
Chapter 440

Chapter 440: 440

Frost blades stabbed and the silvery shadows bloomed like petals. The cold glint of the blades carved out blossoms of red. In a small amount of time, Quick Bell’s daggers sliced Uncle Worthless’ upper body into minced meat.


Just as Quick Bell thought he had succeeded, the energy beam from Mafuba turned around and hit his back.

“What’s happening… the skill user is already dead but the skill is still effective?” At this point, Quick Bell showed his first expression of panic. In his mind, as long as he killed Uncle Worthless before the beam from Mafuba caught up to him, the skill would deactivate by itself. But… even though the opponent no longer had a body, Mafuba was still active.

“Phew… that was quite a shock…” uncle Worthless reappeared but at a different spot. His original body slowly disappeared and a new body… was coagulating under the sunglasses.

“What is this!” Quick Bell widened his eyes. Obviously, he did not understand the key specialty of Uncle Worthless—the sunglasses was his real entity. As a level 1 Anomaly, Quick Bell could have found that out easily but… contrast to D1-Drake, J1-Quick Bell was the kind of Anomaly who never looked at the tactical analysis menu. If Drake was a born natural, then Quick Bell was an expert who carved his way slowly to the top. When he was still J4-Quick Bell, he had gotten used to gaining experience and finding victory through the heat of the battle. “Tactical defence option” was merely a useless menu that always showed ??

Even later, when Quick Bell rose to Level 1, he did not change this habit of his. Because in the perspective of the Anomaly, they could already see the general data of the opponent with normal vision so… when facing weaker opponent, Quick Bell normally wouldn’t look at the tactical menu. With his battle experience… before the tactical defense option came up with the analysis, he would have killed the enemy already.

“Hmph… Finally a success!” When Uncle Worthless reappeared, he was maintaining the pose from before. And Quick Bell who was bound by the energy beam was already unable to move. Uncle Worthless closed his palms togethers, made a ‘tossing’ movement at the rice cooker on the ground and shouted. “Get in the cooker!”

With that shout, Quick Bell’s body was flung up by the beam from Mafuba… as it dragged Quick Bell towards the rice cooker. Just as everyone thought Uncle Worthless was going to save the world…


“Is this some kind of joke?” A woman’s voice said. The next second, the earth shook and lighting struck. A white beam about 3 metres wide rose from the ground and swallowed the rice cooker and most of the Mafuba energy with it…

Uncle Worthless was standing close to the light beam and barely managed to escape but he could sense that the energy from Mafuba had been interrupted.

J1-Quick Bell cut loose from the energy hold and twisted twice in the air before making a soft landing. He wiped away the sweat. “Phew… Thanks, ROOT.”

“Drake is already dead.” ROOT sauntered out from the corner of the street but her voice echoed clearly in everyone’s ears. “And he was killed by the players.” She paused. “If you wish to follow his footsteps… then I won’t lift a finger to help the next time.”

“Careful… this is their leader!” Uncle Worthless shouted. His luck was not back. After Mafuba was interrupted, the skill was seen was halted so it did not cause any exhaustion.

“Let me see…” ROOT examined the surrounding players like she was shopping at a boutique. “Hmm… Just remove those that don’t fit the criteria…” She said as she raised her finger to point at Qu Ming and Zhen Nan. “Quick Bell.”

“Yes.” Quick Bell answered. The man already made his move. Quick Bell used a speed faster than before and with both daggers, aimed for the target. Qu Ming and Zhen Nan who stood at the high point had a feeling of being one-shotted. Honestly, from the start of the battle, it was not that they did not want to help but they were unable to. Qu Ming focus on Medic skill and he couldn’t find a chance to provide treatment; and Zhen Nan focused on fighting support skill, he was slower than Sashimi and if he threw himself into the fray, he would only be oneshotted.

At that moment, J1-Quick Bell who almost died was incensed and he vented his anger on these two. His massacre was bloody and ruthless. The two players’ destiny was already written at that moment…

Of course, they were not going to accept their defeat so easily. Zhen Nan raised his arms and his hands turned into hails of fists. They fell like rain, covering the sky. But Quick Bell’s daggers moved faster and more savage than the fists!

His daggers were more dexterous in his grasp than normal fist. One move could flow easily into many different variations. He never stopped for a second. Very easily, he sliced away the screen of fists that Zhen Nan had put up…

The small and light daggers unleashed a force that could split a mountain. The building underneath the two players crumbled from the aura from the daggers much less their fleshy bodies. In the flick of a finger, the tornado of daggers swept the rooftop. Among the crumbling building, the two of Hyotei had already been turned into meat paste.


The shot rang out again but it was already too late. Actually…. Even if it came earlier, it wouldn’t have helped. Quick Bell in mid air did not avoid because he knew the shot wouldn’t hit him.

“That one over there…” When the gun rang out, ROOT said, “also doesn’t qualify…” When she said that, she slowly opened her palm and a bullet appeared in it. No one saw how she managed to pluck the bullet out of its trajectory. Perhaps she teleported to intercept the bullet; or she used some kind dimensional-twisting power…

Soon, the answer did not matter anymore. Compared to what ROOT did next, it paled in comparison.

“From the sound… it’s from there?” ROOT used a level gaze to turn to Ming Zi’s direction. “The distance is hard to gauge…” She said as a white energy ball collected at the tip of her finger.

“Then… half a kilometre it’ll be.” She sounded like she just made a casual choice. “Should be enough to make him disappear.”

The white energy ball turned into the size of a water basin in a second. With a flick of her finger, the ball flew out. 3 seconds later, there was a supernova explosion that swallowed that piece of land. Even though it was not as strong as Dragon Slave, but to kill the players in that range, it was already more than enough….

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