成年轻人电影免费 视频

Chapter 2: One Lone Creature

Chapter 2: One Lone Creature

Everything blanked white for a moment. My eyes adjusted as I blinked between rubbing them. The cavern’s walls warped like a crumpled brown bag. The pools of water glowed a bright cyan. Volatile streams of white light cast the environment in an ethereal glow. After passing, it recomposed areas of my surroundings in square, pixelated segments.

This snapped by my vision in seconds. The quaking energies left as quickly as they came. Some of the cavern remained lit up from the water’s light below. These glowing pools revealed blind bats and creepy crawlers.

I winced in disgust. Centering my attention back to me, I found a circle of light surrounding my body. I tapped the edge of the white light before a message popped up in front of me.

Schema fully functional. Distribute stats before finalizing starting position in – |***(ERROR)***| – [BloodHollow Caves]?

I tapped my chin. Micheal disappeared, and our unnamed cavern turned into the BloodHollow Caves. Using my unparalleled intuition, I guessed that this wasn’t exactly the best place to be. I know, I know, hold your applause. I peeked at the screen before glancing around. As I inspected closer, the stone walls were a tinge of purple. I facepalmed. Of course; the cyan pool’s light was bouncing off red stone, making them seem purple.

Thinking more about my situation, I doubted that. Even rocks untouched by light showed signs of this color change. Gazing around, nothing else about the stone altered. I raised an eyebrow as another box opened.

Open attribute menu using thought commands. Distribute the attribute point then finalize selection before selecting a tree point.

As I comprehended the screen’s meaning, another screen appeared in its place.

Level 1 Attributes (1 Point Left)

Strength – [6] – Increases carrying weight, maximum speed, and physical power

Constitution – [5] – Increases the hardness, density, and weight of your body

Endurance – [7] – Increases regeneration of stamina, health, and their totals.

Dexterity – [4] – Increases ease of movement, flexibility, and reflexes.

Willpower – [8] – Increases internal motivation, mana regen, and Mental Resistance.

Intelligence – [4] – Increases memory, critical thinking, and total mana pool.

Charisma – [4] – Increases likeability, persuasion, and decreases prices at shops.

Luck – [3] – Increases money found, odds in your favor, and chances of rare events.

Perception – [4] – Increases comprehension, the five senses, and awareness.

At least the totals made sense. I boxed since middle school, and after taking more punches than I should’ve, I may have slowed down. Slightly. I mean, I assumed fives were average though. That may not have been the case. Either way, I didn’t dwell on it.

As I read over the streams of data, another box appeared beside this one.

Character Screen

Health – 70/70 | 0.70/health per minute | Mana – 40/40 | 0.80/mana per minute |Stamina – 70/70 | 7.00/minute | Damage Resistance – 5%

I raised an eyebrow at the new statuses, and I moved my hand over them for a test. They both couldn’t be blocked from my sight, like the other screens. These displays also bolded their text, maybe for easy viewing. With a little thought, I put my first free point into endurance. Having more health and stamina would help keep me alive, regardless of the circumstances. As I did so, a voice spoke out in my mind.

‘He who laughs last, laughs loudest.’

It sounded like a mixture of an old british narrator and Morgan Freeman. I appreciated the subtle and convincing inflections of the voice, but mostly, it was just cool.

Perk Selection. Choose one.

[Body of Iron – Gives a permanent 10% bonus for endurance, constitution, and strength attribute bonuses]

[Mind of Iron – Gives a permanent 10% bonus to intelligence, perception, and dexterity attribute bonuses]

[Spirit of Iron – Gives a permanent 10% bonus to luck, charisma, and willpower]

Of course, I could’ve tried juggling which cocktail of attributes proved most valuable. Given I understood next to nothing about my situation, I let math make my decision for me. Eighteen of my total attributes remained in Body of Bron, twelve in Mind of Iron, and fifteen for Spirit of Iron. Within seconds, I eliminated Mind of Iron from my choices. It carried too few attribute points. Charisma wouldn’t help me get out of this cave either, so that bonus would be wasted.

