
Chapter 239 - Vile Villain

Chapter 239 Vile Villain

“The Soul-devoured Contract.”

Chu Xun revealed candidly and he disclosed the details about the enchantment.

Dismal despair flooded Yan Chong’s and Zuo Ziqiu’s eyes as if they had just witnessed their own deaths.

Winsome Widow and Lei Bao grimaced quietly. Would Chu Xun have done the same to them if they had shown just a bit of hesitation in pledging to him their loyalties?

Still... Was the Pact of Bloodlust really was so powerful and terrifying as Chu Xun described?

Even Yan Chong and Zuo Ziqiu were banking on the hope that Chu Xun was only lying to them.

Until Chu Xun decided to demonstrate the terrors of the Soul-devoured Contract

The pair of Human Kings winced and recoiled on the ground like a pair of dogs writhing in pain, their dignity all but forgotten. Their eyeballs distended as if bursting from their sockets, and their faces contorted hideous at the pain that was so great as shown from the veins throbbing visibly on their skins. No amount of screaming and shrieks could reduce the pain that came not from their body, but from their very souls.

Finally, when Chu Xun decided that the demonstration had proven his point, he stopped and the two Human Kings could only lay on the ground, panting in the sweet air of their salvation.

The demonstration left Lei Bao and Winsome Widow felt their hairs curling with fear and their skins numb with horror as the corner of their lips twitched uncontrollably.

Chu Xun flicked his fingers twice in succession and shot two bolts of Immortal Qis into Yan Chong and Zuo Ziqiu.

This soothed their wincing contortion and their faces twisting with pain returned serene and their powers began restoring.

Lei Bao and Winsome Widow knew best of all the magic of Chu Xun’s Immortal Qi, having felt it first hand. The injuries that they sustained earlier were close to being fully cured.

Before long, Zuo Ziqiu and Yan Chong scrambled up and prostrated themselves humbly at Chu Xun’s knees when they have finally regained some of their strength and consciousness.

“My Lord!”

Naturally, Chu Xun was their lord and master now unless Chu Xun so chose to release them from the spell.

“I shall look on to you, Yan Chong, to continue leading Squad Astrology,” Chu Xun said.

“Understood, my Lord,” replied Yan Chong reverently.

“The same goes to you both.” Chu Xun looked at Lei Bao and Winsome Widow and said.

“My Lord.”

They quickly replied as one.

Chu Xun’s gaze shifted to Zuo Ziqiu. “You are a member of the Sifang Sword Sect?”

“Yes, my Lord,” Zuo Ziqiu replied earnestly too.

A sly look surfaced in Chu Xun’s eyes. “And you know where Sifang Sword Sect’s secret vault lies?”

The question astounded not only Zuo Ziqiu, but everyone present with their shocked, widened eyes and strange, doubtful hesitation.

Zuo Ziqiu recovered from his bewilderment and bowed deeply, “I really don’t know, my Lord! The secret vault keeps the very cornerstone of the Sifang Sword Sect and its secrets are entrusted only to the Leader and no one else!”

Looking slightly disappointed, Chu Xun said, “I see. Very well then, this is my command: you will return to the stronghold of the Sifang Sword Sect and investigate secretly about anything you can find as to the location of the secret vault. Report your findings to me later.”

“But, but this... My Lord, this is...” Winsome Widow uttered tentatively with budding curiosity.

Chu Xun turned around, taking everything in the surrounding with a scornful grunt. “Look at the furnishings here. We look so miserable and impoverished. Heaven knows how reluctant I am to shoulder this undertaking of leading you lot. But since we’re at it, we shall need the wherewithal to restore the glory of the Fire Dragon Palace. We need resources to build a strong outfit or we would never get anywhere with just the few of us doing all the work.”

Uncertain looks of doubt filled the faces of everyone present.

“So... that means... My Lord, you wish to... plunder?” Winsome Widow, with her unbridled inquisitiveness, blurted out at last.

“Plunder? That’s so heavy a word,” Chu Xun glared at her through narrowed eyes and said, “It’s borrowing.”

Everyone pursed their lips quietly. Apparently, most, if not all of the domain of Martial Tao did not yet fully know Chu Xun. He was not only a ruthless cutthroat in battle, he had little to no scruples in being vile and villainous if he so chose.

“So get to work. Find out about any rich and wealthy families who have been bullying and oppressing the poor, and we shall strike them down in the name of justice,” Chu Xun ordered.

“What degree of ‘bullying and oppressing the poor’ do you mean, my Lord?” asked Winsome Widow.

Chu Xun paused a beat and said, “For instance, there was once a You Family near Gujiang River. They allowed members of their clan to rob and maraud the common folk and even set their hounds on them. It is families like this that we are looking for and we shall eliminate them one by one!”


