
Chapter 128 The Past Never Dies

AN: This chapter will jump from the past to present and vice versa. [-^-^-^= time jump]


Jennifer was an extra, she brought nothing to the story....just like me.


\'I\'ve been such a fool.\', I thought backing away from her, even though everything hurt but I knew that if I stopped moving....then I was as good as dead.

" W-why are y-you doing this ?", I manage to speak out...but it was barely a whisper.

But I\'m sure she heard me as there was a slight change in her rather expressionless face.....it was only for a split second but I didn\'t miss it.

Jennifer looked like she was in pain....or maybe she was sad, I\'m not the best at discerning faces when I\'m extreme pain.

" J-jennifer....stop this.", I plead with her sensing that something was amiss.

Why would Jennifer try to kill me ?

Was she a spy for the angels from the very beginning ?

I can\'t take mind control away from the table as well....that was the most probable case as why else would she do this ?

The problem is that my body won\'t move...because of overexerting my [Hell Fire] skill....because I had near endless vitality...theoretically I should be able to use the it for a long period of time but some unknown factor was hindering me from doing so....I already knew all this but I didn\'t think it would be problem since Jennifer was here, who would have thought th-....no,

I just have to find a way to bring her back to normal.


Several months earlier,

" Wake up....Jen."

Jacob Asher nudged her sister awake.

" Hmmmm....what is it ?", Jennifer said rubbing her eyes still half-asleep.

Jacob sighed, shaking his head disapprovingly at his sister.

" Did you forget already ?.....you\'re going to be late for the entrance exam.."

Hearing him, Jennifer\'s eyes widen in shock but only for a instant as she took action quickly.

In a span of five minutes, Jennifer had took a short bath and changed into a proper dress. She runs down to the dining room and grabbed a piece of toast and ran out of her house in a hurry.

" Have some food before you go !", Jennifer\'s mother, Gloria called out to her daughter.

" I down\'t weed food !", Jennifer said...the toast still inside her mouth.

\' I can\'t be late....\', Jennifer thought worried.

Jennifer had been planning for this day for ages, it\'s not every day that you get to take part in the entrance exam for your dream culinary institution. \'Starlight\' was the best high school for students who aspired to be chefs.

\'Starlight\' was basically a Unity for students who aspired to be chefs.

Being a chef had been Jennifer\'s dream ever since she was ten years old and she was finally going to take the first step towards her dream.

Looking at Starlight\'s grandiose school building, she felt nervous but excited as well.

" Here goes nothing....", said Jennifer entering the building, hoping for the best.

Two hours later,

" Urghhhhhhhhh", Jennifer groaned.

" Was it that bad ?", Gloria asked patting her on the shoulder.

Jennifer had returned and she seemed to be in a bad mood, the Asher family was sitting together discussing her entrance exam.

" Well....it wasn\'t bad, but I\'m wasn\'t that satisfied."

" You\'re the best chef I know, so I\'m sure that you\'re gonna get in sis.", Jacob said grinning widely and giving Jennifer a thumbs up.

Seeing her brother, Jennifer\'s mood gets better.

Even though they were twins, Jennifer considered herself the elder one since Jacob was so timid....she had a huge soft spot for her stupid but kind brother.

" He\'s right you know....you really are talented.", Gloria said, a warm smile spread across her face.

" It must be true if you all say so.....heh.", Jennifer said smirking smugly, her face was flushed probably because she was embarrassed.

" When was your exam again ?", Gloria asked Jacob.

Jacob Asher wanted to be a hero, everyone in their family was surprised when Jacob informed them since he didn\'t seem like the \'hero\' type....still his family wholeheartedly supported his dream as well.

" I still have time, the school apparently holds it very late to give us more time to prepare."

" That\'s good....make proper use of this time, Jacob.", Gloria reminded her son.

The three of them talk for awhile more, until small growls from Jennifer\'s stomach echoes around the room.

Gloria smiled and said apologetically,

" Why don\'t you start eating, dear ?"

" No.....we\'ll eat when father comes home.", Jennifer said, her face red like a tomato.

" It seems like he\'s going to be late.....so the two of you can eat now.", Gloria said sounding final.

" He\'s always busy...", Jennifer said scowling, her gaze on the floor.

" Jen.....you know how his job is.....", Gloria said understanding her daughter\'s feelings.

Jennifer and Jacob eat their dinner and go to sleep.

Some time later,

Jennifer woke up, feeling extremely thirsty.

She got up and started walking down the stairs to her kitchen but stopped when she heard voices from downstairs.

" Strange....weak...dangerous...", Jennifer could only make out a few words but it was clearly her father\'s voice.

" So...you\'re finally home huh ?", Jennifer asked glaring at her father.

" I\'m sorry I was late on your big day, honey.", he said smiling apologetically.

"Hmph.", Jennifer entered the kitchen and started gulping down water in anger.

Jennifer\'s father was always like this, it was always work \'this\' or \'that\', sometime it felt like he was more interested in his work than his own children....nonetheless Jennifer loved him, he was actually the reason she wanted to be a chef.

" I\'m sorry, honey.....", he said looking down, Gloria consoled him by patting him on the shoulder.

Jennifer put the now empty glass down and started walking back upstairs to her room.

" You better make it up to me....", Jennifer said turning her back to her father.

" I will...", he said smiling warmly.


" Jennifer.....calm down.", Adam said edging back until his back hit a tree.

Jennifer moved slowly-




With each step she took, Adam\'s heart beat a little more faster.

After closing in on him, Jennifer bends down and looked into his eyes.

" W-why are you...crying ?", Adam asked shocked to find Jennifer crying.

Instead of answering his question, Jennifer pushed Adam down and got on top of him.

Teardrops flowed down from her face and landed on Adam\'s cheek,

" Why did you do it ?", she asked tears not showing any sign of stopping.

Adam tried his best to overpower her, but his body felt too weak and refused to budge.

" Look...whatever you think I did.....I didn\'t do it.....I know !, why don\'t you use that lie detector skill on me....then you\'ll know for sure.", Adam said, honestly just babbling to prevent his imminent death.

" I was planning on doing that...", Jennifer said, anger, pain, sadness..... her face displayed a variety of emotions.

Her eyes slowly start to glow in a blue shade indicating that she was using the skill,

[ Did you---------]


Jennifer had never seen this man and woman before.

They claimed to be her father\'s colleagues.....but he never once mentioned them.

The woman introduced herself as Amanda and the man next to her was Francis.

" We\'re sorry for your loss.", they said bowing their heads and leaving the Asher household.

" It c-can\'t be possible....", Gloria mumbled unable to believe what her husbands co-worker\'s had just informed her.

Jennifer\'s father was missing and.....the police think he ran away.

\'No...that\'s not possible.....he wouldn\'t do that.\', Jennifer thought confused.

\'Something must have happened to him.\', Jennifer thought reaching to the most reasonable conclusion.


[Did you---------]

Hearing her, Adam looked confused.

" What ?.....I don\'t even know who your father is.", Adam said trying his best not to faint.

Jennifer chuckled and said,

" That\'s right....you wouldn\'t.....I\'ll rephrase the question."

Jennifer\'s eyes once again glowed in a shade of blue as she asked,

[ Did you kill Geoffrey....Asher ?]



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