
Chapter 9 09: The Oracle Died?

“We have gathered here today to mourn the death of the royal family-” Maria could not hear those words anymore. Not because it was so traumatic or sad to see.

Rather, it was because it was too boring and dry for Maria’s taste.

And then there were expecting eyes looking at Maria, waiting for her to take up the mantle and take the ceremony over. They made Maria nervous with their hopeful looks.

Princess Neah was standing with the royal family at the stage but her gaze shifted to Maria often enough. There was no pretending that Princess Neah was not looking at her.

“Don’t worry, lady Maria. Just don’t look nervous and you’ll do fine” that was what the princess had told her before the ceremony but Maria was not sure it was going to cut it this time.

No matter how much Maria prepared herself, she knew her face was going to show her nervousness.

Maria had asked her system for advice on the ceremony but all she got in return was a page on customs Maria had read a thousand times before with her teacher. She needed practical knowledge, not bookish words.

“Are you feeling nervous my lady? Perhaps something sweet would lighten your mood” Nao was likely aware of her mood and was trying her best to help Maria feel better. She did not want to disappoint Nao.

Besides, a sweet did sound good to Maria’s ears. It was a rare luxury for Maria. Her mother had rationed her sweet intake in order to control her dietary needs.

So the oracle quietly took the offered sweet and threw it into her mouth.

The candy melted in her mouth and turned into a pleasantly sweet aftertaste. There was a certain back flavor as well but it was not bad.

Also, the candy was working and it made Maria feel numb. And perhaps, a little sleepy as well. Her body felt heavier and her eyes were beginning to fall asleep.

Maybe the lack of sleep was finally catching up to her.

“Let’s go my Lady. We are being called” Maria felt her servant take her arm in a gentle grasp and pull her over toward the stage. Maria’s head was too fuzzy to be able to do it herself.

All she could do was to look at Nao in gratitude.

“You alright? You look a little pale today” Maria’s eyes met the piercing blue eyes of the princess before she felt her body sway. Maybe it was the lack of sleep finally catching up to her.

“Yeah. I’m alright. Let’s finish this ceremony now” Maria moved over to the bodied and stood as tall as her current condition would allow her.

The crowd down below was all but a blur of color. Even the decorations in the vicinity were beginning to lose their shape.

There was a loud and collective gasp as Maria felt herself sway dangerously on her feet. This was not good at all.

“The magic in the vicinity is reacting with the oracle. Someone, hurry and get the oracle out of here or she might die” there were hands on Maria, tugging her away from her position but she did not like them on her.

Those hands were unfamiliar and an invasion of her privacy.

Maria felt her magic swell up and then there was something wet and warm on her face. A gasp of pain followed it from someone in front of her and Maria had a sinking feeling about it.

“The oracle has lost control. Someone hurry and do something” there was mass panic now and Maria felt the weight of a weapon in her hand. Her vision was only good enough to recognize it as a sword.

There was a suspicious amount of red on the sword as well which made alarms ring in Maria’s head.

“Hey, what are you doing? No, don’t. She won’t survive it in her condition” Maria thought she heard Princess Neah’s voice and turned her head toward the princess.

Those pretty blue eyes were wide in shock and fear. And they were looking directly at Maria with that fright. Was there something wrong with Maria? It did not feel like it to her.

There was a collective gasp in the room as the oracle’s unconscious body hit the floor. Latent magic stuck to her body as the spell ran its course.

And then there was panic.

No one could believe their eyes. The oracle had been killed and there was no coming back from this. What’s worse? The nobility had been the one to take this step.

“Someone, check her over. I refuse to believe that she is dead. And you, you will pay for this” everything came to a still at that chilling voice. Nao was the only one brave enough to move and take Maria’s body in her arms.

The crowd looked over to their princess with pity and horror. The poor girl had lost a lot in a sheer amount of time and needed all their support.

However, the nobles had a better view of their lady and the sight of her terrified them all. Those slit blue eyes were not normal and solidified what they all knew - their princess had taken the demonic power.

She was no longer a human, she was the demon king now. The power she emitted was proof enough and it left the nobility panting.

“I-I didn’t mean to but t-the oracle was out of control. You saw that as well, right, and-” there was no time for the offender to be able to utter another word. The princess had already taken off his head.

Her eyes darted anyone else to question her rule but no one dared to do anything. Not even the royal couple at the back could stop her cold rampage.

And they knew that the only one who could do such a thing was dead now. What would happen to this kingdom now?

“Doctor, I want a full report on Maria and her condition. Make sure she survives or you will be next” the people at the top shivered at the cold tone. The ones at the bottom did not know better.

It worked out better that way as well. The princess was the next ruler of the land, after all.

“Y-Your Highness, I’m afraid that the oracle is dead. Her heart has stopped beating and we should prepare for another funeral for her. Her soul needs rest” the doctor saw his life flash before his eyes as the princess looked over at him.

No one could stop the princess should she decide to kill this man.

“Please leave lady Maria’s safety and care to me. I will make sure her body is taken care of till you find a solution for her” there was just one person brave enough to get her words in.

Nao’s unflinching eyes met Princess Neah’s own. It was a staredown between two demons, one no one wanted to interfere in. However, the nobility looked at Nao in disgust while they looked at their princess in fear.

“Fine. I shall trust you this time since you care for Nao in the same way as me. But heed my words, if anything happens to her, then you will pay the prince. I will not be gentle either” there was an edge in Princess Neah’s voice but she finally seemed calmer.

Everyone present near her took a deep breath as the princess’s eyes finally returned to normal and her aura finally diminished.

Finally, she was normal once again. They did not have to fear her.

And no one missed the flash of possessiveness in the princess’s gaze as she looked at the dead oracle. There was no going back for this princess and every one pitied the oracle. She was not safe even in her death.

However, that night a great tragedy occurred over the hospital wing of the castle. It suddenly caught a magical fire and no one survived.

All they found were the traces of the oracle’s life force and the evidence of her demise.

And the next day, a lot of people lost their lives for their carelessness. The princess made sure they knew her displeasure and the world shivered at her newfound rage.

(I\'ll try to post 1 chapter per day and sometimes two as well. Look forward to it.)

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