
Chapter 10

While Kurono wanted to go back to her family as soon as possible since she was afraid that she might make a mistake for her family, she must admit that the pressure that Tsukasa brought was tremendous.

This wasn’t her first time being challenged by a student.

Before Tsukasa, there was one student that had challenged her, and that student had given her a surprise and even defeated her.

However, compared to that student, Tsukasa was different.

Kurono felt that she would be cut down, and no matter what tricks or techniques she would show, everything would be cut down, and she would lose!

Still, there was one thing that she realized.

‘He’s only D-rank!’

While Kurono must admit that she could tell that Tsukasa was strong, it was a different thing if Tsukasa wanted to defeat her!

Still, this made her even more interested since it had been so long since she had this kind of feeling.

“You’re going to defeat me?” Kurono asked with a smile, and she didn’t look down on Tsukasa anymore. Instead, she was going to show him the difference of power in their abilities.

“Defeat you?” Tsukasa had a bitter laugh, especially when he saw Kurono take out her Devices. “While I’m not sure if I can do it or not, especially after you have summoned your Devices, I’ll try.” Even if he must admit that he was strong, if he wasn’t given a chance to show his power, especially if Kurono decided to stop the time, what could he do?

‘Time manipulation ability is really too strong.’

Personally, the pressure on Kurono was so strong, but how could he give up so easily?


While Tsukasa must admit that Kurono’s ability was too strong, he could tell that her physical aspect wasn’t that strong and thought it might be related to her retirement after she had married.

Tsukasa didn’t really want to use this technique since it would hurt his body, but if he wanted to win, then there was no other way.

Tsukasa didn’t move, but suddenly everyone could hear the sound of his breathing. His breathing was so loud, but what surprised them was his aura started to get stronger!


Touka, who was watching from the side, was worried about Tsukasa since she didn’t expect him to use this technique!

Tsukasa’s magic was only F-rank, but after he started to use this breathing technique, the amount of his magic began to amplify, and then a black colored magic aura set ablaze on his body!

It was like black-colored fire, burning his entire body, giving pressure to anyone who saw it.


Kurono was surprised since she was familiar with this technique, but what surprised her the most was Tsukasa’s control over his magic!

The wild magic power that set his body ablaze was suddenly suppressed, and it was stabilized before Tsukasa circulated it evenly over his body.

Kurono had an idea what kind of technique Tsukasa had used since she had seen them several times in the past, but what attracted her the most was the katana on his hand.

‘Does space tremble?’

Kurono wondered whether she had an optical illusion, but when she was about to continue to observe Tsukasa’s katana, he put his fighting stance.

‘This stance…?’

Kurono might not be a swordsman, but even so, she had fought many swordsmen. However, it was her first time seeing someone put such a stance.

Tsukasa faced Kurono sideway, dropped into a partial crouch, both knees bent, and held his sword backward with his right hand, leaving his left hand in a relaxed position.

While Kurono might not be a swordsman, she had fought many swordmen, and she wasn’t an idiot. She could tell that from her observation, Tsukasa’s stance didn’t allow him for any other move other than thrust and cut.


‘Is he going to defeat me with speed?’

What was her forte?

Without a doubt, it was her speed!

Kurono could accelerate the time by extending her own time within one second of the world. She could also shoot a bullet that froze anything. She could also combine both techniques into one, which caused the time difference between her and her opponent to become even wider, allowing her to attack her opponent without them being able to even see her.

If Tsukasa wanted to win against her with speed, there was no way for him to win!

But could he?

“Be careful, Kurono-director.”

Leaving such a sentence, Tsukasa relaxed his entire body like his entire body melting into a liquid before he let himself drop to the ground by the force of gravity and twisted his feet.

This set of actions caused Kurono to become dumbfounded since she didn’t expect such a lazy fall from Tsukasa, but she started to regret her action since she knew that she couldn’t wander her mind during the battle, especially when Tsukasa was about to cut her!

Tsukasa’s mind was working at the speed of light. His mind was constantly running, thinking of how to defeat Kurono.

If it was a sneak attack, then Tsukasa could think of millions of ways to defeat Kurono, but since it was a frontal battle in the field where he couldn’t hide or do any tricks, there was only one way for him to defeat Kurono.

Kurono was, without a doubt, powerful, she was probably one of the strongest people that Tsukasa had seen in his entire life, but even so, she was still a human. She wasn’t an automatic robot that would react instantly when one tried to attack it. Instead, she needed her perception to give a signal to her brain before she could attack him.

This was how Tsukasa was going to defeat Kurono.

Tsukasa needed to attack so fast that Kurono’s perception could not perceive him!

Tsukasa controlled his magic and focussed it on both his feet and arms, leaving only a minimum amount of magic on his body and head. Then when there was only a millimeter between him and the ground, he snapped his entire muscles in an instant, and his twisted feet, adding propulsion and the force from the fall of the gravity, accelerated his speed even more.

‘But this isn’t enough!’

Tsukasa focussed his magic on the arch of his foot, trying to grasp the earth, controlled his entire, then he propelled himself toward Kurono!

While his body moved to a speed that eyes couldn’t see, his mind moved so fast that he could see that he had broken several sound barriers.

Then instantly…

It was Kurono’s instinct, but even so, she couldn’t react, and her body was slashed into half from bottom to top!

There was no sound, there was no dust, and Tsukasa suddenly appeared in front of her, slashing her body from bottom to head as if he teleported right in front of her.

When Kurono’s perception realized what had happened, it was already too late.

Fortunately, they set up their Device in illusionary form, so instead of hurting or killing her, Tsukasa’s blade only drained her stamina, but she knew that she had died at that moment.

Kurono couldn’t maintain her consciousness, but before she blacked out, she could see Tsukasa’s figure right in front of her, having his battered body shirtless.

‘Why are you shirtless?’

Before Kurono asked that question, she fell into Tsukasa’s arms and passed out, but somehow, she felt that she might have a good dream, especially when these strong and reliable arms caught her.

While this scene might enter gossip, no one looked in the direction of Tsukasa and Kurono. Instead, they closed their ears since the several sonic booms that happened in front of them were so loud, and the aftermath of Tsukasa’s attack was just too frightening!

After Tsukasa swung his blade, the field was cut in half.

Whether it was the ground, the ceiling, the building, or the clouds on the top were cut in half by the compressed air blade formed by his slash.


Everyone reacted similarly.

They subconsciously gulped their saliva, whether it was because of the attack of his shirtless body, no one really knew, but everyone stared at Tsukasa’s powerful back with a feverish gaze that they even ignored Kurono, who leaned and passed out on his chest.

However, they must admit that this scene was like a scene that came out from a painting, and they wanted to gaze over it forever and somehow changed their position with Kurono since they also wanted to be hugged by him.

Still, if there was something to be glad for, it might be because this scene was so beautiful that they forgot to take a picture, and they dropped either their cameras or student datapad, so Kurono didn’t need to worry that her husband knew that she was hugged by Tsukasa.

However, no one knew that Tsukasa wanted to cry at that moment.

‘It hurts!’

Tsukasa could feel that his entire muscles were breaking, and the situation of his body was abnormal. He needed to rest, and there was no way that he could support Kurono, who passed out at that moment, but when he saw her face, he could only sigh and decided to bear it since he knew that someone was going to help him soon.


Hearing this familiar voice, Tsukasa knew that he was saved and thought Touka was really his angel.

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