No one dared to utter anything, although the very same thought blazed through their minds: with such a leader, the Fire Dragon Palace would surely regain its former strength!

“If I may, my Lord,” Zuo Ziqiu squeaked like mice trying to offer some cheese, “I have heard of strange tidings before I came here...”

“What tidings?”

“There has been word of a new mountain which had mysteriously appeared near Longcheng City in the South-West and there have been numerous reports about sightings of a three-colored aurora that occurs regularly on its crest. A strange phenomenon indeed which could be witnessed even from five kilometers away. There has been mention of an ancient ruin at the crest of the mountain and inside, there must be countless gold and riches... Do you think we should...”

“I have heard of this before,” Yan Chong quipped, “And a good many factions have sent people over to Longcheng City for this purpose.”

All eyes trained in on Chu Xun, waiting for his decision on whether should the Fire Dragon Palace involve itself into what already was a kettle of fish.

“We shall go too,” Chu Xun said at last.

The tri-colored lights itself made it possible that whatever it was, the mysterious treasure could very well be the Soul-curing Flower, the only thing in the world that could save Hua Qingwu.

Lei Bao rubbed his hands enthusiastically and so was Winsome Widow, whose face shone with earnest anticipation, and even Yan Chong had to dip his head to hide his glee.

Chu Xun peered at them, his brows furrowing with interest. “You all seem mightily excited, aren’t you?”

“How could we not be,” Winsome Widow remarked offhandedly before she realized her clumsy reply and she readjusted her tone, “Why, of course, my Lord. As you might not have realized, we have happened upon some ancient texts about the place. But being outnumbered and overpowered, we would set off with prospects of bounty, only to return balked and beaten. We nearly got ourselves killed a number of times, never mind coming home empty-handed.”

“But how come? Are the others very strong?” Chu Xun was curious. All three of them were nevertheless Human Kings with great combat capabilities and them working together was a potent fighting force in itself.

“You might not have realized that the domain of the Martial Tao and the Imperial Court represents two opposing sides, my Lord,” Lei Bao revealed with a bitter smile, “And us joining forces with the Imperial forces make us enemies, or playthings, in some cases.”

“I see,” Chu Xun observed. Frost formed in his gaze. “Make the necessary arrangements. We depart tomorrow for Longcheng City.”

Lei Bao and the rest two acknowledged the orders. With Chu Xun leading the expedition, they were confident that they shall not be suffering the fates they had endured before.

“Wait, I’m coming too,” War Tiger chipped in with keen interest.

“Stay out of this, boy. This is not some field trip for fledglings like you. Even Human Kings can fall like flies come any skirmish for riches and rare ores. You need not throw yourself in and get yourself killed,” scowled Lei Bao, puncturing War Tiger’s eagerness.

War Tiger’s face flushed red with embarrassment. He returned a gutsy glare at Lei Bao before turning an imploring gaze to Chu Xun.

To his dismay, Chu Xun said, “It’s also a first time for me too. Just to be safe, you’ll stay here this time. You can join us the next time. Rest assured that Squad Purple Phoenix shall also receive a cut of the bounty we receive.”

On that note, War Tiger could only nod his head with resignation.

“As for you, Zuo Ziqiu—you shall now rejoin the Sifang Sword Sect. Your mission shall be to locate the site of the secret vault.”

What he would be doing was tantamount to treason. Treason to his own order, Zuo Ziqiu mused morosely as he realized he would be spying for a faction seeking to ruin his own order.

“Understood,” he acknowledged his order, although deep within himself, he longed to scream and vent out how he was being coerced into disloyalty.

Chu Xun agreed with the others to meet the following morning and he left, rushing towards Dragon’s Back.


Inside Emperor Ao’s Purple Mansion.

Chu Xun was sitting down on a marble table with the Emperor Ao.

“You’ve taken the Fire Dragon Palace?” Emperor Ao gasped, astonished.

Chu Xun shot him an irate glare and muttered, “You can dispense with the theatrics, for it doesn’t suit you.”

Emperor Ao sniggered dryly at being pointed out and remarked, “Nevertheless, I am still saying this—as a good friend of yours.

Chu Xun looked bewilderedly at Emperor Ao, surprised that the monarch could speak so flippantly, his decorum and dignity set aside for one fleeting moment. He giggled. “Admittedly, if I were allowed to choose, I’d rather we are not friends,” he said to Emperor Ao, “It’s tiring.”

“You ungrateful brat,” Emperor Ao muttered with a sip of his tea, “If it was not for me, you would be a dry bag of bones by now at Xuanji Mountain.”

“And for that, I got struck by the Firmament Chain,” Chu Xun scowled grudgingly.

