove Madara Uchiha into a corner during the last war.”

“So Awesome!”

“Konoha’s Twin Green Beasts!”

Naturally, what happened during the war couldn’t be concealed up until everyone got trapped inside a genjutsu, so a lot of people knew what happened during the fight against Madara.

“Urg, doesn’t he look like a weirdo?”

Naturally, not everyone unanimously became a fan of Lee; however, hero worship can’t be suppressed so easily.

“Nonsense! That’s just his style.”

“Yeah, all powerful shinobi are eccentric.”

“Pah, imagen someone talking shit about the guy who punched Madara in the face!”

Yes, that was the difference between a weirdo that dresses in a green spandex suit, has massive eyebrows, a bowl-cut, and is constantly yelling about youth and a weirdo that dresses in a green spandex suit, has massive eyebrows, a bowl-cut, is continuously yelling about youth and has punched Madara in the face.

Frankly, I felt a little weird that people were no longer looking down on him for not knowing any ninjutsu, but he wouldn’t complain.

Lee was fully aware that he was a weirdo, but he had no desire to change that. He was unwilling to change who he was for people he didn’t care about.

Naturally, Tenten felt the change in the atmosphere as well and was pretty happy about it. She always hated people mocking Lee for his lack of talent, so hearing people praise him felt good.

Moments later, a young woman that seemed to be around 18 years old approached the duo. She had a broad smile on her face but seemed to be slightly nervous about something. She had vibrant, long, red hair styled into a simple ponytail and clear blue eyes.

She came to a halt in front of the duo and fixed her gaze on Lee.

“I want you to become my boyfriend, you know!”


Although Lee was surprised by that sudden confession, Tenten had a much bigger reaction, causing the young woman to give her a glance.

“Sorry, are you his girlfriend? I don’t mind sharing, you know. What about you?”

While Tenten’s brain was overloading, Lee’s mind went into overdrive in an attempt to find out how he was supposed to act in this kind of situation. He has never been popular, so he had no idea what he was supposed to do when a woman approached him.

‘Damn, I have no clue. S-Should I just agree? Nonono, first, I need to resolve the girl’s misunderstanding about Tenten. What would sensei do in this kind of situation? Youth! That’s right, that’s what this is all about… That doesn’t solve the crisis at all. Sorry sensei, but I’ll need to gather inspiration from another source this time.

Let’s see, who would be able to deal with this kind of situation?’

Moments later, a purple glint passed through his eyes as his posture became more assertive.

He casually snaked one of his arms around Tenten’s waist while shrugging his shoulders.

“Yeah, she’s my girlfriend. You can join if you want, but only if Tenten agrees to it.”

While the young girl’s eyes started shining when she heard Lee’s words, Tenten immediately started glaring at Lee in disbelief.

However, what greeted her was Lee’s dashing smile causing her to blush. Frankly, she had a crush on Lee for a while now, but due to his… Lee-ness she never took the first step. Now, it seems like Lee took the first step while simultaneously picking up another girl. What the hell?

“Hahaha, don’t fret over it and accept. Harem is the new way!”

Tenten gritted her teeth when she heard the woman’s words. Unfortunately, she couldn’t refuse them. Due to Yuna and Naruto’s influence, there were a lot of three and four people harems forming inside the Uzumaki compound. Or maybe that was just part of the Uzumaki’s nature?

Tenten eyed the young woman and had to admit that she was good-looking, with soft skin, subtle well-trained muscles, and an excellent body shape.

“Come one, girl. We’ll have lots of fun together~”

As the woman said that, she took a few provoking poses causing Tenten to roll her eyes.

A deep sigh escaped Tenten’s mouth as her shoulder sagged.

“Times have seriously changed. Why do I feel so little unwillingness despite the situation?”

Lee lightly held Tenten’s chin and made her look at him.

“Don’t worry; I’ll love both of you with all my heart.”

Tenten’s face flushed red as she wondered why Lee suddenly acted like this. Not that she was complaining: Assertive Lee was pretty good.

Tenten sighed in defeat as she accepted her loss. These were weird times, so she decided to just go with the flow.

“Fine, whatever.”


As soon as Tenten accepted, a shout of joy escaped the Uzumaki girl, followed by her moving to Lee’s unoccupied side, where Lee smoothly coiled his other arm around her waist.

Around a second later, cold sweat started flowing down Lee’s back like a river.


He barely managed to stop himself from screaming these words out loud as he was trying to understand what had just happened.


Meanwhile, a glint passed through the Uzumaki woman’s eyes as she leaned forward slightly, causing Lee’s arm to be sandwiched between her breasts, causing a jolt to pass through his body.

Tenten saw her action as she even gave Tenten a provoking smirk, causing her to frown while mimicking her action, sending another jolt through Lee’s body.

‘Damn, so soft~ Oh well, it is what it is. Isn’t this youth? It clearly is! YOUTH!!!’

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