
Chapter 21 - Imagine Magic

After my leave had finally started, I had locked myself in my room for 3 days straight only coming out for food. Since I didn\'t have to urinate or release any human waste I didn\'t. My mom and Aroura knew I didn\'t release my food normally but it looks like they don\'t care. I was honestly scared that one of them would go and get a church to terminate me for being the child of the devil or something but that didn\'t happen.

I had to act like I left to go to the bathroom now and then just to wash my face. During those times, the men of the family would just think that I did my normal activities then. When I had locked myself in my room a few months ago, I just used an excuse like "I went when you guys were asleep". I didn\'t even lie to them too, since I would normally go to the bathroom at night to both washes my face and shower by myself.

I spent three days trying to recreate the air bullet spell to the best of my capabilities and still failed. The best I did was make a gust of wind leave my finger but in the end. It was just a guest.

Eventually, when I was about to give up I had come up with something that might just work

God am I fucking stupid. HOW DID I NOT THINK OF THAT BEFORE! I think magic is making me lose brain cells. Before and until now I was so focused on trying to use magic I completely forgot physics existed in this world.

What I was trying to do before was to simply put a lot of Air Element Particles in one place and shoot them towards something which didn\'t work even though that was exactly what I saw my mother and sister do when they used the spell.

To create and cast a spell I must use my scientific understanding to my advantage against all those idiots within this world who just have to chant a few words to get whatever they want.


Author\'s note- I changed the air particles from being a silvery cyan to an emerald green for my own sake and for the stories too. Also, I\'m not a scientist so I might make mistakes about scientific subjects in this novel so please try to ignore it if I made any minor mishaps when talking about something scientific.


I lifted my arm and made a finger pistol with my right hand before focusing on all the Elemental Energies around.

What I need to do right now isn\'t to have a high concentration of the Air Element but rather just enough to get enough air onto the tip of my finger.

The Air Elemental Particles don\'t represent the air itself but rather give the means to control it. Most matter emits some kind of particle while it is the oceans emitting the water element or the fireplace that will emit the fire element or even the ground emitting the Earth element. The particle itself isn\'t the element but rather the thing that allows you to control what the element represents. The Elemental particles are like the engine of a car while the soul flames will be imbued into the elemental particles like the steering wheel, pedals, and brakes allowing the mage to move the particles wherever he pleases. The mana you would exude with your \'Soul Will\' simply fuel the particles enough to make them and they effectively move with them.

To put this theory in effect, To chant a spell is akin to putting auto-pilot on your Tesla or any other electric car you may own or know of while using the magic I\'m about to use is more akin to learning how to drive by simply watching someone else do it on auto-pilot.

As I started to focus on the Green elemental energies in the area and moved them using my soul will and mana, sending them towards the tip of my finger. When the particles were close enough, instead of concentrating them into a single put, I moved them around in a vortex making the air become visibly trapped within the vortex of particles. I slowly made the vortex smaller and smaller until the pressure was extremely high and the air had been squeezed to the size of a bullet.

I then moved all the other Elemental green particles out of the way and created something like a sideways tornado making something close to a vacuum in the middle, exactly in line with my air shot.

Due to the lack of particles and the fact that I\'m forcibly moving the air out of the line of shot, the vacuum created is trying to forcibly fix the gap in space by sucking everything into it. This means that when I shoot my air bullet, it will be at its fastest and most stable making it more of a sniper bullet than a pistol. This means that it will build more momentum before being shot completely and that it will be more stable meaning that it will take a longer time to become weak and dissipate.

The moment I felt like the vortexes were ready, I cleared my mind and aimed for a tree around 60 meters away from my house. I poured all my mana into the Vortex on my fingertips to compress the air one more time before first shooting the vortex forwards and then opening the front part of the vortex and releasing all the built-up stress/ pressure and shooting a powerful air that was almost at the speed of sound towards the tree with so much force that it made a loud BANG.

