
Chapter 36 36: The Guild Hall

“Is she a foe? Or a friend?” Nao asked as she gathered her wits. Maria just gave her a small smile before she confirmed.

“A friend” Maria’s voice came out almost fond and she saw the clouded expression on Nao’s face. The other likely believed Maria to be under a charm and Maria made a small motion to confirm her safety.

It caused Nao to gradually relax but her suspicious look did not change the entire time. She looked as if she was about to eat Suna alive.

“Can you stand up? We need to report to the main hall, like, five minutes ago and we are late. Father must be so worried about you both” Suna asked as she moved to help Nao out.

Maria allowed Nao to help since her muscles still protested any sudden motion. She had likely pulled something trying to help Nao out earlier.

The lack of magic had messed Maria up and she had not even realized just how much she relied on her magic to keep her going.

“Father? Do you mean you are the famous guardian Su Suna? I must say I and Maria have heard about you quite a lot” Nao’s words caused a full-blown blush to beak upon that fair face.

Suna looked redder than a tomato and her eyes refused to meet anyone’s eyes. Her eyes still held the glazed look to them and Maria just signaled for Nao to let the matter go for now.

Suna took them through a hallway that felt similar to the one they had walked before. However, this time there was light in their path and they could see where they were going.

Suna stopped before a wall segment and motioned for Maria and Nao to come closer to the wall.

“This is the entrance to the adventurer’s guild but only the guild members can see it. You will need an insignia to get inside so give me your hand” Suna held her hand out with her palm to the cave ceiling.

Maria could see the doubt in Nao’s eyes. Despite her initial bout of trust, Nao was still hesitant to trust Suna fully. It was a good trait that had kept the pair alive for this long and it brought a fond sigh out of Maria.

Nao was really good for her and Maria had no idea how she had managed to land someone like her by her side.

Still, since Nao showed signs of hesitation, it fell onto Maria to make this decision. Suna’s face seemed to be wilting by the second and Maria could see the confidence in her gaze fade by the second.

That is why Maria extended her one hand and held Maria’s hand at the very last second.

The action had been too swift and caused Suna’s fight instincts to activate. Maria had to dodge the incoming strike but she did not let the hand in her hand go. She held into for dear life as she twisted her body.

Two pairs of eyes looked at each other in surprise and Suna straightened her spine to come back to the standing position.

“The insignia please,” Maria asked with a testing tone. She knew she had taken Suna off guard with her unexpected dodge and she had felt her head collide with a soft but firm mound of flesh on the other’s chest.

Maria saw the recognition flash in Suna’s eyes and the blush bloomed on her face within a second of the realization. Maria was now sure that the earlier flushes she had seen on Suna’s face had been because of embarrassment and not because of heat.

“I, Ah-what?” Suna asked in a whisper. Her wide eyes moved from Maria to Noa and then back. Maria watched as the other tried to take in what had happened in front of her eyes.

“I think my friend here mentioned something about the insignia you are supposed to bestow upon us. Don’t delay it” Nao joined in as well. Her tone was light and teasing as well but it never left the soft edge it had.

Their combined presence seemed to be putting Suna off because she looked seconds before bolting.

However, Suna stood her ground and took in a deep breath. The next time she opened her eyes, she looked much more compacted and out together.

“My apologies for my unsightly behavior. Please allow me to bestow upon you the sign of acceptance of Simon’s court. May your journey ahead be fruitful” Maria watched Suna with eager eyes.

She had heard a lot about Simon’s court from her sword teacher. Her first sword teacher had been from Simon’s court and she had some choice words to describe this place.

It was not wrong to say that Maria held expectations about this place from her teacher’s words and was ready to face anything in front of her.

The guildhall did not disappoint with its impressive decore. There were tons and tons of people inside the hall, all of different ages and ethnicities. There were humans, demons, and even half-humans inside there.

They all walked together as if there was no divide between their species and it was the first inter-species segment Maria had seen. There were seldom places with such widespread acceptance and ties as the Adventurer’s guild but even among them, Simon’s court held the mantle of being the biggest one.

“This way. The guild master is waiting for you in the backroom” Suna waved toward them and forced her way through the crown.

The crowd did not part to give her the way. They seemed not to even notice her, nor the other two following after Suna. The crowd pushed and pulled the three but they did manage to make it to the other end in time and intact.

“Finally. Now, I must warn you that the guild master can come off as rather intimidating but he’s a good guy inside. Don’t let him get to you” Maria watched with an amused face as Suna tried to warn them.

She seemed to want them to have a nice impression of this place and her father which left Maria feeling amused.

Suna had no idea that her words and actions were not needed. Nao had already signaled for Maria to trust the guild master and to seek his help.

Besides, he was the only one who could help the pair right now. With the trains closed for working, the adventurer’s guild was the only other option if someone wanted to get out of this city.

Maria and Nao were not spoilt for choices here.

Suna opened the door and ushered the pair inside. The room only had one other occupant except for the three females that had entered it and it was an elder man well wrinkled and wise in his ears.

The noise of the door caused the old man to come out of his meditation and his fragile body moved in a small bow toward Maria.

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