
Chapter 355 - Keep Her In The Dark

"All of your tests came back normal…" one of the doctors trailed off, swiping on his transparent tablet. He let out a curious hum and tilted his head. "But your regeneration cells are abnormally high. Usually, it can be the foretelling signs of early cancer."

"Would I need more testing?" Lina asked.

"Do you feel strange? Does anywhere hurt? Anything bothering you?"

"No, not really," Lina realized with a blink. "I feel healthy."

"Sometimes the healthiest people might have it, given the regeneration cells of your level," he murmured. "Why don\'t we run a few more tests?"

"That\'s fine with me," Lina agreed. "How long should the tests take?"

"Depending on which kind, there will be a few performed. Whilst we wait for it, I\'ll prescribe multivitamins for you. Which blood pill are you more compatible with?"

Lina slowly blinked. Blood pill? Like the ones that vampires take to suppress their urges for blood? Was Lina that pale from the coma that she appeared as a vampire? She forced a laugh, but it sounded strained.

"Oh, well I\'m—"

"She doesn\'t need any. Just prescribe the vitamins." Kaden shot the doctor a warning glower.

The doctor\'s expression was filled with visible confusion. He gazed down at the tablet. But her vitals… they were matching that of an abnormal vampire. He\'d expect—

"If that\'s all, get out."

Lina reached for Kaden\'s hands. She didn\'t understand what pushed him to an edge like this. It was an honest mistake for the doctors. Kaden tightened his grip on her fingers, his face growing murderous when seconds passed.

The temperature dipped. A deadly silence followed. Not a second later, the doctors let out an awkward clearing of their throat. The one that spoke quickly glanced away, unable to voice his concerns, despite his medical profession. Who would dare to go against the man that owns such a high share in the hospital? Not to mention the Hospital Director was much older in appearance than Chairman DeHaven, but still bent and bowed in his presence.

"Ah, before you go, I should stay a while longer in the hospital right?" Lina asked, hoping they\'d agree with her.

"For now, you\'re allowed to depart. If there are any further abnormalities in your blood work, we will notify you for a return."

"So I\'m free to be discharged?"


Lina felt like all of this was rushed. And now, none of the doctors wanted to see her eyes. Letting out a small sigh, she glanced down at her limbs. Everything moved perfectly fine. It didn\'t feel like she was going through a deadly coma at all. What was with this yet startling recovery? It didn\'t make her feel human.

"You\'re completely healed from your coma, Mrs. DeHaven. It is a miraculous recovery," one of the lingering doctors said before sliding out of the door.

Kaden\'s expression turned thunderous. He strolled straight towards the entrance before Lina could even blink. She opened her mouth and he was gone. Her? curiosity got the best of her. By the time she made it to the door, Kaden and the team of doctors were nowhere in sight. But she could feel a dreary atmosphere in the air that foretold an ominous event. When she tried to leave the room, she finally realized the bodyguards that lined each end of the doors. She shifted and their eyes all snapped to her.

"Madam," one of them addressed. "How can we help you?"

"Oh, I\'m not…" Lina paused. The doctor addressed her as Mrs. DeHaven. Did that mean the state of Ritan hadn\'t formally annulled their divorce from five years ago? But that would be impossible.

Lina was certain Kaden signed the divorce papers. He even left properties under her name, none of which she even checked. Estella said the papers were processed. What was going on? Or, was it just Kaden\'s wrongdoing? Did he just lie to the doctors about his identity and that\'s it?

There were far too many concerning questions on Lina\'s mind. Holding back a soft sigh, she shook her head.


Lina returned to her room and crawled back in bed. She was exhausted, despite waking up just today. Slowly and surely, she began to close her eyes. The hospital room was filled with the scent of disinfectants with a tinge of citrus from the humidifier. Soon, Lina fell asleep, hoping the truth would come out soon.

- - - - -

In the dark of the night, when the entire world went to sleep, and the moon was wallowing behind clouds, two men gathered around a cramped coffee table.

"You can\'t keep her in the dark forever." Holton took a slow gulp of his whiskey. Through the rimmed crystal glass, he kept a watchful eye on Hazel.

Hazel slept fondly in the love seat, her father\'s coat over her shoulders, and her tiny body curled in defense. She softly snored, despite already taking a nap in the afternoon.

Holton could never let Hazel out of his sight. He was frightened the second he did so, the very people that seized his wife would come for him as well. Holton had eliminated them all, in the most torturous manner possible, but there could always be a resurfacing.

"You\'re notorious for telling her things only if it brings benefit to either you or both parties," Holton dryly said, swirling the whiskey in between his fingertips. He was intrigued by the amber color, as beautiful as his dear daughter\'s eyes.

"She\'ll find out soon enough."

"When? Holton mused, his lips curled. "When she has already found out the truth on her own or when she overhears it?"

Kaden narrowed his eyes. This bastard was a hypocrite. Will Holton ever tell Hazel what really happened to her mother? Will Holton forever keep his daughter in the dark about who her maternal family was?

Kaden quietly brought the glass of alcohol to his mouth and felt it burn down his throat. Instead of leaving warmth behind, Kaden felt numb and cold.

"Soon," was all Kaden said.

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