My last reason came from usability. I fought often, and so the extra attributes from Body of Iron wouldn’t go to waste. I selected it and hit the finalize button. Immediately, a rush of strength filled me. My body restructured, becoming denser, tougher, and more powerful. I cracked my neck and clasped my hands into fists. My fingers clamped with a quick, satisfying snap. As I did so, the bones of my hand seemed harder, my skin thicker. I clanked them together, finding that observation true.

It was awesome.

Fizzling into the air, the circle of light disappeared from around me. I neared the glowing pool, my only source of light. A flapping sounded above me. Glancing up, a giant, faceless bat glided towards me. Above it was a message.

BloodHollow Bat | Level 34 – BloodHollow Bat’s are generic fodder within these caves. They act as the bottom of the food chain here. You would have to be outright ignorant to die to one. Like really…

I mentally screamed, and not in a girly way mind you. I jumped sideways as it collided into the ground. Stone splintered beneath it, its impact echoing through the cave. This thing was as strong as steel. It’s large, white ears twitched before its mouth turned towards me. The putrid smell of rotten flesh drifted from its maw while it held no eyes. Flapping its wings, the creature cleaned off the broken rock from its hide. One of those wings dripped blood, like something chewed on it.

That injury saved my life.

Skill unlocked! Dodging | Level 1 – When given the chance to act, seize it. In this case, you’ve decided to avoid damage, a worthy pursuit. +1% to dodge speed.

Peering around, I acted in desperation. I picked up a rock before tossing it away from me. Without eyes, I prayed these things relied on sound. If I had some luck today, maybe the echoes would confuse the bat. Luckily enough, it did. The pale, sickly creature dove towards the small rock I threw. Another heavy collision echoed as it landed.

Its mouth chomped onto the rock. Cracks formed on the red stone. A loud crack resounded as that crag crumbled in the bat’s mouth. I shivered in fear. Sprinting to my backpack, I wanted something to fight with. The bat gazed at me, but it didn’t even squeal. These bat’s didn’t use echolocation, instead relying on normal sound.

I zipped open my pack, pulling out some Jerky. I ran from the backpack right as the bat chomped into the peppered meat. As it chewed, I peered at the bat, searching for a weakness. Its alabaster shaded skin showed sleek limbs and muscled wings. The membranes of its wings, black as night, pulsed as the abomination’s heart beat. Scratches coated the wings, creating drips of liquid red flowing from them, especially its left wing. It was from that injury.

An idea popped into my head at the sight. In a mad dash, I charged towards the bat. It turned towards me and roared like thunder. As its mouth closed, I kicked the injured wing on its left side into its closing mouth. The teeth gashed it, slicing through skin and membranes. The small gashes gushed blood, far more than I’d imagined. It lashed its right wing out, slapping my leg.

Skill unlocked! Ave Maria | Level 1 – In hopeless times, you’ve chosen to stand in defiance. Wield that defiance as a weapon, and it will be your friend.

Like a wall of stone, the wing shattered my leg on contact. Bones splintered. My mind went black and red with pain. Like a sack of flour, I flopped onto the rocky ground. I scratched my face and hands as I landed. I hardly noticed them. The fire charging up my legs was agony. Once it reached my head, I was agony.

Skill unlocked! Pain Tolerance | Level 1 – At times, there is no way of avoiding pain. In those dark hours, your will is tested by how well you endure it.

The torment lessened ever so slightly. My vision flashed before I spotted the creature coming towards me. With what little strength I had left, I rolled sideways. The bat flapped its wings, streaking crimson blood from its left wing onto the purple stone. It flopped up towards me, but the injured limb threw it off balance. The bat crashed against the ground, inches from me.

Skill unlocked! Desperation | Level 1 – To feel desperation is to be alive. Take that life and continue forth, an anima of your ambition.

I’d about had it with these damn screens and their motivational quotes. I crawled away from the bat. Everything hazed over outside of the vibrant, crisp pain in my leg. That still radiated through with an absolute, consuming intensity. I didn’t look at it. I’d vomit if I did.