“That’s on you. Not me. Heaven forfend that Firmament still bears a grudge on you, although that rather intrigues me. More and more curious indeed.”

“If an old senile like you could pique Firmament’s jealousy, what makes you think I can’t? What makes me inferior to you? It only took me three millennia to become an Immortal Emperor. Do you honestly believe you could’ve beaten my record?”

“Old senile?!” Emperor Ao’s eyes widened lividly with disbelief. With a face as fair as the whitest of precious jade, and a physique as lean and strong as stone, Emperor Ao had always prided himself in his features that had left many a hearts swooning. “How could I ever be described as ‘Old senile’?! Are you blind, Chu Xun?!” he almost screamed out loud.

“Where else could you find ‘an old senile’ as dashing as I am?” the monarch scoffed irately.

Chu Xun’s facial expression shifted, conveying myriads of meaning: disdain, contempt, and derision...

“What is that expression of yours?” Emperor Ao grumbled, upset. It was the first time he had been branded “an old senile” and for that, he felt so cross that he wanted to hit someone.

Yet Chu Xun still managed to audaciously stare at him through narrowed eyes.

Feeling the corners of his lips twitching irritably, Emperor Ao threw an arm. He subdued Chu Xun from releasing his powers and waved his arm, casting him out with a whisk of wind. His deep voice echoed from a distance into Chu Xun’s ears, saying, “Go see to your woman and spare me your annoying shenanigans.”

Chu Xun griped quietly. Everyone outside feared him as Devil Chu from Hell. Yet he felt himself as helpless as an ant in the face of Emperor Ao’s might.

“Just you wait,” he promised, “Wait till I reach the Nascent Soul Stage, then I’ll have the last laugh.”

Still, he could not quite define his strength level since he began studying and training using the Hong Meng Scripture. It was a kind method of cultivation heretofore unseen and unheard before. When most warriors cultivate their Internal Breath, which was divided into classes such as the Innate Realm and the Acquired Realm, on their journey to achieve the Grandmaster Realm, while cultivator of Immortality developed True Energy, which was divided into classes such as Qi Refinement and Foundation. But what about the Hong Meng Immortal Qi? How should he define what level he had reached thus far?

Perhaps it would be better to just rank his powers using the classification of cultivators since he embodied True Energy as well anyway, he mused.

Resting inside the crystal casket, Hua Qingwu looked as if she was slumbering peacefully.

Chu Xun sat next to the crystal casket and began talking to her, accompanying her through the entire night.

He could still feel a knife being driven through his heart whenever he remembered how Hua Qingwu had given her life to save him.

Jiu You came the following morning.

Her aura felt stronger and vaster than before. In just a month since they separated, her powers were now equivalent to that of a First-Grade Human King.

Jiu You’s purplish hair shone with a radiant luster and her lithe frame and fair, supple skin made her look a gorgeous doll.

Chu Xun knew it was time to go. With a final, longing glance at the unconscious Hua Qingwu, he said softly, “Wait for me.”

Chu Xun needed to visit Emperor Ao again. He had so many questions needing answers, among them include the origin of the wild beasts now rampaging across the lands, information about the root cause of the anomalies, and the extent of damage Earth had now suffered from the anomalies. But Emperor Ao seemed to be still angry with him that he refused to meet him.

“What a petty old senile,” Chu Xun spat resentfully and left with Jiu You.

Jiu You was now a Demon King of the First Grade, and due to demonic beings’ superior constitution, that made her stronger than First-Grade Human Kings and she could easily hold her own in any battle.

The rest of the Fire Dragon Palace, Lei Bao and the others were all waiting when they arrived, their injuries all fully healed all thanks to the Hong Meng Immortal Qi.

“Wow, you’re adorable!” Winsome Widow exclaimed, beaming broadly at Jiu You. If not for Chu Xun being around, she would have rushed to the little girl and pinch her little face.

But the others were curious as well. From where did Chu Xun found such a pretty little girl? Was she his daughter?

“Urm, my Lord, about Master Long...”

Yan Chong stopped short halfway, cut off by Chu Xun, who suddenly broke into a bleak chuckle. How could he have forgotten Long Ao?

“Take me to him,” Chu Xun instructed. Beyond any doubt, Long Ao must have had slandered him with tremendous alacrity.

“By the way, this is Jiu You,” he gestured at her, “and she’ll be coming with us. So get acquainted with each other.” And he followed Yan Chong away.

A half-hour later, when Chu Xun and Yan Chong returned, the aftermath of a battle awaited them.

Winsome Widow was found with her hair disheveled, panting hard for air as if she had survived a huge storm.

Half of Lei Bao’s face swollen up like buns and his eyes pressed together into slits. Between that and the missing locks of his beard, he looked like a miserable wretch.

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