
Chapter 11

Gray quickly scavenged through the sectors, gathering everything he could find.

The first thing he got was a large hiking backpack, spacious and waterproof, he got the most expensive one he could find.

After that, he rushed through the store grabbing any supply he deemed necessary. Packet of chips and beans, corn, grains, onions, any ingredients which hadn\'t expired.

Following that, while proceeding carefully, he went over to the fridges, grabbing a water bottle of 5 liters. He later discarded it however as he found a water filtering and sterilizing water bottle. This would have been much better in the long run as he would be able to use it to gather it from natural sources.

There was also no telling how the virus spread. It could have probably infected the city\'s water tanks by now. Therefore, having this would definitely be useful.

Gray grabbed a kitchen knives on the run. A 30 cm long one was the longest he could find. It wasn\'t exactly his main weapon of choice for fighting zombies but it was the only one available to him.

\'Aren\'t there any bats here?\' He wondered

Gray made his way down the sections and rows.

He was around section 6 at the moment, still gathering anything he deemed useful. So far he had done a great job avoiding any zombies which he\'d seen.

After passing by a row filled with sweets, Gray made sure to get some of the chocolate bars he could find and gum bears.



- Section 7

The clothes section.

There were hangers all around, and a variety of different clothes around.

Gray ran around, gathering anything which would be easy to move on, a long with a new pair of underwear\'s, socks and some new shoes which he changed right away.

For his actual clothing, he mainly got shorts and short-sleeved shirts with interesting designs. He wasn\'t able to find many however as there was a lot of blood spilled around.

As he was about to grab his last pair of clothing, gray heard a quiet groan.


It came from behind.

Gray looked back, his eyes widened as it came across the figure of a zombie lunging at him.


Gray swayed to the right, barely avoiding it\'s plunge, landing a fist in it\'s stomach upon doing so, the zombie lacking intelligence, was frozen in the middle of the air, not knowing what had hit him.

After 5 seconds, it was finally able to move again, but by then Gray was gone.



- Section 8.

Fortunately for him, that zombie didn\'t scream and draw any attention, it also seemed incomparably dumber to the previous one.

Gray sighed, he could\'ve fought and killed that zombie, but he didn\'t want to get any blood on his back pack or himself. He had just changed clothes too.

Right now he had bigger things to prioritise.

His backpack was just about filled up.

He had around 10 cans of beans, 10 packs of rice and 10 packs of pasta. 1 self-filtering water bottle, clothes and sweets.

All that he was missing now was medicine. Anything which could help with the pain and fight back the infections around his body.

Section 8 mainly had beauty products so he skipped it. He continuously skipped the sections after as well.

Thanks to all the noise outside, most of the zombies seemed to have gotten out of the store.

Or at least that\'s what Gray thought, until-

- Section 10

The electronic section

"What the hell…?"

Gray began counting the numbers, one by one as he remained hidden by one of the shelves. There were over around four roaming around and that was only based on the ones he could see.

As he walked in a little further, he found another two who were repeatedly walking into the wall, trying to chase the sounds coming from outside.

These numbers were definitely unexpected considering all the noise outside. Were they too far inside the store for them to hear the explosions? That wasn\'t possible.

It was due to the the structure of the section, this one was structured a bit differently as it held all the valuables such as phone and tablets. Even if they wanted to leave this section, they probably weren\'t intelligent enough to do so.

Whilst making sure he avoided them. Gray walked through the section, looking for the closest thing to a USB he could find. His phone used a USB port for it to get charged, unlike the many other new ones.

After scuffling around for a while, he finally found it.

A Charger.

However it wasn\'t the only thing that had caught Gray\'s eyes.

Beside the charger was the latest model of his phone brand. The Zphone 13 Ultra Mini Light Pro Max.

Initially, Gray avoided it, telling himself that he had better things to worry about getting. But the longer he looked at it, the less he cared.

After contemplating for a few seconds, he grabbed the phone, convincing himself that it was all for the better battery life.



- Section 11

Using the Shelves as cover, Gray eventually managed to get past section 10 without being seen. While the zombies were nearly everywhere, one skill Gray had always had was awareness. Being anti-social, it was the one thing which had helped him last for so long.

Finally, after seeing the medical symbol on the ceiling, Gray was certain that he had reached the medical section. Just looking at the shelves he could tell he had.

He had arrived.

But something was odd. There wasn\'t a single zombie in sight.

Not thinking much of it, Gray rushed through the shelves and rows. Grabbing anything he could find as he was unsure of what to get .

From paracetamol to medications for throat and disinfectants such as alcohol and beta dine. Gray got them all.

Throwing them into his bag, he quickly ended up filling it up causing the capacity to be at 90%. At this point he was being weighed down by it\'s weight alone.

\'Maybe I should\'ve put some points into strength he questioned?\' Stopping at the end of the room.

Ahead of him laid med kits, prices ranging from $4.99 to $459.

Naturally, he got the most expensive one. Gray couldn\'t help but smile joyfully whilst doing so, getting free items was the biggest luxury.

After he realized that his mouth was doing, he quickly reverted it back to his poker face, in hopes that he wouldn\'t jinx himself.

\'Whenever I\'m anywhere near happy, bad shit happens.\' He stated.

He was forced out of his happiness however, as he felt a nuzzle, go against the back of his head.

"Don\'t move."

A feminine voice came from behind.

\'See.. He thought to himself.

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