I turned around. The bat’s left wing stuck out in three, odd angles now. Blood squirted from open arteries. It must have crashed from trying to dash forward so fast. That served as my only opportunity to kill it. Even then, nausea grew in my stomach as I faltered. My eyes burned as I wanted to just rest.

Something in me snapped before I gave in, and I swallowed that weakness. Anger formed in its place. This thing had to die. Either that, or I would. I smashed my hands into the stone, breaking fingernails as I desperately crawled away. The monster chomped towards me. The bat’s teeth clamped inches from my butchered foot. I grimaced. The bat inched closer and closer. Inches turned to half inches, then hair lengths. I felt its rancid breath on my foot. I smelled its pouring blood.

My own blood dripped from my hands as I dragged myself away. Sweat poured from my forehead. My teeth grit hard, hard as the stone I was on. I didn’t want to die. This bat wasn’t going to get me if I had anything to say about it. With a last jerk of effort, I closed my eyes before pulling my broken foot away.

Lightning-like pain splashed across my mind in an untamed fury. My limbs stopped responding. My face smeared against the hard floor. Thoughts flashed through my mind. My eyes burned as I grimaced. I couldn’t move. I was going to die.

Death’s Dance | Level 1 – Walking along the edge of your demise is a unique thrill. It carries the implication of great loss, but also, of great gain.

The bat’s chomps echoed in my ears, but faintly, like the bat howled in another room. I glanced back, watching it crawl near me. The alien creature’s blood squirted without the vitality it had before. The monster’s strength worked against it as its heart bled it to death.

The head fell on my shattered leg. Agony roared up the leg once more, but I still couldn’t move. I willed myself too, but nothing responded. Despite that lack of movement, I sure as hell could feel pain. Interrupting my abject torment, a screen popped up in front of me.

Underleveled bonus active. First kill bonus active. 12 level ups gained!

Notifications passed by my eyes as the narrator’s voice reverberated again.

No traveler crosses a thousand miles in a single step. No artist is born knowing his craft. No fighter is born thirsty for blood. They each must earn their masteries, and in those domains, they will be given freedom and power abound.

You have started your journey to join them.

Another message appeared.

Open Attribute menu using thought. Distribute the attribute point(s) then finalize selection before selecting your perk(s).

In desperation, I opened my attribute points before placing ten points into endurance. I remembered the message about moving faster with strength, so I put two points into strength before finalizing the decision. The relief was palpable.

The pain disappeared from my legs. I flexed my toes, relishing the newfound function of them. Man, it was nice having feet that worked again. My mind cleared, though the memory of the pain lingered like a fresh scar. My breathing steadied and my heart beat strong once more. No, it was better than before. I could’ve run a marathon. I could’ve climbed Mount Everest.

At least it felt like it.

At the same time, I gained a firmer awareness of my own strength. The narrator’s voice echoed once more, saying,

‘Those that are immortal stood the test of time.’

A moment passed before another voice spoke aloud, this one rougher around the edges.

‘A mage tried to trick me with big words. Too bad he didn’t have big bones.’

I guessed the quotes were selected based on the attributes I selected. The first saying was for endurance, and the second for strength. Despite the ridiculousness of it all, I admitted to myself that the upgrading aspect was pretty cool. Opening my character screen, I inspected my stats.

Character Screen

Health – 120/198 | 1.98/health per minute | Mana – 40/40 | 0.80/mana per minute | Stamina – 119/198 | 19.8/minute | Physical Resistance – 5.5%

My health lingered near the halfway point despite my level ups. Doing some quick math, I had less than ten health after my first battle. If not for that one point in endurance I placed at the beginning, I’d have died already.

I shivered at the thought of death. The enormity of my situation caught up with me. All of this happened so fast, faster than I comprehended it. Facing a single overleveled enemy almost killed me. If that bat wasn’t dumb as a rock, then I would’ve been a corpse. I blinked as a wave of nausea assaulted me. I almost ended right then and there.

