
Chapter 70 Get Out

Katherine was returning from the staff room, she clutched the register tightly around her chest. She didn\'t want miss her class too much so she started to jog but slows down when she saw Adam...he was running in her direction with tears in his eyes.

Stunned by the sight of him crying, Katherine halts movement and stands still. She thought that Adam would stop once he saw her but he didn\'t.

He ran right into her, making her fall down.

Even then, he doesn\'t spare her a glance and continues to run. The papers that were inside the register fell all around the ground and Katherine started picking them. After that she stands up to go...but she couldn\'t. She had seen Adam run into the bathroom.

She didn\'t care for him all too much, but Katherine couldn\'t just leave a person like that...especially now that she could hear him screaming and the sound of glass breaking.



Katherine\'s POV


I slowly open the door to the bathroom.

By the time I reached the bathroom, the screaming had died down. After opening the bathroom I see broken glass everywhere.

In the middle of it all, Adam sat on the floor sobbing his eyes out.

From what I observed of him till now, he was supposed to be an arrogant, obnoxious and quite possibly a mass murderer. But right now, he just looked like a scared little boy looking for a helping hand.

I take a step forward, stepping on some glass.

Noticing the sound, Adam turns around surprised to see me, but the surprise soon leaves his face to be replaced by a glare.

" Get Out.", he rasped out.

I flinch, he looked like a feral beast who had been let loose.

Did I make a mistake coming here....?

I turn around to leave but I find myself unable to leave the bathroom. My father told me that when people are angry, they say the opposite of whatever they were feeling.


So, technically he just said that I shouldn\'t go outside and stay with him....right ?

Seeing that I was slowly edging closer to him, he grunts something and turns away to face the opposite side.

How petty...

I avoid the fallen glass and finally reach Adam, I pat him on the head gently and ask,

" Are you alright ?"

He clears his throat and says in a gruff voice,

" I\'m fine."


I look around the bathroom which looked like it survived an earthquake and say,

" It doesn\'t look like it."

I clear away the broken pieces of the mirror next to him and carefully place my towel on the floor.

I mean....it\'s the bathroom.

After making the necessary preparations, I sit next to him and look into his eyes and ask him once again,

" Are you sure you\'re fine ?"

Adam stares at the ground blankly for a minute and as clarity returns to his eyes he says,

" I\'m not fine."

Then he starts sobbing uncontrollably.

I console him by keeping him under by embrace but seeing that he wasn\'t stopping any time soon I couldn\'t help but wonder what happened to make him so devastated.

But he wasn\'t exactly in a mood for talking now.

We sit there like that for what felt like ages, until Adam falls asleep on my lap.

How the fuck did he get there ?

I try to wake him but stop when I notice that his body was covered in wounds. Pieces of glass had lodged into his skin and he was bleeding a little.

\' It must hurt a lot.\', I think trying to take some of them out.

Just as I was taking out the second piece, the door opens and it\'s Eric.

He looks at the state of the bathroom in shock and asks,

" What happened ?"

I tell him everything I knew and he tells me what happened in class, Adam had apparently just ran out of the class suddenly without any warning at all...


Eric and Katherine both agree that they had to move Adam to his room.

Since he showed no signs of waking up, they both carry him using all their strength to his room. They thought that he would wake up at least now but he still didn\'t.

Upon reaching the room, they lay him down on his bed.

" We should probably head back to class.", Eric said after making sure that Adam was comfortable.

Katherine looked at the still fresh wounds on his body and said,

" You go first, I\'ll catch up with you after patching him up."

Eric offers to help, but Katherine declines as the wounds weren\'t that bad. After Eric left, she runs to her to room and comes back with her first aid kit.

She starts patching up his wounds gently to avoid waking him up.


I put some of the ointment on my finger and then apply it gently on his face in an effort to not wake him up. If he woke up while I was in the middle of this then it would be a little awkward.

But it seems that my efforts were wasted as his eyebrows scrunch up in a frown.

\'Please don\'t wake up.\', I think while holding my breath.

" Don\'t leave...."

I stare in shock as Adam tells me to not leave, well if he wants me to stay that bad I suppose-

" Don\'t leave...mom."

Oh....he was sleep talking....that makes much more sense.

I continue doing first aid while listening to him, after talking about his mom. he starts apologizing as well.

I knew that he was an orphan, so I suppose it makes sense.


I suppose we all have our stories.


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