Before I could even realize what I just did, or even comprehend what just happened, I found myself flying towards the back of the room. I quickly shifted mid-air and moved my left to take the full brunt of hitting the wall before springing back to where I was a second ago like nothing had happened. I looked outside of the window to see that, even though my aim was a little off. I had hit the tree making a hole several times bigger than the bullet I had shot.

What the f*ck did I just create? Air bullet my baby ass, That was a f*cking sniper missile. LOOK AT THE SIZE OF THAT HOLE... Holy sh*t

I\'m around 90% sure the whole family had just heard a gunshot and I\'m sure the door is about to sla-

The door slammed open before I could finish the thought and the first thing I heard was Aurora\'s voice

"What was that?! Are you okay?! Are you hurt?!"

Damn, she is so nice. I don\'t deserve this angel

"yeah I\'m fine," I said with a smile

I was honestly in the best mood I had been in for quite a while.

I wonder if the second vacuum vortex tornado thing was overkill. It\'s not like I can do that in a real fight anyway since it takes way too much time and focus, and if I were to do that in a spar I\'m pretty sure I\'d kill someone by accident. At best I just created an assassination weapon. Maybe if I become stronger in the future I can cast multiple of them and surround the ene-

"PANDORA!" I heard while snapping out of my daze. I had been too busy thinking of the implications and used that I could have for such an amazing weapon that is strong, gets time and focus-consuming.

"Are you sure you\'re okay? You seemed to be a little dazed there." My mother said,

"Yeah mom, I\'m fine. I was just using a new technique because I got a little bored and accidentally slipped" I lied through my teeth.

Damn, why are they so paranoid? Is it because of what happened last time? Using magic at a young age can\'t be that bad right?

"Did you try to use magic?" My mother asked while sniffing the air.

"No, because you told me not to use magic until I\'m big," I said, lying through my teeth again while making hand motions to indicate something big.

"Okay good. Mommy told you magic can go boom if you are not careful right?"

Tell me? careful? You told me to be careful my soft a*s.

Honestly what the f*ck? You didn\'t tell me sh*t until now! Imagine how many times I could have blown a limb off if I could use magic!

"Yeah mom is right, don\'t use magic until you\'re six, just keep training with dad and when you hit your magic awakening age we will teach you all we can"

Hmm? Is there a limit to when you\'re supposed to be able to use magic? Oh, Shi-

Well, one thing is for sure, using magic before the age of six would make your spell go haywire and probably cause an explosion like before if not worse.

W-wait... does that mean I just made a new branch of magic? the branch that requires no chanting time? This is both a curse and a blessing at the same time.

From what I had read, There are 4 primary elements of magic being fire, water, earth, and air. Some races would create branches of their magic from those primary elements while liches, undead, or plantfolk would either create completely different magic or a combination between magics only they could hope to achieve.

Humans found ways to make lighting by using a combination of water, air, and fire (heat) magic. This is a combination only humans could use. Dwarfs found ways to manipulate metal and magma while plantfolk and elves found ways to manipulate nature.

The spell\'s strength is measured by the sheer amount of mana you insert, the precision over the spell you have, and the creativity or amount of spells you can cast with one chant.

You can keep spells active from beforehand meaning the spells you can use at the same time are solely dependent on how thin you can spread your mana and will before not being able to control the spell.

The reason my \'Imagine magic\', as I call it, is a blessing is because, with no chant, all I need to do is imagine and focus, something over time I\'m likely to get used to meaning casting a spell will be like using my arms.

The reason it is a curse however is that my magic doesn\'t abide by the same laws as there\'s. I\'m guessing if there is anyone in this world who was able to do the same thing as me or even the people who created spell chanting in the first place, every one of them will have a different way of using air bullet or any other spell for that matter.

This means I won\'t be able to replicate what I see other mages do completely, meaning I either try to put the broken pieces together or make my pieces to fit the puzzle.

Anyway, Mom and Aroura don\'t seem to have noticed the hole in the tree since it is quite far and hard to notice unless you\'re looking for it.

I got up with them and went downstairs to eat breakfast and went off with the rest of my day trying to create a silence of the sniper spell I had used.

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