I blinked back tears before vomiting onto the ground beside me. My hands trembled as I took several deep breaths. Once I calmed myself some, I glanced back at the bat behind me. The corpse chilled as a huge stalactite jutted out of its back. That stalactite and its injury saved my life. Glancing closer, I noticed arteries jutting out from the torn wing. The mouth reeked of rotten meat. I keeled over and discharged what little I had left in my stomach.

Staring at the drool laden vomit, I gasped at my situation. This wasn’t some fun game; it was life or death. Before I fell into a depressive spiral, another flap of wings echoed in the distance. My adrenaline spiked as I wiped my mouth. I limped towards a large cluster of rocks. The stones arched into a hidden cove, keeping me away from any of the blind bats.

Hiding behind the crags, I reasoned for a moment. I had nearly twenty endurance and almost nine strength. Not bad, probably. If this system put me into this position, abusing it would be important for my survival. Considering my current situation, I didn’t have time to consider anything else.

Those racing thoughts opened another selection screen, this time for perks.

Perk selection. Choose one(3). Requirements met. New perks Unlocked!

[Tireless(Endurance over 10) – Your endurance is good. Doubles Stamina regeneration.]

[Unyielding(Endurance over 15) – Your endurance is admirable. Doubles health regeneration.]

[|***(ERROR)***| Agony(Death’s Dance, Pain Tolerance, and Desperation unlocked before level ***) – Aura effect draining hp of anything in the effective radius, including the caster. Causes intense pain.]

[Fledgling(Reach level 5) – You’ve just started learning. +10% to experience.]

[Beginner(Reach level 10) – Now you know a little. You can step out of the tutorial zone now.]

The Fledgling and Beginner perks looked like total garbage. Extra exp meant nothing if I died before I got another kill in. Considering my proximity to death so far, I stuck with immediate, effective options in the short term. As for Beginner, the perk helped me get outside of some kind of ‘tutorial’ zone. It would’ve been a great perk if I found myself stuck in a tutorial.

The other perk, Agony, caught my attention more than the others, however. It looked like some kind of system error, the same kind that got me stranded in this cave. Staring around, other bats shifted on the cavern’s roof. I shivered at the thought of many hiding in those dark recesses above.

The outside world must’ve been a better time than this. It had to be, otherwise I wouldn’t have anything to come back to once I escaped BloodHollow. Holding onto that thought, I stopped my shaking hands by squeezing them into fists. Now wasn’t the time for weakness.

Without any more hesitation, I selected Tireless, Unyielding, and Agony since the other perks wouldn’t help me right now. Once I selected those perks, I made my character screen reappear.

Character Screen

Health – 128/198 | 3.96/health per minute | Mana – 40/40 | 0.80/mana per minute | Stamina – 198/198 | 39.6/stamina per minute | Damage Resistance – 5.5%

Looking at the numbers, they explained why I hadn’t passed out yet. The stamina regeneration kept me awake, cranking out forty stamina a minute. As I wondered about the extra tree points, another message popped up.

Select Talent tree for distributing points. Requirements met. Additional trees unlocked.

| I Fledgling[0/5], I Beginner[0/5], I Fighter(Kill a creature 20 levels above you)[0/25], I Determinator(Unyielding and Tireless unlocked and character is below level 15)[0/25] |

I reasoned that if the tree paths for fledgling and beginner were unhelpful as the perks, then I’d avoid them for now. Fighter seemed useful, but Determinator had a level requirement. If I got over level fifteen, it may disappear, but Fighter would remain. That exclusivity made my choice for me.

I put a perk point into Determinator. Nothing happened. I frowned before putting in another. I put three more points in before a notification greeted me.

Those that are determined do not stop. They do not relent. They do not yield. +5% to regeneration stats.

The tree points came from gaining skills. From the looks of it, the Determinator tree was all about regenerating through combat or extended conflicts. Hell, by the time I finished putting points into the tree, I couldn’t have known how much regeneration I’d gain. That gave me hope, and I smiled without thinking. The grin appeared for one reason – I had a way to fight in this cave, though it would be a slow and excruciating one.

I would just kill my enemy before I killed myself.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.